# ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ___ ____
# | _ \| _ \| ___| _ _ / \ | _ \_ _| |___ \
# | |_) | | | | |_ (_) (_) / _ \ | |_) | | __) |
# | __/| |_| | _| _ _ / ___ \| __/| | / __/
# |_| |____/|_| (_) (_) /_/ \_\_| |___| |_____|
# A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification
# of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (PDF)" Files.
# Copyright 1999-2004 Alfred Reibenschuh <areibens@cpan.org>.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: BarCode.pm,v 1.6 2004/06/15 09:14:54 fredo Exp $
use POSIX;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = qw( PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid );
( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.6 $' =~ /Revision: (\S+)\s/; # $Date: 2004/06/15 09:14:54 $
=item $res = PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode->new $pdf, %opts
Returns a barcode-form object.
sub new {
my ($class,$pdf,%opts) = @_;
my $self;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
$self->{' bfont'}=$opts{-font};
$self->{' umzn'}=$opts{-umzn}; # (u)pper (m)ending (z)o(n)e
$self->{' lmzn'}=$opts{-lmzn}; # (l)ower (m)ending (z)o(n)e
$self->{' zone'}=$opts{-zone};
$self->{' quzn'}=$opts{-quzn}; # (qu)iet (z)o(n)e
$self->{' ofwt'}=$opts{-ofwt}||0.01; # (o)ver(f)low (w)id(t)h
$self->{' fnsz'}=$opts{-fnsz}; # (f)o(n)t(s)i(z)e
$self->{' spcr'}=$opts{-spcr}||'';
=item $res = PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode->new_api $api, %opts
Returns a barcode-form object. This method is different from 'new' that
it needs an PDF::API2-object rather than a Text::PDF::File-object.
sub new_api {
my ($class,$api,@opts)=@_;
my $obj=$class->new($api->{pdf},@opts);
$obj->{' api'}=$api;
sub outobjdeep {
my ($self, @opts) = @_;
my %bar_wdt=(
0 => 0,
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 4,
5 => 5,
6 => 6,
7 => 7,
8 => 8,
9 => 9,
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2,
'c' => 3,
'd' => 4,
'e' => 5,
'f' => 6,
'g' => 7,
'h' => 8,
'i' => 9,
'A' => 1,
'B' => 2,
'C' => 3,
'D' => 4,
'E' => 5,
'F' => 6,
'G' => 7,
'H' => 8,
'I' => 9,
sub encode {
my $self=shift @_;
my $string=shift @_;
my @bar;
my @c=split(//,$string);
@bar = map { [ $self->encode_string($_), $_ ] } @c;
sub encode_string {
my $self=shift @_;
my $string=shift @_;
my $bar;
my @c=split(//,$string);
foreach my $char (@c) {
sub drawbar {
my $self=shift @_;
my @bar=@{shift @_};
my $bartext=shift @_;
my $ext=shift @_;
my $x=$self->{' quzn'};
my ($code,$str,$f,$t,$l,$h,$xo);
my $bw=1;
foreach my $b (@bar) {
if(ref($b)) {
} else {
foreach my $c (split(//,$code)) {
my $w=$bar_wdt{$c};
if($c=~/[0-9]/) {
$l=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'};
$h=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$t=$self->{' quzn'};
$f=$self->{' fnsz'}||$self->{' lmzn'};
} elsif($c=~/[a-z]/) {
$l=$self->{' quzn'};
$h=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$t=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$f=$self->{' fnsz'}||$self->{' umzn'};
} elsif($c=~/[A-Z]/) {
$l=$self->{' quzn'};
$h=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'};
$f=$self->{' fnsz'}||$self->{' umzn'};
$t=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'} - $f;
} else {
$l=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'};
$h=$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$t=$self->{' quzn'};
$f=$self->{' fnsz'}||$self->{' lmzn'};
if($bw) {
if($c ne '0') {
$self->linewidth($w-$self->{' ofwt'});
} else {
if(defined($str) && ($self->{' lmzn'}>0)) {
$str=join($self->{' spcr'},split(//,$str));
$self->font($self->{' bfont'},$f);
if(defined $bartext) {
$f=$self->{' fnsz'}||$self->{' lmzn'};
$t=$self->{' quzn'}-$f;
$self->translate(($self->{' quzn'}+$x)/2,$t);
$self->font($self->{' bfont'},$f);
$self->{' w'}=$self->{' quzn'}+$x;
$self->{' h'}=2*$self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$self->{BBox}=PDFArray(PDFNum(0),PDFNum(0),PDFNum($self->{' w'}),PDFNum($self->{' h'}));
=item $wd = $bc->width
sub width {
my $self = shift @_;
return($self->{' w'});
=item $ht = $bc->height
sub height {
my $self = shift @_;
return($self->{' h'});
=head1 AUTHOR
alfred reibenschuh
=head1 HISTORY
$Log: BarCode.pm,v $
Revision 1.6 2004/06/15 09:14:54 fredo
removed cr+lf
Revision 1.5 2004/06/07 19:44:44 fredo
cleaned out cr+lf for lf
Revision 1.4 2003/12/08 13:06:09 Administrator
corrected to proper licencing statement
Revision 1.3 2003/11/30 17:34:51 Administrator
merged into default
Revision 2003/11/30 16:57:09 Administrator
merged into default
Revision 1.2 2003/11/30 11:50:45 Administrator
added CVS id/log