POE::Component::SpreadClient - handle Spread communications in POE
POE::Component::SpreadClient->spawn( 'spread' );
inline_states => {
_start => \&_start,
_sp_message => \&do_something,
_sp_admin => \&do_something,
_sp_connect => \&do_something,
_sp_disconnect => \&do_something,
_sp_error => \&do_something,
sub _start {
$poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => 'localhost', $$ );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => 'chatroom' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'A/S/L?' );
POE::Component::SpreadClient is a POE component for talking to Spread servers.
POE::Component::Spread->spawn( 'spread' );
- The alias the component will take ( default: "SpreadClient" )
Public API
$poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => '4444@localhost' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => '4444@localhost', 'logger' );
- The Server location
- The private name for the Spread connection ( default: "spread-PID" )
Connect this POE session to the Spread server on port 4444 on localhost.
Will send a C<_sp_error> event if unable to connect; C<_sp_connect> if successful
$poe_kernel->post( spread => disconnect );
Forces this session to disconnect. ( DOES NOT REMOVE ALIAS => look at destroy below )
Will send a C<_sp_disconnect> event if disconnected; C<_sp_error> if failure
$poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => 'chatroom' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => [ 'chatroom', 'testing' ] );
- The group name(s)
Subscribe to a Spread messaging group. Messages will be sent to C<_sp_message> and
join/leave/etc to C<_sp_admin> in the registered listeners.
Automatically adds the session to the registered listeners.
Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to subscribe; C<_sp_admin> with join message if successful
$poe_kernel->post( spread => unsubscribe => 'chatroom' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => unsubscribe => [ 'foobar', 'chatroom' ] );
Unsubscribes to a Spread messaging group. Does not remove the session from the listener list.
Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to unsubscribe; C<_sp_admin> with self_leave if successful
$poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'A/S/L?' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => [ 'chatroom', 'stats' ], 'A/S/L?' );
$poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'special', 5 );
- The group name(s)
- Adding the last parameter ( int ) is the Spread mess_type -> application-defined ( default: 0 )
Send a simple message to a Spread group(s). This uses the Spread message type 'SAFE_MESS'
Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to publish
$poe_kernel->post( spread => register );
Registers the current session as a "registered listener" and will receive all events.
$poe_kernel->post( spread => unregister );
Removes the current session from the "registered listeners" list.
$poe_kernel->post( spread => destroy );
Destroys the session by removing it's alias and disconnecting if needed with C<_sp_disconnect>
sub _sp_connect : state {
my( $priv_name, $priv_group ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ];
# We're connected!
sub _sp_disconnect : state {
my $priv_name = $_[ ARG0 ];
# We're disconnected!
sub _sp_error : state {
my( $priv_name, $type, $sperrno, $msg, $data ) = @_[ ARG0 .. ARG4 ];
# Handle different kinds of errors
if ( $type eq 'CONNECT' ) {
# $sperrno = Spread errno/error string, $msg = server name, $data = priv name
} elsif ( $type eq 'PUBLISH' ) {
# $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef ), $data = $message ( may be undef )
} elsif ( $type eq 'SUBSCRIBE' ) {
# $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef )
} elsif ( $type eq 'UNSUBSCRIBE' ) {
# $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef )
sub _sp_message : state {
my( $priv_name, $type, $sender, $groups, $mess_type, $message ) = @_[ ARG0 .. ARG5 ];
# $type is always REGULAR_MESS
# $mess_type is 0 unless defined ( mess_type in Spread )
sub _sp_admin : state {
my( $priv_name, $type, $sender, $groups, $mess_type, $message ) = @_[ ARG0 .. ARG5 ];
# Could be somebody quit/join or something else?
SpreadClient Notes
You can enable debugging mode by doing this:
sub POE::Component::SpreadClient::DEBUG () { 1 }
use POE::Component::SpreadClient;
- Need to expand documentation so the message types in _sp_admin is more understandable
- Would love to have more message handling - a simple look at the Spread User's Guide shows a lot of message variety!
- Need to be tested more!
The base for this module was lifted from POE::Component::Spread by Rob Partington <>.
Copyright 2006 by Apocalypse
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.