
Tapper - Central master control program of Tapper automation
Control one specific testrun on MCP side
Generate config for a certain test run
Shared code for all modules that only handle one specifid testrun
Object for cleaner API of handling mcp_info
Wait for new testruns and start a new child when needed.
Reset by calling an executable
Reset via OSRC reset script
Reset via Infratec PM211MIP multi-socket outlet
Scheduling algorithm "Weighted Fair Queueing"
Main class of the scheduler
Produces required preconditions for kernel tests
Produces a package precondition that installs the newest package from a given directory.
Produces required preconditions for kernel tests
Wraps the existing temare producer
Object for test queue abstraction
the central "Master Control Program"
Keep state information for one specific test run
Encapsulate state_details attribute of MCP::State


in lib/Tapper/MCP/
in lib/Tapper/MCP/Net/Reset/
in lib/Tapper/MCP/Net/