Changes for version 3.15 - 2009-02-17

  • Refactor getter/setter generation into TAP::Object.
  • The App::Prove::State::Result::Test now stores the parser object.
  • After discussion with Andy, agreed to clean up the test output somewhat. t/foo.....ok becomes t/foo.t ... ok
  • Make Bail out! die instead of exiting. Dies with the same message as 2.64 for (belated) backwards compatibility.
  • Alex Vaniver's patch to refactor TAP::Formatter::Console into a new class, TAP::Formatter::File and a common base class: TAP::Formatter::Base.
  • Fix a bug where PERL5LIB might be put in the wrong spot in @INC. #40257
  • Steve Purkis implemented a plugin mechanism for App::Prove.


contributing to TAP::Harness
Run tests through a TAP harness.


Implements the prove command.
State storage for the prove command.
Individual test suite results.
Individual test results.
Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::Parser and TAP::Harness
Harness output delegate for default console output
Run Perl test scripts with color
Harness output delegate for default console output
Harness output delegate for parallel console output
Harness output delegate for default console output
Harness output delegate for file output
Harness output delegate for file output
Abstract base class for harness output delegate
Run test scripts with statistics
Base class that provides common functionality to all TAP::* modules
Parse TAP output
Aggregate TAP::Parser results
A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
Internal base class for TAP::Parser Iterators
Internal TAP::Parser array Iterator
Internal TAP::Parser Iterator
Internal TAP::Parser Iterator
Internal TAP::Parser Iterator
Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers
Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
Bailout result token.
Comment result token.
Plan result token.
TAP pragma token.
Test result token.
Unknown result token.
TAP syntax version token.
YAML result token.
Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects
Schedule tests during parallel testing
A single testing job.
Stream output from some source
Stream Perl output
Internal TAP::Parser utilities
Read YAMLish data from iterator
Write YAMLish data
Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics