# ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ___ ____
# | _ \| _ \| ___| _ _ / \ | _ \_ _| |___ \
# | |_) | | | | |_ (_) (_) / _ \ | |_) | | __) |
# | __/| |_| | _| _ _ / ___ \| __/| | / __/
# |_| |____/|_| (_) (_) /_/ \_\_| |___| |_____|
# Copyright 1999-2001 Alfred Reibenschuh <areibens@cpan.org>.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# PDF::API2::Text
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = qw(PDF::API2::Content);
( $VERSION ) = '$Revisioning: 0.3a15 $' =~ /\$Revisioning:\s+([^\s]+)/;
=head2 PDF::API2::Text
Subclassed from PDF::API2::Content.
=item $txt = PDF::API2::Text->new @parameters
Returns a new text content object (called from $page->text).
sub new {
my ($class)=@_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{' font'}=undef;
$self->{' fontsize'}=0;
$self->{' charspace'}=0;
$self->{' hspace'}=100;
$self->{' wordspace'}=0;
$self->{' lead'}=0;
$self->{' rise'}=0;
$self->{' render'}=0;
$self->{' matrix'}=[1,0,0,1,0,0];
$self->{' fillcolor'}=[0];
$self->{' strokecolor'}=[0];
$self->{' translate'}=[0,0];
$self->{' scale'}=[1,1];
$self->{' skew'}=[0,0];
$self->{' rotate'}=0;
=item %state = $txt->textstate %state
Sets or gets the current text-object state.
sub textstate {
my $self=shift @_;
my %state;
if(scalar @_) {
foreach my $k (qw( charspace hspace wordspace lead rise render )) {
next unless($state{$k});
eval " \$self->$k(\$state{\$k}); ";
if($state{font} && $state{fontsize}) {
if($state{matrix}) {
@{$self->{' translate'}}=@{$state{translate}};
$self->{' rotate'}=$state{rotate};
@{$self->{' scale'}}=@{$state{scale}};
@{$self->{' skew'}}=@{$state{skew}};
if($state{fillcolor}) {
if($state{strokecolor}) {
} else {
foreach my $k (qw( font fontsize charspace hspace wordspace lead rise render )) {
$state{$k}=$self->{" $k"};
$state{matrix}=[@{$self->{" matrix"}}];
$state{rotate}=$self->{" rotate"};
$state{scale}=[@{$self->{" scale"}}];
$state{skew}=[@{$self->{" skew"}}];
$state{translate}=[@{$self->{" translate"}}];
$state{fillcolor}=[@{$self->{" fillcolor"}}];
$state{strokecolor}=[@{$self->{" strokecolor"}}];
=item ($tx,$ty) = $txt->textpos
Gets the current estimated text position.
sub textpos {
my $self=shift @_;
my (@m)=$self->matrix;
=item $txt->matrix $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f
Sets the matrix.
B<PLEASE NOTE:> This method is not expected to be called by the user
and else will 'die'. This was implemented to keep proper state in the
text-object, so please use transform, transform_rel, translate, scale,
skew or rotate instead.
sub matrix {
my $self=shift @_;
my $cl=caller;
my @cl=caller;
die sprintf("unauthorized call from package=%s,file=%s,line=%i",@cl) if($cl !~ /^PDF::API2/);
if(scalar @_) {
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f)=@_;
@{$self->{' matrix'}}=($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f);
return(@{$self->{' matrix'}});
sub transform {
my ($self,%opt)=@_;
if($opt{-translate}) {
@{$self->{' translate'}}=@{$opt{-translate}};
} else {
@{$self->{' translate'}}=(0,0);
if($opt{-rotate}) {
$self->{' rotate'}=$opt{-rotate};
} else {
$self->{' rotate'}=0;
if($opt{-scale}) {
@{$self->{' scale'}}=@{$opt{-scale}};
} else {
@{$self->{' scale'}}=(1,1);
if($opt{-skew}) {
@{$self->{' skew'}}=@{$opt{-skew}};
} else {
@{$self->{' skew'}}=(0,0);
sub translate {
my ($self,$x,$y)=@_;
sub scale {
my ($self,$sx,$sy)=@_;
sub skew {
my ($self,$a,$b)=@_;
sub rotate {
my ($self,$a)=@_;
=item $txt->transform_rel %opts
Sets transformations (eg. translate, rotate, scale, skew) in pdf-canonical order,
but relative to the previously set values.
