# ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ___ ____
# | _ \| _ \| ___| _ _ / \ | _ \_ _| |___ \
# | |_) | | | | |_ (_) (_) / _ \ | |_) | | __) |
# | __/| |_| | _| _ _ / ___ \| __/| | / __/
# |_| |____/|_| (_) (_) /_/ \_\_| |___| |_____|
# A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification
# of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (PDF)" Files.
# Copyright 1999-2005 Alfred Reibenschuh <areibens@cpan.org>.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: BdFont.pm,v 2.0 2005/11/16 02:18:14 areibens Exp $
use utf8;
use Encode qw(:all);
use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $BmpNum);
use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';
( $VERSION ) = sprintf '%i.%03i', split(/\./,('$Revision: 2.0 $' =~ /Revision: (\S+)\s/)[0]); # $Date: 2005/11/16 02:18:14 $
no warnings qw[ deprecated recursion uninitialized ];
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont - Module for using bitmapped Fonts.
use PDF::API2;
$pdf = PDF::API2->new;
$sft = $pdf->bdfont($file);
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item $font = PDF::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont->new $pdf, $font, %options
Returns a BmpFont object.
Valid %options are:
... changes the encoding of the font from its default.
See I<perl's Encode> for the supported values.
I<-pdfname> ... changes the reference-name of the font from its default.
The reference-name is normally generated automatically and can be
retrived via $pdfname=$font->name.
sub new {
my ($class,$pdf,$file,@opts) = @_;
my ($self,$data);
my %opts=@opts;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
$self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, sprintf('%s+Bdf%02i',pdfkey(),++$BmpNum).'~'.time());
$pdf->new_obj($self) unless($self->is_obj($pdf));
# adobe bitmap distribution font
$self->{' data'}=$self->readBDF($file);
my $first=1;
my $last=255;
$self->{'Subtype'} = PDFName('Type3');
$self->{'FirstChar'} = PDFNum($first);
$self->{'LastChar'} = PDFNum($last);
$self->{'FontMatrix'} = PDFArray(map { PDFNum($_) } ( 0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0 ) );
$self->{'FontBBox'} = PDFArray(map { PDFNum($_) } ( $self->fontbbox ) );
my $xo=PDFDict();
$xo->{Differences}=PDFArray(PDFNum('0'),(map { PDFName($_||'.notdef') } @{$self->data->{char}}));
my $procs=PDFDict();
$self->{'CharProcs'} = $procs;
$self->{Resources}->{ProcSet}=PDFArray(map { PDFName($_) } qw(PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI));
foreach my $w ($first..$last) {
my @widths=();
foreach my $w (@{$self->data->{char2}}) {
my @bbx=@{$w->{BBX}};
my $stream=pack('H*',$w->{hex});
my $y=$bbx[1];
my $char=PDFDict();
## $char->{' stream'}=$widths[$w->{ENCODING}]." 0 ".join(' ',map { int($_) } $self->fontbbox)." d1\n";
$char->{' stream'}=$widths[$w->{ENCODING}]." 0 d0\n";
$char->{Comment}=PDFStr("N='$w->{NAME}' C=($w->{ENCODING})");
@bbx=map { $_*1000/$self->data->{upm} } @bbx;
if($y==0) {
$char->{' stream'}.="q Q\n";
} else {
my $x=8*length($stream)/$y; # q $x 0 0 $y 50 50 cm
my $img=qq|BI\n/Interpolate true/Mask[0 0.1]/Decode[1 0]/H $y/W $x/BPC 1/CS/G\nID $stream\nEI\n|;
$char->{' stream'}.="$bbx[0] 0 0 $bbx[1] $bbx[2] $bbx[3] cm\n$img\n";
delete $procs->{''};
$self->{Widths}=PDFArray(map { PDFNum($widths[$_]||0) } ($first..$last));
foreach my $n (reverse 0..255) {
$self->data->{n2c}->{$self->data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef'}=$n unless(defined $self->data->{n2c}->{$self->data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef'});
$self->data->{n2e}->{$self->data->{e2n}->[$n] || '.notdef'}=$n unless(defined $self->data->{n2e}->{$self->data->{e2n}->[$n] || '.notdef'});
$self->data->{n2u}->{$self->data->{e2n}->[$n] || '.notdef'}=$self->data->{e2u}->[$n] unless(defined $self->data->{n2u}->{$self->data->{e2n}->[$n] || '.notdef'});
$self->data->{n2u}->{$self->data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef'}=$self->data->{uni}->[$n] unless(defined $self->data->{n2u}->{$self->data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef'});
$self->data->{u2c}->{$self->data->{uni}->[$n]}=$n unless(defined $self->data->{u2c}->{$self->data->{uni}->[$n]});
$self->data->{u2e}->{$self->data->{e2u}->[$n]}=$n unless(defined $self->data->{u2e}->{$self->data->{e2u}->[$n]});
$self->data->{u2n}->{$self->data->{e2u}->[$n]}=($self->data->{e2n}->[$n] || '.notdef') unless(defined $self->data->{u2n}->{$self->data->{e2u}->[$n]});
$self->data->{u2n}->{$self->data->{uni}->[$n]}=($self->data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef') unless(defined $self->data->{u2n}->{$self->data->{uni}->[$n]});
=item $font = PDF::API2::Resource::Font::BdFont->new_api $api, %options
Returns a BdFont object. This method is different from 'new' that
it needs an PDF::API2-object rather than a PDF::API2::PDF::File-object.
