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XML::Descent Tutorial
As I gather more usage examples, hints and tips they'll appear here. For now as an example, here's a complete parser for GPX 1.0 and 1.1
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my $xml = shift;
my $p = XML::Descent->new({ Input => \$xml });
$p->on(gpx => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $version = $self->{version} = $attr->{version};
my $parse_deep = sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $ob = $attr; # Get attributes
return $ob;
# Parse a point
my $parse_point = sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $pt = $parse_deep->($elem, $attr);
return $self->{handler}->{create}->(%{$pt});
$p->on('*' => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{$elem} = _trim($p->text());
$p->on(time => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
my $tm = str2time(_trim($p->text()));
$ctx->{$elem} = $tm if defined($tm);
if (_cmp_ver($version, '1.1') >= 0) {
# Handle 1.1 metadata
$p->on(metadata => sub {
$p->on(['link', 'email', 'author'] => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{$elem} = $parse_deep->($elem, $attr);
} else {
# Handle 1.0 metadata
$p->on(url => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{link} ||= { };
$ctx->{link}->{href} = _trim($p->text());
$p->on(urlname => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{link} ||= { };
$ctx->{link}->{text} = _trim($p->text());
$p->on(author => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{author} ||= { };
$ctx->{author}->{name} = _trim($p->text());
$p->on(email => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
my $em = _trim($p->text());
if ($em =~ m{^(.+)\@(.+)$}) {
$ctx->{author} ||= { };
$ctx->{author}->{email} = {
id => $1,
domain => $2
$p->on(bounds => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{$elem} = $parse_deep->($elem, $attr);
$p->on(keywords => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
$self->{keywords} = [
map { _trim($_) } split(/,/, $p->text())
# Parse a waypoint
$p->on(wpt => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
push @{$self->{waypoints}}, $parse_point->($elem, $attr);
$p->on(['trkpt', 'rtept'] => sub {
my ($elem, $attr, $ctx) = @_;
push @{$ctx->{points}}, $parse_point->($elem, $attr);
# Parse a route
$p->on(rte => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $rt = $parse_deep->($elem, $attr);
push @{$self->{routes}}, $rt;
# Parse a track
$p->on(trk => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $tk = { };
$p->on(trkseg => sub {
my ($elem, $attr) = @_;
my $seg = $parse_deep->($elem, $attr);
push @{$tk->{segments}}, $seg;
push @{$self->{tracks}}, $tk;
(taken from Geo::Gpx)