Changes for version 0.17

  • add http status set to result and ajax



Perl Effective Web Framework
Data cache
how to configure PEF::Front to suit your needs
File class for uploaded files
a quick-start guide to the PEF::Front web framework.
Base headers class
Localization support
This is an implementation of OAuth2 API for several popular services.
Pre-load application parts
Template processing
HTTP request object from PSGI env hash
HTTP response object
Routing of incoming requests
Session data object


in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/Oauth/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/
in lib/PEF/Front/