The Msql Perl Adaptor: Simple Perl interface to the mSQL database
use Msql;
$dbh = Connect Msql;
$dbh = Connect Msql $host;
$dbh = Connect Msql $host, $database;
SelectDB $dbh $database;
$sth = ListFields $dbh $table;
$sth = Query $dbh $sql_statement;
@arr = ListDBs $dbh;
@arr = ListTables $dbh;
@arr = FetchRow $sth;
DataSeek $sth $row_number;
This package is designed as close as possible to its C API counterpart. The manual that comes with mSQL describes most things you need.
Internally you are dealing with the two classes Msql
and Msql::Statement
. You will never see the latter, because you reach it through a statement handle returned by a Query or a ListFields statement. The only class you name explicitly is Msql. It offers you the Connect command:
$dbh = Connect Msql;
$dbh = Connect Msql $host;
$dbh = Connect Msql $host, $database;
This connects you with the desired host/database. With no argument or with an empty string as the first argument it connects to the UNIX socket /dev/msql, which is a big performance gain. A database name as the second argument selects the chosen database within the connection. The return value is a database handle if the Connect succeeds, otherwise the return value is undef.
You will need this handle to gain further access to the database. Issue multiple Connect
statements -- no problem.
SelectDB $dbh $database;
If you have not chosen a database with the Connect
command, or if you want to change the connection to a different database using a database handle you have got from a previous Connect
, then use SelectDB.
$sth = ListFields $dbh $table;
$sth = Query $dbh $sql_statement;
These two work rather similar as descibed in the mSQL manual. They return a statement handle which lets you further explore what the server has to tell you. On error the return value is undef.
@arr = ListDBs $dbh;
@arr = ListTables $dbh;
An array is returned that contains the requested names without any further information.
@arr = FetchRow $sth;
returns an array of the values of the next row fetched from the server.
DataSeek $sth $row_number;
lets you specify a certain offset of the data associated with the statement handle. The next FetchRow will then return the appropriate row (first row being 0).
No close statement
Whenever the scalar that holds a database or statement handle looses its value, Msql chooses the appropriate action (frees the result or closes the database connection). So if you want to free the result or close the connection, choose to do one of the following:
- undef the handle
- use the handle for another purpose
- use the handle inside a block and declare it with my()
- exit the program.
Now lets reconsider the above methods with regard to metadata.
Database Handle
As said above you get a database handle with
$dbh = Connect Msql $host, $database;
The database handle knows about the socket, the host, and the database it is connected to.
You get at the three values with the methods
$scalar = $dbh->sock;
$scalar = $dbh->host;
$scalar = $dbh->database;
database returns undef, if you have connected without or with only one argument.
Statement Handle
Two constructor methods return a statement handle:
$sth = ListFields $dbh $table;
$sth = Query $dbh $sql_statement;
$sth knows about all metadata that are provided by the API:
$scalar = $sth->numrows;
$scalar = $sth->numfields;
$arrref = $sth->table; the names of the tables of each column
$arrref = $sth->name; the names of the columns
$arrref = $sth->type; the type of each column, defined in msql.h
and accessible via &Msql::CHAR_TYPE,
&Msql::INT_TYPE, &Msql::REAL_TYPE,
$arrref = $sth->is_not_null; array of boolean
$arrref = $sth->is_pri_key; array of boolean
$arrref = $sth->length; array of the length of each field in bytes
The -w
Also with Msql the -w switch is your friend! If you call your perl program with the -w switch you get the warnings that normally are stored in $Msql::db_errstr on STDERR. This is a handy method to get the error messages from the msql server without coding it into your program. If you want to know in greater detail what's going on, set the environment variables that are described in David's manual. David's debugging aid is excellent, there's nothing to be added.
If you want to use the -w switch but do not want to see the error messages from the msql daemon, you can set the variable $Msql::QUIET to some true value, and they will be suppressed.
mSQL is a libmsql.a library written by David Hughes You get that stuff at "/" in URL: ftp:.
To use the adaptor you definitely have to install this library first.
andreas koenig koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE
Msql does not support Tim Bunce's Database Interface DBI (yet :')