Async::Simple::Pool - Simple manager of asyncronous tasks


Simplest way:

    use Async::Simple::Pool;
    use Data::Dumper;

    my $task = sub{
        my $data = shift;

        return $data->{i} * 10;

    my $data = [ { i => 1 }, { i => 2 }, { i => 3 } ];

    my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, $data );

    my $result = $pool->process;

    say Dumper $result;

    $VAR1 = [

Next step ( $pool->new() with various param sets ):

    Init of pool must be done in different ways:

    If you pass $data to $pool->new() then all processes will be started immediately.
    You can call $pool->process after "new" and get your results in no time.

    # Few ways to create pool object:

        my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, $data );

        my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( %pool_params );               # Creates a new pool. The only one param "task" is required by default.

        my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, %pool_params );        # "$task" is required, al params are optional

        my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $data, %pool_params );        # $data - required, all pool_params except "task" are optional

        my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, $data, %pool_params ); # $task, $data - required, all pool_params are optional

    By default $task is required and must be a CodeRef.
    For example: $task = sub { my $task_X_data = shift; some useful code; return $task_X_result };

    $data can be ArrayRef of your tasks params. $data = [ $task_data1, $task_data2, ... ];

    Also $data can be HashRef of your tasks params. $data = { task_id1 => $task_data1, task_id2 => $task_data2, ... };
    In this case you can pass any scalars as keys of this hash. They will be mirrored into result

    The "pool->new()" creates "$pool->tasks_count" count of "$pool->task_class objects".
    By default task_class is "Async::Simple::Task::Fork".
    In this case "$pool->tasks_count" processes will be preforked (10 by default).
    Each of them starts to wait for data which will be provided by pool later.

    This is the main dispatcher of pool.
    It behavior depends on %pool_params.
    If you pass $data to $pool->process, this data will be added to execution.
    $results = $pool->process( $data );

    Type of $result depends on pool params that you pass in $pool->new( %pool_params );
    By default result is arrayref.

Yet another step, %pool_params:

    data          - ArrayRef/HashRef. A data for tasks, as described above,

    tasks_count   - Integer number of workers. 10 by default.

    flush_data    - 1 - remove or 0 - don't remove results from pool, when they has been readed by $pool->process()

    result_type   - list (list of ready results) / full_list (list of all results) / hash (hash of ready results)

    break_on      - busy (when all workers are busy) / run(all data is executing) / done (all result are ready)

    task_class    - see explanation below. For example 'Your::Task::Class';

    task_params   - Any params you wish to pass to each task object to $task->new( %$here ).

Last step: your own task class:

    You can make your own class of task. This class MUST has at least this code:

    package Your::Task::Class;

    use parent 'Async::Simple::Task';

    # Trying to read result.
    # If result found, call $self->result( $result );
    # If result is not ready, do nothing
    sub get {
        my $self = shift;

        return unless you have result;

        # result can be undef; Don't worry, all will be ok!
        $self->result( $result );

    # Just push data to execution in your way
    sub put {
        my ( $self, $data ) = @_;

        $self->clear_answer; # Optional, if you plan to use your package regardlessly from this pool.

        # Pass your data to your processor here



Allows to work with pool of async processes.

There are many other similar packages you can find on CPAN: Async::Queue, Anyevent::FIFO, Task::Queue, Proc::Simple.

The main difference of this package is convenience and simplicity of usage.





After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

perldoc Async::Simple::Task

You can also look for information at:

    RT, CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)

    AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

    CPAN Ratings

    Search CPAN




This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
copy of the full license at:



You can pass hashref or arrayref as data

When it is array, then each item of it will be passed to task as task params
ids for internal format will be generated automatically by increasing from 0

When is is hashref, then each value of hash will be passed to task as task params
ids for internal format will be the same as in your hash

In both cases it converts to internal format = { id => { source => paramref1, result => if_processed1 }, { source => paramref2, result => if_processed2 },  ... };


Tasks_count - a number of tasks that will be created (defailt is 10).


flush_data - remove used data and results after is has been readed in $self->process;


results_type = [hash|list|fulllist]

when 'list'     - returns all results as list without placing them to the order of source data

when 'fulllist' - returns all results as list with the full accordance to the source data order and positions

when 'hash'     - resurns hash, where index is the position of corresponding source data item and value - result


Condition of stopping waiting for results and do something other before next check.

'busy' = $self->process will exit after filling all the tasks with tasks, without any checks

'run'  = $self->process will end straight after the last task started

'done' = $self->process will wait until all the tasks have finished their work

Default is 'done'


Task object class name

Default is 'Async::Simple::Fork'


Task init params.

You can pass all these params directly into pool constructor.

In this case task_params will be separated by magic;)

new( some various params )

my $pool    = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task );                   # Process should be started below.

my $pool    = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, \@data );           # Process will be started inside new.

my $pool    = Async::Simple::Pool->new( \@data, task => $task );   # Process will be started inside new.

my $results = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task, \@data )->results;  # Just do everything and give me my results!

my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( task => $task );              # Minimal init with hash of params, all by default, process sould be started manually below

# full list of params for default task type (Async::Simple::Fork) with default values.

my $pp = Async::Simple::Pool->new(
    tasks_count   => 10,
    break_on      => 'done', # [ 'busy', 'run', 'done' ]
    data          => \@data,
    task_class  => 'Async::Simple::Fork',
    task_params => { # Can be placed into pool params directly
        task          => $task,
        timeout       => 0.01,

It is a good idea to run new() before gathering all this huge amount of data,
and run $pool->process separately:

my $pool = Async::Simple::Pool->new( $task );

<collecting all your data after forking>

my $results = $pool->process( \@your_data );


overrided init for magic with params.


Main dispatcher of child tasks

- writes data to tasks

- checks for reasults

We don't care about all internal fails, dying or hang ons of your tasks.

If your task can do something bad, please write workaround for this case inside your "sub".

Will be called inside new() in case you pass data there.


Returns all results that already gathered
by default returns hash, where keys equal to indexes of source data list
and values are the results for data at these indexes


All tasks are created here.
Called from constructor.


Reads busy tasks.


Writes to free tasks.


Converts source data ( hashref or arrayref ) to internal representation ( hashref ).