Changes for version 1.001

  • Released: 2011-03-08 21:37:20 UTC
  • Tweaked the OutdatedPrereqs test so it will correctly FAIL if a prereq wasn't found on CPAN Tweaked the Dependencies test so it correctly filters provided packages


Apocalypse's favorite tests bundled into a simple interface
Plugin for Test::AutoLoader
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::CheckChanges
Plugin for Test::Compile
Plugin for Test::ConsistentVersion
Plugin to detect presence of DOS newlines
Plugin to check for metadata dependencies
Plugin for Test::Dir
Plugin for Test::DistManifest
Plugin for Test::EOL
Plugin to test for file sanity
Plugin for Test::Portability::Files
Plugin for Test::Fixme
Plugin for Test::HasVersion
Plugin for Test::Kwalitee
Plugin for Test::MinimumVersion
Plugin for Test::NoBreakpoints
Plugin for Test::NoPlan
Plugin to detect outdated prereqs
Plugin to test for Devel::PPPort warnings
Plugin for Test::Perl::Critic
Plugin for Perl::Metrics::Simple
Plugin for Test::Pod
Plugin for Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes
Plugin for Test::Pod::Coverage
Plugin for Test::Pod::LinkCheck
Plugin for Test::Pod::No404s
Plugin for Test::Spelling
Plugin for Test::Script
Plugin for Test::Signature
Plugin for Test::Strict
Plugin for Test::Synopsis
Plugin for Test::Vars