CGI::WML - Subclass LDS's "" for WML output and WML methods


use CGI::WML;

$query = new CGI::WML;

            -title=>"First card",
            -content=>"<p>Hello WAP world!</p>"),


($page_title,$content) = $query->html_to_wml($buffer);


This is a library of perl functions to allow programming to be applied to WAP/WML. Since this is a subclass of Lincoln Stein's all the normal methods are available. See perldoc CGI if you are not familiar with

The most up to date version of this module is available at


The library provides an object-oriented method of creating correct WML, together with some canned methods for often-used tasks. As this module is a subclass of, the same argument-passing method is used, and arguments may be passed in any order.



This function now overrides the default 'Content-type: ' header to be 'text/vnd.wap.wml' by default. All the standard header functions are still available for use.

print $query->header();

print $query->header(-expires=>"+1m",
                     -Refresh=>'20; URL='/newplace.wml');
start_wml() Use the start_wml method to create the start of a WML deck, if you wish you can pass paramaters to the method to define a custom DTD, XML language value and any 'META' information. If a DTD is not specified then the default is to use WML 1.1

$query->start_wml(-dtd => '-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 5.5//EN', -dtd_url => '', -lang => 'en-gb', -encoding => 'iso-8859-1', -meta => {'scheme'=>'foobar', 'name' =>'mystuff'} );

There is no direct support for the HTTP-EQUIV type of <meta> tag. This is because you can modify the HTTP header directly with the header() method. For example, if you want to send the Cache-control: header, do it in the header() method:

$q->header(-cache_control=>'No-cache; forua=true');


Use end_wml() to end the WML deck. Just included for completeness.



Cards are created whole, by passing paramaters to the card() method, as well as the card attributes, a timer may be added to the start of the card.

$query->card(-id=>"card_id", -title=>"First Card", -ontimer=>"#next_card", -timer=>$query->timer(-name=>"timer1",-value=>"30"), -newcontext=>"true", -onenterforward=>"#somecard", -onenterbackward=>"#othercard", -content=>"<p>Hello WAP world</p>");

The 'ID' and 'Content' elements are manditory, and have no defaults. All other parameters are optional.


The template() method creates a template for placing at the start of a card. If you just need to add a back link, use the prev() method.

$query->template(-content=>$query->prev(-label=>"Go Back"));


A card timer is used with the card() method to trigger an action, the function takes two arguments, the name of the timer and it's value in milliseconds.

$query->timer(-name=>"mytimer", -value=>"30");


A <go block is created either as a single line

$query->go(-method=>"get", -href=>""); <go href="" method="get"/> or as a block

%pfs = ('var1'=>'1', 'var2'=>'2', 'varN'=>'N');

$query->go(-method=>"post", -href=>"", -postfields=>\%pfs);

<go href="" method="get"> <postfield name="var1" value="1"/> <postfield name="var2" value="2"/> <postfield name="varN" value="N"/> </go>

depending on wether it is passed a hash of postfields.


$query->do(-type=>"options", -label=>"Menu", -content=>qq(go href="#menu"/>)); gives

<do type="options" label="Menu" > <go href="#menu"/> </do>


A canned 'back' link, takes an optional label argument. Default label is 'Back'. For use in templates


<do type="accept" label="Reverse"><prev/></do>


Create an input entry field. No defaults, although not all arguments need to be specified.

$query->input(-name=>"pin", -value=>"1234", -type=>"text", -size=>4, -title=>"Enter PIN", -format=>"4N", -maxlength=>4, -emptyok=>"false");


An onevent element may contain one of 'go','prev','noop' or 'refresh' and be of type 'onenterforward', 'onenterbackward' or 'ontimer'.

