Apocalypse's favorite tests bundled into a simple interface
Plugin for Test::CheckChanges
Plugin for Test::Compile
Plugin to detect presence of DOS newlines
Plugin for Test::Dependencies
Plugin to test for directory sanity
Plugin for Test::DistManifest
Plugin for Test::Distribution
Plugin to test for file sanity
Plugin for Test::Portability::Files
Plugin for Test::Fixme
Plugin for Test::HasVersion
Plugin for Test::Kwalitee
Plugin for Test::YAML::Meta
Plugin for Test::MinimumVersion
Plugin to detect outdated prereqs
Plugin to test for Devel::PPPort warnings
Plugin for Test::Perl::Critic
Plugin for Perl::Metrics::Simple
Plugin for Test::Pod
Plugin for Test::Pod::Coverage
Plugin for Test::Spelling
Plugin for Test::Prereq
Plugin for Test::Prereq::Build
Plugin for Test::Signature
Plugin for Test::Strict
Plugin for Test::UseAllModules