Changes for version 1.003 - 2014-10-25
- Add Test::Mojibake to the dist Add more exclusions to the standard Perl::Critic config Add PERL_CRITIC_STRICT env var to skip the bundled Perl::Critic config Fix an error in Test::Apocalypse::Script Use Test::CPAN::Changes instead of the outdated Test::CheckChanges Ripped out the dysfunctional Test::NoWarnings in favor of Test::FailWarnings, thanks DAGOLDEN! Ignore the 'perl' dependency when checking deps Fix version mismatch error when checking dependencies ( 'v0.0.6' vs '0.0.6' ) Thanks everyone who sent RT tickets to clean up the FAILs :) Finally enabled the Test::Vars plugin as I've switched over to using subtests instead of Test::Block
Apocalypse's favorite tests bundled into a simple interface
Plugin for Test::AutoLoader
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Changes
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::CPAN::Meta
Plugin for Test::Compile
Plugin for Test::ConsistentVersion
Plugin to detect presence of DOS newlines
Plugin to check for metadata dependencies
Plugin for Test::Dir
Plugin for Test::DistManifest
Plugin for Test::EOL
Plugin to test for file sanity
Plugin for Test::Portability::Files
Plugin for Test::Fixme
Plugin for Test::HasVersion
Plugin for Test::Kwalitee
Plugin for Test::MinimumVersion
Plugin for Test::Mojibake
Plugin for Test::NoBreakpoints
Plugin for Test::NoPlan
Plugin to detect outdated prereqs
Plugin to test for Devel::PPPort warnings
Plugin for Test::Perl::Critic
Plugin for Perl::Metrics::Simple
Plugin for Test::Pod
Plugin for Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes
Plugin for Test::Pod::Coverage
Plugin for Test::Pod::LinkCheck
Plugin for Test::Pod::No404s
Plugin for Test::Spelling
Plugin for Test::Script
Plugin for Test::Signature
Plugin for Test::Strict
Plugin for Test::Synopsis
Plugin for Test::Vars