-translate => [$x,$y],
-rotate => $rot,
-scale => [$sx,$sy],
-skew => [$sa,$sb],
sub transform_rel {
my ($self,%opt)=@_;
my ($sa1,$sb1)=@{$opt{-skew} ? $opt{-skew} : [0,0]};
my ($sa0,$sb0)=@{$self->{" skew"}};
my ($sx1,$sy1)=@{$opt{-scale} ? $opt{-scale} : [1,1]};
my ($sx0,$sy0)=@{$self->{" scale"}};
my $rot1=$opt{"-rotate"} || 0;
my $rot0=$self->{" rotate"};
my ($tx1,$ty1)=@{$opt{-translate} ? $opt{-translate} : [0,0]};
my ($tx0,$ty0)=@{$self->{" translate"}};
sub matrix_update {
my ($self,$tx,$ty)=@_;
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f)=$self->matrix;
my $mtx=PDF::API2::Matrix->new([$a,$b,0],[$c,$d,0],[$e,$f,1]);
my $tmtx=PDF::API2::Matrix->new([$tx,$ty,1]);
@{$self->{' matrix'}}=(
@{$self->{' translate'}}=($tmtx->[0][0],$tmtx->[0][1]);
sub outobjdeep {
my ($self, @opts) = @_;
$self->add('ET') if(ref($self) eq 'PDF::API2::Text');
foreach my $k (qw/ api apipdf apipage font fontsize charspace hspace wordspace lead rise render matrix fillcolor strokecolor translate scale skew rotate /) {
$self->{" $k"}=undef;
delete($self->{" $k"});
=item $txt->font $fontobj,$size
sub font {
my ($self,$font,$size)=@_;
$self->{' font'}=$font;
$self->{' fontsize'}=$size;
$self->add("/".$font->{' apiname'},float($size),'Tf');
$self->resource('Font',$font->{' apiname'},$font);
=item $spacing = $txt->charspace $spacing
sub charspace {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if(defined $para) {
$self->{' charspace'}=$para;
return $self->{' charspace'};
=item $spacing = $txt->wordspace $spacing
sub wordspace {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if(defined $para) {
$self->{' wordspace'}=$para;
return $self->{' wordspace'};
=item $spacing = $txt->hspace $spacing
sub hspace {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if(defined $para) {
$self->{' hspace'}=$para;
return $self->{' hspace'};
=item $leading = $txt->lead $leading
sub lead {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if (defined ($para)) {
$self->{' lead'} = $para;
return $self->{' lead'};
=item $rise = $txt->rise $rise
sub rise {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if (defined ($para)) {
$self->{' rise'} = $para;
return $self->{' rise'};
=item $rendering = $txt->render $rendering
sub render {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if (defined ($para)) {
$self->{' render'} = $para;
return $self->{' render'};
=item $txt->cr $linesize
takes an optional argument giving a custom leading between lines.
sub cr {
my ($self,$para)=@_;
if(defined($para)) {
} else {
=item $txt->nl
sub nl {
my ($self,$width)=@_;
=item $txt->distance $dx,$dy
sub distance {
my ($self,$dx,$dy)=@_;
=item $width = $txt->advancewidth $string
Returns the width of the string based on all currently set text-attributes.
sub advancewidth {
my ($self,$text,%opt)=@_;
my @txt;
my $spacer;
if($opt{-ucs2}) {
} else {
$spacer=" ";
my $num_space=(scalar @txt)-1;
my $num_char=length($text);
my $glyph_width=0;
$glyph_width=$self->{' font'}->width($text,%opt)*$self->{' fontsize'};
my $word_spaces=$self->wordspace*$num_space;
my $char_spaces=$self->charspace*$num_char;
my $advance=($glyph_width+$word_spaces+$char_spaces)*$self->{' hspace'}/100;
return $advance;
=item $width = $txt->text $text, %options
Applys text to the content and optionally returns the width of the given text.
You can use the -utf8 option to give the text in utf8.
sub text {
my ($self,$text,%opt)=@_;
my %state1=();
my %state2=();
my $wd=0;
my @txt;
if(! $opt{-ucs2}) {
$text=join(' ',@txt);
if(scalar %opt) {
# look into font options
if(defined $opt{-font} && defined $opt{-size}) {
} elsif(defined $opt{-font}) {
$self->font($opt{-font},$self->{' fontsize'});
} elsif(defined $opt{-size}) {
$self->font($self->{' font'},$opt{-size});
$self->fillcolor(@{$opt{-color}}) if(defined $opt{-color});
if(defined $opt{-underline}) {
if(defined $opt{-indent}) {
my ($x1,$y1)=$self->textpos;
my $wd=$self->advancewidth($text,%opt);
my ($x2,$y2)=$self->textpos;
my $x3=$x1+(($y2-$y1)/$wd)*($self->{' font'}->underlineposition*$self->{' fontsize'}/1000);
my $y3=$y1+(($x2-$x1)/$wd)*($self->{' font'}->underlineposition*$self->{' fontsize'}/1000);
my $x4=$x3+($x2-$x1);
my $y4=$y3+($y2-$y1);
if(defined $opt{-indent}) {
$self->add('[',(-$opt{-indent}*(1000/$self->{' fontsize'})*(100/$self->hspace)),$self->{' font'}->text_utf8($text),']','TJ');
} elsif($opt{-ucs2}){
$self->add('[',(-$opt{-indent}*(1000/$self->{' fontsize'})*(100/$self->hspace)),$self->{' font'}->text_ucs2($text),']','TJ');
} else {
$self->add('[',(-$opt{-indent}*(1000/$self->{' fontsize'})*(100/$self->hspace)),$self->{' font'}->text($text),']','TJ');
} else {
$self->add($self->{' font'}->text_utf8($text),'Tj');
} elsif($opt{-ucs2}){
$self->add($self->{' font'}->text_ucs2($text),'Tj');
} else {
$self->add($self->{' font'}->text($text),'Tj');
=item $txt->text_center $text, %options
You can use the -utf8 option to give the text in utf8.
