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use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
use vars qw($VERSION);
use constant STATE_VERSION => 1;
=head1 NAME
App::Prove::State::Result - Individual test suite results.
=head1 VERSION
Version 3.19
$VERSION = '3.19';
The C<prove> command supports a C<--state> option that instructs it to
store persistent state across runs. This module encapsulates the results for a
single test suite run.
# Re-run failed tests
$ prove --state=fail,save -rbv
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Class Methods
=head3 C<new>
my $result = App::Prove::State::Result->new({
generation => $generation,
tests => \%tests,
Returns a new C<App::Prove::State::Result> instance.
sub new {
my ( $class, $arg_for ) = @_;
$arg_for ||= {};
my %instance_data = %$arg_for; # shallow copy
$instance_data{version} = $class->state_version;
my $tests = delete $instance_data{tests} || {};
my $self = bless \%instance_data => $class;
return $self;
sub _initialize {
my ( $self, $tests ) = @_;
my %tests;
while ( my ( $name, $test ) = each %$tests ) {
$tests{$name} = $self->test_class->new(
{ %$test,
name => $name
$self->tests( \%tests );
return $self;
=head2 C<state_version>
Returns the current version of state storage.
sub state_version {STATE_VERSION}
=head2 C<test_class>
Returns the name of the class used for tracking individual tests. This class
should either subclass from C<App::Prove::State::Result::Test> or provide an
identical interface.
sub test_class {
return 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test';
my %methods = (
generation => { method => 'generation', default => 0 },
last_run_time => { method => 'last_run_time', default => undef },
while ( my ( $key, $description ) = each %methods ) {
my $default = $description->{default};
no strict 'refs';
*{ $description->{method} } = sub {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{$key} = shift;
return $self;
return $self->{$key} || $default;
=head3 C<generation>
Getter/setter for the "generation" of the test suite run. The first
generation is 1 (one) and subsequent generations are 2, 3, etc.
=head3 C<last_run_time>
Getter/setter for the time of the test suite run.
=head3 C<tests>
Returns the tests for a given generation. This is a hashref or a hash,
depending on context called. The keys to the hash are the individual
test names and the value is a hashref with various interesting values.
Each k/v pair might resemble something like this:
't/foo.t' => {
elapsed => '0.0428488254547119',
gen => '7',
last_pass_time => '1219328376.07815',
last_result => '0',
last_run_time => '1219328376.07815',
last_todo => '0',
mtime => '1191708862',
seq => '192',
total_passes => '6',
sub tests {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{tests} = shift;
return $self;
my %tests = %{ $self->{tests} };
my @tests = sort { $a->sequence <=> $b->sequence } values %tests;
return wantarray ? @tests : \@tests;
=head3 C<test>
my $test = $result->test('t/customer/create.t');
Returns an individual C<App::Prove::State::Result::Test> instance for the
given test name (usually the filename). Will return a new
C<App::Prove::State::Result::Test> instance if the name is not found.
sub test {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
croak("test() requires a test name") unless defined $name;
my $tests = $self->{tests} ||= {};
if ( my $test = $tests->{$name} ) {
return $test;
else {
my $test = $self->test_class->new( { name => $name } );
$self->{tests}->{$name} = $test;
return $test;
=head3 C<test_names>
Returns an list of test names, sorted by run order.
sub test_names {
my $self = shift;
return map { $_->name } $self->tests;
=head3 C<remove>
$result->remove($test_name); # remove the test
my $test = $result->test($test_name); # fatal error
Removes a given test from results. This is a no-op if the test name is not
sub remove {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
delete $self->{tests}->{$name};
return $self;
=head3 C<num_tests>
Returns the number of tests for a given test suite result.
sub num_tests { keys %{ shift->{tests} } }
=head3 C<raw>
Returns a hashref of raw results, suitable for serialization by YAML.
sub raw {
my $self = shift;
my %raw = %$self;
my %tests;
for my $test ( $self->tests ) {
$tests{ $test->name } = $test->raw;
$raw{tests} = \%tests;
return \%raw;