Pod::Weaver::Section::Support - Add a SUPPORT section to your POD
This document describes v1.003 of Pod::Weaver::Section::Support - released February 24, 2011 as part of Pod-Weaver-Section-Support.
This section plugin will produce a hunk of pod that lists the various ways to get support for this module. It will do this only if it is being built with Dist::Zilla because it needs the data from the dzil object.
If you have Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Repository enabled in your dist.ini, be sure to check the repository_link attribute!
This is added ONLY to the main module's POD, because it would be a waste of space to add it to all modules in the dist.
For an example of what the hunk looks like, look at the "SUPPORT" section in this POD :)
Enable this if you want to add the SUPPORT section to all the modules in a dist, not only the main one.
The default is false.
Specify if you want the paragraph explaining about perldoc to be displayed or not.
The default is true.
Specify the bugtracker you want to use. You can use the CPAN RT tracker or your own, specified in the metadata.
Valid options are: "rt", "metadata", or "none"
If you pick the "rt" option, this module will generate a predefined block of text explaining how to use the RT system.
If you pick the "metadata" option, this module will check the Dist::Zilla metadata for the bugtracker to display. Be sure to verify that your metadata contains both 'web' and 'mailto' keys if you want to use them in the content!
The default is "rt".
Specify the content for the bugs section.
Please put the "{EMAIL}" and "{WEB}" placeholders somewhere!
The default is a sufficient explanation (see "SUPPORT").
Specify what website links you want to see. This is an array, and you can pick any combination. You can also specify it as a comma-delimited string. The ordering of the options are important, as they are reflected in the final POD.
Valid options are: "none", "search", "rt", "anno", "ratings", "forum", "kwalitee", "testers", "testmatrix" and "all".
The default is "all".
# Where the links go to:
search -$dist
rt -$dist
anno -$dist
ratings -$dist
forum -$dist
kwalitee -$dist
testers -$first_char/$dist.html
testmatrix -$dist
# in weaver.ini
websites = search
websites = forum
websites = testers , testmatrix
P.S. If you know other websites that I should include here, please let me know!
Specify the content to be displayed before the website list.
The default is a sufficient explanation (see "SUPPORT").
Specify an IRC server/channel/nick for online support. You can specify as many networks/channels as you want. The ordering of the options are important, as they are reflected in the final POD.
You specify a network, then a list of channels/nicks to ask for support.
The default is none.
# in weaver.ini
irc =, #support, supportbot
irc =, #acmecorp, #acmehelp, #acmenewbies
Specify the content to be displayed before the irc network/channel list.
The default is a sufficient explanation (see "SUPPORT").
Specify which url to use when composing the external link. The value corresponds to the repository meta resources (for dzil v3 with CPAN Meta v2).
Valid options are: "url", "web", "both", or "none".
"both" will include links to both the "url" and "web" in separate POD paragraphs.
"none" will skip the repository item entirely.
The default is "both".
An error will be thrown if a specified link is not found because if you said that you wanted it you probably expect it to be there.
Specify the content to be displayed before the link to the source code repository.
The default is a sufficient explanation (see "SUPPORT").
Specify an email address here so users can contact you directly for help.
If you supply a string without '@' in it, we assume it is a PAUSE id and mangle it into 'USER at'.
The default is none.
Specify the content for the email section.
Please put the "{EMAIL}" placeholder somewhere!
The default is a sufficient explanation ( see "SUPPORT").
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Pod::Weaver::Section::Support
The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.
Search CPAN
RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
CPAN Forum
CPANTS Kwalitee
CPAN Testers Results
CPAN Testers Matrix
You can email the author of this module at APOCAL at
asking for help with any problems you have.
Internet Relay Chat
You can get live help by using IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ). If you don't know what IRC is, please read this excellent guide: Please be courteous and patient when talking to us, as we might be busy or sleeping! You can join those networks/channels and get help:
You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl-help then talk to this person for help: Apocalypse.
You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl then talk to this person for help: Apocal.
You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl then talk to this person for help: Ap0cal.
Bugs / Feature Requests
Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to bug-pod-weaver-section-support at
, or through the web interface at You will be automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system.
Source Code
The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from your repository :)
git clone git://
Apocalypse <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Apocalypse.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.