WWW::FBX - A perl interface to the Freebox v6 Rest API
This version provides the API 3.0 support through the APIv3 role but other version can be provided by creating a new role.
Authentication is provided through the Auth role but other authentication mechanism can be provided by creating a new role.
use WWW::FBX;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
my $res;
eval {
my $fbx = WWW::FBX->new(
app_id => "APP ID",
app_name => "APP NAME",
app_version => "1.0",
device_name => "MY DEVICE",
track_id => "48",
app_token => "2/g43EZYD8AO7tbnwwhmMxMuELtTCyQrV1goMgaepHWGrqWlloWmMRszCuiN2ftp",
base_url => "",
debug => 1,
print "You are now authenticated with track_id ", $fbx->track_id, " and app_token ", $fbx->app_token, "\n";
print "App permissions are:\n";
while ( my( $key, $value ) = each %{ $fbx->uar->{result}{permissions} } ) {
print "\t $key\n" if $value;
$res = $fbx->connection;
print "Your ", $res->{media}, " internet connection state is ", $res->{state}, "\n";
$fbx->set_ftp_config( {enabled => \1} );
$fbx->reset_freeplug( "F4:CA:E5:DE:AD:BE/reset" );
if ( my $err = $@ ) {
die $@ unless blessed $err && $err->isa('WWW::FBX::Error');
warn "HTTP Response Code: ", $err->code, "\n",
"HTTP Message......: ", $err->message, "\n",
"API Error.........: ", $err->error, "\n",
"Error Code........: ", $err->fbx_error_code, "\n",
This module provides a perl interface to the Freebox v6 APIs.
See for a full description of the APIs.
my $fbx = WWW::FBX->new( app_id => "APP ID", app_name => "APP NAME",
app_version => "1.0", device_name => "device" );
my $fbx = WWW::FBX->new( app_id => "APP ID", app_name => "APP NAME",
app_version => "1.0", device_name => "device",
track_id => "48", app_token => "2/g43EZYD8AO7tbnwwhmMxMuELtTCyQrV1goMgaepHWGrqWlloWmMRszCuiN2ftp",
base_url => "" ,
debug => 1 );
Mandatory constructor parameters are app_id, app_name, app_version, device_name. When track_id and app_token are also provided, they will be used to authenticate. Otherwise, new track_id and app_token will be given by the freebox. These can be then used for later access. base_url defaults to which is the base uri when accessing the freebox from the LAN side.
Note that adding the settings or parental permissions is only possible through the web interface (Paramètres de la Freebox -> Gestion des accès -> Applications)
The constructor takes care of detecting the API version and authentication.
The return value of all api methods is the result structure of APIResponse, or undef if no result is returned.
The full json response of the last request is available through the uar method (usefull when using the new method) and the complete HTTP::Response is available through the uarh method.
Api methods will die if the APIResponse is an error. It is up to the caller to handle this exception.
The list of currently available services implemented in this module is given in WWW::FBX::Role::API::APIv3.
This distribution is heavily inspired from Net::Twitter.
Copyright (C) Laurent Kislaire.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Laurent Kislaire <>