my $address = new Geo::Address::Mail::US;
my $ms = new Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS::AMS;
my $result = $ms->standardize($addr);
$result->address; # new standardized Geo::Address::Mail::US object
$result->multiple; # boolean indicating whether multiple addresses are returned.
$result->single; # boolean indicating whether a single address was returned.
$result->found; # integer indicating the number of candidates
$result->error; # string with an error message
$result->default; # boolean indicating a Z4_DEFAULT return code, which means:
# "An address was found, but a more specific address could be
# found with more information"
$result->candidates; # reference to an array of Geo::Address::Mail::US objects, all
# of which are possible matches
$result->changed; # A hashref whose values are key => 1 pairs indicating which
# fields were changed during standardization
$result->standardized_address; # The standardized address, in the case of a single
# matching address
The results of a call to Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS::AMS's standardize method.