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package Devel::DTrace;
require 5.008;
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Devel::DTrace - Enable dtrace probes for subroutine entry, exit
$ perl -MDevel::DTrace &
$ ps -af | grep perl
$ dtrace -p <PID> -s examples/subs-tree.d
$ cat examples/subs-tree.d
#pragma D option quiet
perlxs$target:::sub-entry, perlxs$target:::sub-return {
printf("%s %s (%s:%d)\n", probename == "sub-entry" ? "->" : "<-",
copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1), arg2);
This module is alpha. Use with care. Expect problems. Report bugs.
Sun's dtrace tool is currently supplied with Solaris and Mac OS 10.5. It
allows probes to be attached to a running executable so that debug information
may be gathered.
This module provides probes for subroutine entry and exit. See
F<examples/subs-tree.d> for an small example D script that uses them.
=head2 C<dtperl>
When you install C<Devel::DTrace> you will also get a custom Perl
interpreter called C<dtperl> which automatically installs the dtrace
instrumented runops loop at startup. Any Perl program run under
C<dtperl> can be probed using C<dtrace>.
=head2 Limitations
Note that C<dtrace> can't find any probes in the Perl executable until
after C<Devel::DTrace> has loaded - because before then the probes don't
exist. That means that you can't use C<dtrace> to launch the perl
executable. Perl must already be running and have loaded
C<Devel::DTrace> before you can connect to it with C<dtrace>.
The C<dtperl> interpreter does not have this limitation.
On Solaris C<dtperl> is statically linked and therefore probably not
much use. Working out why I can't build a dynamic C<dtperl> is high on
my todo list.
=head2 Other Notes
It's difficult to test the dtrace probes. To do so the tests would have
to run as root and I don't like doing that. So that I can get I<some>
test coverage the environment variable C<DEVEL_DTRACE_RUNOPS_FAKE>
causes the probes to send output directly to STDOUT rather to dtrace.
Note that this variable is only checked when C<Devel::DTrace> is
loaded or C<dtperl> starts up so it can't be used to toggle tracing on
and off while a process is running. However you may find it convenient
in some cases to
our $VERSION = '0.07';
bootstrap Devel::DTrace $VERSION;
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Armstrong <>
Copyright (c) 2008, Andy Armstrong C<< <> >>. All
rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.