Take old or new format Word files and spit out extremely clean HTML.
Because of the PITA involved in processing Word files, I have punted most of the work to Libreoffice and tidy.
Which means that you must have the binary programs tidy and libreoffice installed.
package My::Word::Converter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use MSWord::ToHTML;
my $converter = MSWord::ToHTML->new;
my $doc = $converter->validate_file("/home/myself/my_excellent_writing.doc");
# This returns an instance of MSWord::ToHTML::Doc
my $docx = $converter->validate_file("/home/myself/my_excellent_notes.docx");
# This returns an instance of MSWord::ToHTML::DocX
my $writing_html = $doc->get_html;
# This returns an instance of MSWord::ToHTML::HTML
my $notes_html = $docx->get_html;
# This returns an instance of MSWord::ToHTML::HTML
my $text = $notes_html->content;
# The text content of the file.
my $text = $writing_html->content;
# The text content of the file.
MSWord::ToHTML is a Moose class, so new is Moose's constructor.
This gets you the only thing you need, which is an object ready to give you its HTML.
This is the other important method, that gives you an MSWord::ToHTML::HTML object that contains:
- file
An IO::All::File object from the html file written to your temp directory. I haven't tested this on Windows, but the module attempts to be agnostic with regards to temporary directories.
Because of the type conversions involved, that file object stores its content in a scalarref, which is an IO::All::String object. To use it directly, use
my $long_html_string = ${$notes_html->file};
- content
This module does that dereferencing for you in this convenience method on MSWord::ToHTML::HTML.
my $long_html_string = $notes_html->content;
- images
A Path::Class::Dir containing all the images or static files associated with your html document, so that you can iterate over them and copy them to a destination of your choosing.
I used Path::Class::Dir instead of IO::All's directory methods because it's friendlier:
my @image_files = $writing_html->images->children;
Amiri Barksdale, <>
Copyright (c) 2013 the MSWord::ToHTML "AUTHOR" listed above.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.