sub new_api {
my ($class,$api,@opts)=@_;
my $obj=$class->new($api->{pdf},@opts);
$api->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($api->{pdf}));
sub readBDF {
my ($self,$file)=@_;
my $data={};
if(! -e $file) {die "file='$file' not existant.";}
open(AFMF, $file) or die "Can't find the BDF file for $file";
local($/, $_) = ("\n", undef); # ensure correct $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR
while ($_=<AFMF>) {
if (/^STARTCHAR/ .. /^ENDCHAR/) {
if (/^STARTCHAR\s+(\S+)/) {
my $name=$1;
push @{$data->{char2}},{'NAME'=>$name};
} elsif (/^BITMAP/ .. /^ENDCHAR/) {
next if(/^BITMAP/);
} else {
} else {
} else {
unless (exists $data->{wx}->{'.notdef'}) {
$data->{wx}->{'.notdef'} = 0;
$data->{bbox}{'.notdef'} = [0, 0, 0, 0];
$data->{flags} = 34;
$data->{fontbbox} = [ split(/\s+/,$data->{FONTBOUNDINGBOX}) ];
$data->{upm}=$data->{PIXEL_SIZE} || ($data->{fontbbox}->[1] - $data->{fontbbox}->[3]);
@{$data->{fontbbox}} = map { int($_*1000/$data->{upm}) } @{$data->{fontbbox}};
foreach my $n (0..255) {
# $data->{wx}->{$data->{char}->[$n]}=int($data->{wx}->{$data->{char}->[$n]}*1000/$data->{upm});
foreach my $n (0..255) {
$data->{uni}->[$n]=uniByName($data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef') || 0;
|| int($data->{FONT_ASCENT}*1000/$data->{upm});
|| int($data->{FONT_DESCENT}*1000/$data->{upm});
$data->{issymbol} = 0;
|| int($data->{FONT_AVERAGE_WIDTH}*1000/$data->{upm})
|| 500;
|| int($data->{FONT_XHEIGHT}*1000/$data->{upm})
|| int($data->{ascender}/2);
delete $data->{wx}->{''};
=head1 AUTHOR
alfred reibenschuh
=head1 HISTORY
$Log: BdFont.pm,v $
Revision 2.0 2005/11/16 02:18:14 areibens
revision workaround for SF cvs import not to screw up CPAN
Revision 1.2 2005/11/16 01:27:50 areibens
Revision 1.1 2005/11/16 01:19:27 areibens
Revision 1.7 2005/10/01 22:41:07 fredo
fixed font-naming race condition for multiple document updates
Revision 1.6 2005/06/17 19:44:03 fredo
fixed CPAN modulefile versioning (again)
Revision 1.5 2005/06/17 18:53:34 fredo
fixed CPAN modulefile versioning (dislikes cvs)
Revision 1.4 2005/03/14 22:01:27 fredo
upd 2005
Revision 1.3 2004/12/16 00:30:54 fredo
added no warn for recursion
Revision 1.2 2004/07/24 23:33:35 fredo
added compression
Revision 1.1 2004/07/24 23:08:57 fredo
Revision 1.9 2004/06/15 09:14:53 fredo
removed cr+lf
Revision 1.8 2004/06/07 19:44:43 fredo
cleaned out cr+lf for lf
Revision 1.7 2004/02/10 15:55:42 fredo
fixed glyph generation for .notdef glyphs
Revision 1.6 2004/02/01 22:06:26 fredo
beautified caps generation
Revision 1.5 2004/02/01 19:27:18 fredo
fixed width calc for caps
Revision 1.4 2004/02/01 19:04:31 fredo
added caps capability
Revision 1.3 2003/12/08 13:06:01 Administrator
corrected to proper licencing statement
Revision 1.2 2003/11/30 17:32:48 Administrator
merged into default
Revision 2003/11/30 16:57:05 Administrator
merged into default
Revision 2003/11/30 14:45:23 Administrator
added CVS id/log