sub text_center {
my ($self,$text,%opt)=@_;
my $width=$self->advancewidth($text,%opt);
return $self->text($text,-indent=>-($width/2),%opt);
=item $txt->text_right $text, %options
You can use the -utf8 option to give the text in utf8.
sub text_right {
my ($self,$text,%opt)=@_;
my $width=$self->advancewidth($text,%opt);
return $self->text($text,-indent=>-$width,%opt);
=item ($flowwidth, $overflow) = $txt->text_justify $text , -width => $width [, -overflow => 1 ] [, -underflow => 1 ] [, %options ]
If -overflow is given, $overflow will contain any text, which wont
fit into width without exessive scaling and $flowwidth will be 0.
If -underflow is given, and $text is smaller than $width, $flowwidth will contain the delta between
$width and the text-advancewidth AND text will typeset using $txt->text.
You can use the -utf8 option to give the text in utf8.
sub text_justify {
my ($self,$text,%opts)=@_;
my @texts;
my $spacer;
if($opts{-ucs2}) {
} else {
$spacer=" ";
my ($overflow,$ofw);
my $indent=$opts{-indent}||0;
if($opts{-overflow}) {
my @linetext=();
while(($self->advancewidth(join($spacer,@linetext),%opts) < ($opts{-width}-$indent)) && scalar @texts){
push @linetext, shift @texts;
} else {
if($opts{-underflow} && ($self->advancewidth($text,%opts) < ($opts{-width}-$indent))) {
return ($ofw,$overflow);
} else {
my @wds=$self->{' font'}->width_array($text,%opts);
my $swt=$self->{' font'}->width(' ');
my $wth=$self->advancewidth($text,%opts);
my $hs=$self->hspace;
return ($ofw,$overflow);
=item $txt->paragraph $text, %options,
-x => $xorg,
-y => $yorg,
-w => $width,
-h => $height,
-flindent => $firstlineindent,
-lead => $lead
You can use the -utf8 option to give the text in utf8.
sub paragraph {
my ($self,$text,%opt)=@_;
my $x=$opt{-x}||0;
my $y=$opt{-y}||0;
my $ht=$opt{-h}||0;
my $wd=$opt{-w}||0;
my $idt=$opt{-flindent}||0;
my $h=$ht;
my $sz=$self->{' fontsize'};
my @txt;
my $spacer;
$self->lead($opt{-lead} || $self->lead() || $sz);
if($opt{-ucs2}) {
} else {
$spacer=" ";
my @line=();
if($opt{-rel}) {
while((defined $txt[0]) && ($ht>0)) {
if(!$opt{-rel}) {
while( (defined $txt[0]) && ($self->{' font'}->width(join($spacer,@line,$txt[0]),%opt)*($self->{' hspace'}/100)*$sz<($wd-$idt)) ) {
push(@line, shift @txt);
@line=(shift @txt) if(scalar @line ==0 && $self->{' font'}->width($txt[0],%opt)*($self->{' hspace'}/100)*$sz>($wd-$idt) );
my $l=$self->{' font'}->width(join($spacer,@line),%opt)*$sz*($self->{' hspace'}/100);
$self->wordspace(($wd-$idt-$l)/(scalar @line -1)) if(defined $txt[0] && scalar @line>0);
$idt=$l+$self->{' font'}->width(' ')*$sz;
my $lw=$self->text(join($spacer,@line),%opt);
if(defined $txt[0]) { $ht-= $self->lead(); $idt=0; }
if($opt{-rel} && defined $txt[0]) {
sub fillcolor {
my $self=shift @_;
if(scalar @_) {
@{$self->{' fillcolor'}}=@_;
return(@{$self->{' fillcolor'}});
sub strokecolor {
my $self=shift @_;
if(scalar @_) {
@{$self->{' strokecolor'}}=@_;
return(@{$self->{' strokecolor'}});
=head1 AUTHOR
alfred reibenschuh