POE::Devel::Benchmarker::Imager - Automatically converts the benchmark data into images
apoc@apoc-x300:~$ cd poe-benchmarker
apoc@apoc-x300:~/poe-benchmarker$ perl -MPOE::Devel::Benchmarker::Imager -e 'imager'
This package automatically parses the benchmark data and generates pretty charts.
It will parse the YAML output from the benchmark data and calls it's plugins to generate any charts necessary and place them in the 'images' directory under the plugin's name. This module only does the high-level stuff, and leaves the actual chart generation to the plugins.
Furthermore, we use Module::Pluggable to search all modules in the POE::Devel::Benchmarker::Imager::* namespace and let them handle the generation of images. That way virtually unlimited combinations of images can be generated on the fly from the data this module parses.
The way to use this module is by calling the imager() subroutine and let it do it's job. You can pass a hashref to it to set various options. Here is a list of the valid options:
- quiet => boolean
This enables quiet mode which will not print anything to the console except for errors.
new( { 'quiet' => 1 } );
default: false
- noxsqueue => boolean / undef
This will tell the Imager to not consider those tests for the output.
benchmark( { noxsqueue => 1 } );
default: undef ( load both xsqueue and noxsqueue tests )
- noasserts => boolean / undef
This will tell the Imager to not consider those tests for the output
benchmark( { noasserts => 1 } );
default: undef ( load both assert and noassert tests )
- litetests => boolean
This will tell the Imager to not consider those tests for the output
benchmark( { litetests => 0 } );
default: true
For now, this is undocumented. Please look at BasicStatistics for the general concept on how it interacts with this module.
Automatically exports the imager() sub
Apocalypse <>
Copyright 2008 by Apocalypse
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.