$query->onevent(-type=>"onenterforward", -content=>qq(<refresh> <setvar name="x" value="1"/> </refresh>));


An image can be created with the following attributes:

alt       Text to display in case the image is not displayed
align     can be top, middle, bottom
src       The absolute or relative URI to the image
localsrc  a variable (set using the setvar tag) that refers to an image
          this attribute takes precedence over the B<src> tag
hspace    amount of white space to inserted to the left and right 
          of the image [hspace] or above and below the image [vspace] 
width     These attributes are a hint to the user agent to leave space
          for the image while the page is rendering the page.  The 
          user agent may ignore the attributes.  If the number length 
          is passed as a percent the resulting image size will be
          relative to the amount of available space, not the image size.

my $img = $query->img( -src => '/icons/blue_boy.wbmp', -alt => 'Blue Boy', -localsrc => '$var', -vspace => '25', -hspace => '30 -align => 'bottom', -height => '15', -width => '10');

NOTE the localsrc element, and formatting elements are not supported consistently by the current generation of terminals, however they should simply ignore the attributes they do not understand.

Dial Tags

When using cell phones in WAP you can make calls. When a dial tag is selected the phone drops out of the WAP stack and into what ever is the protocol used for phone calls. At the conclusion of the call the phone should return to the WAP stack in the same place that you linked to the phone number.

The tag looks much like a regular link, but has some special syntax.

$query->dialtag(-label =>"Joe's Pizza", -number=>"12125551212");

The recieving terminal must support WTAI for this link to work.


p b br table etc. etc. Just like the original, this module includes functions for creating correct WML by calling methods of a query object.

WML Shortcuts may be called in two ways;

With a single parameter, which will be the content of the tag, for example;

  Perl code                           WML Result
---------------------            ---------------------
$query->b("Bold text);               <b>bold</b>
$query->p("Hello");                  <p>Hello</p>

$query->p($query->b("Hello"));       <p><b>Hello</b></p> 

$query->br();                        <br/> # "No-close" tags are
                                           # automatically dealt with

Alternatively, they can be called with a list of arguments, specifying content and attibutes.

     Perl code                           WML Result
     ---------------------            ---------------------
     $query->p(-align=>"left",        <p align="left">Hi there</p>
               -content=>"Hi there");
When being called with the second syntax, the 'content' parameter
specifies the content of tags. 

All WML 1.1 tags are available via this method.


$query->wml_to_wmlc(-wml=>$buffer, -errorcontext=>2); # default 0

A WML to WBXML converter/compiler is included for convinience purposes, although it is not intended to replace the compiler on the WAP gateway it may prove useful, for example measuring what the compiled document size will be.

$size = length($query->wml_to_wmlc(-wml=>$wml,

    NOTE WBXML string tables are used to compress the document size down as small as possible, giving excellent document size performance. Because of this though, the size returned by the function may be smaller than the size of the WBXML document created by the WAP gateway. Turning this feature off will be an option in future releases.

The function takes two arguments, a buffer of textual WML and an optional argument specifiying that should the XML parser fail then X many lines of the buffer before and after the point where the error occured will be printed to show the context of the error.

ERRORCONTEXT WARNING Setting this to any non-zero value will cause your program to exit if the routine is passed WML which is not "well formed" this is due to the fact that XML::Parser calls die() upon such events.

If you wish to test wether a WML document is well formed, then set this value to zero and check the return value of the function. The function returns undef upon failiure and issues a warning, anything other than undef indicates success.


($title,$content) = $query->html_to_wml($buffer);


($title,$content) = $query->html_to_wml(\*FILEHANDLE);

A limited HTML to WML converter is included in this package. Be warned that only pretty well marked-up HTML will convert cleanly to WML. Dave Ragget's excellent tidy utility [ see ] will clean up most HTML into a parseable state.

The main purpose of this function is for converting server error messages and the "Compact HTML" used on "I-Mode" systems to readable WML, not for general page translation.

Potential users of this function are encouraged to read the source to this module to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanics of the translation.


Version 0.06

Andy Murren <>

Versions 0.01 - 0.05

Angus Wood <>, with loads of additions and improvements by Andy Murren <>


Wilbert Smits <> for the header() function content-type override.


Version 0.06

Corrected TempFile to CGITempFile in html_to_wml(). This was causing the tests to fail.


perl(1), perldoc CGI, tidy(1)

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1356:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 1586:

=back without =over

Around line 1601:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1604:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'