Text::PDF::API - a wrapper api for the Text::PDF::* modules of Martin Hosken.
use Text::PDF::API;
$pdf = Text::PDF::API->new( %defaults );
Base Methods
- $pdf = Text::PDF::API->new [%defaults]
This creates a new pdf-object initializes it with the given defaults and returns it. See the functions getDefault and setDefault for a list of supported parameters.
This creates the pdf-info-object and initializes it with the given values.
- $pdf->saveas $file
This saves the pdf-object to a file indicated by $file.
- $pdf->end
This destroys the pdf-object and frees its memory.
- $pdf->getDefault $parameter
This returns the pdf-object default indicated by $parameter.
The current supported defaults are:
PageSize, valid values:
'a0' => [ 2380 , 3368 ] 'a1' => [ 1684 , 2380 ] 'a2' => [ 1190 , 1684 ] 'a3' => [ 842 , 1190 ] 'a4' => [ 595 , 842 ] 'a5' => [ 421 , 595 ] 'a6' => [ 297 , 421 ] 'letter' => [ 612 , 792 ] 'broadsheet' => [ 1296 , 1584 ] 'ledger' => [ 1224 , 792 ] 'tabloid' => [ 792 , 1224 ] 'legal' => [ 612 , 1008 ] 'executive' => [ 522 , 756 ] '36x36' => [ 2592 , 2592 ]
PageWidth, valid values:
0 .. 32535 points (remember default = 72dpi)
PageHeight, valid values:
0 .. 32535 points (remember default = 72dpi)
PageOrientation, valid values:
Landscape, Portrait
0, 1 (= off, on)
0 .. 3 (corresponding to the adobe acrobat versions up to 4.0)
- $pdf->setDefault $parameter , $value
This sets the pdf-object defaults (see $pdf->getDefault for details).
- $pdf->newpage [ $width, $height ]
- $pdf->newpage [ $pagesize ]
This creates a new page in the pdf-object and assigns it to the default page context. If $width and $height are not given the funtion falls back to any given defaults (PageSize then PageWidth+PageHeight) and as a last resort to 'A4'. You can use also specify oonly the Pagesize as given under the defaults.
- $pdf->endpage
This closes the current page.
Generic Methods
- $pdf->savePdfState
- $pdf->restorePdfState
Saves and restores the state of the pdf-document BUT NOT of the pdf-object.
BEWARE: Don't cross page boundaries with save/restore, if you really don't know the pdf-specification well enough.
- $pdf->saveState {currently broken}
- $pdf->restoreState {currently broken}
Saves and restores the state of the pdf-object and the underlying document.
NOTE: All states are automagically restored if you issue a $pdf->endpage.
Font State Methods
- $pdf->setFontDir $directory
Sets the default font search directory.
- $directory = $pdf->getFontDir
Gets the default font search directory.
- $pdf->addFontPath $directory
Adds a directory to the font search path.
- $pdf->newFont $fontname, $ttfile
- $pdf->newFont $fontname, $psffile, $afmfile
- $pdf->newFont $fontname
Adds a new font to the pdf-object. Based on the fonts name either a core, truetype or postscript font is assumed: TrueType have a ',' between the family and style names whereas the postscript and core fonts use a '-'.
BEWARE: Postscript fonts other than the core fonts are supported, BUT the implementation is still somewhere in alpha/beta stage and may not result in valid pdf-files under certain conditions.
NOTE: this function is for BACKWARD COMPATIBLITY ONLY (as of version 0.5) and will be removed sometime before version 1.0.
RECOMMENDATION: Start using the following three functions below.
- $pdf->newFontCore $fontname [, $encoding [, @glyphs ]]
- $pdf->newFontTTF $fontname, $ttffile [, $encoding ]
- $pdf->newFontPS $fontname, $psffile, $afmfile [, $encoding [, @glyphs ]]
Although you can add a font thru the $pdf->newFont function, these three new functions are much more stable (newFontPS is alpha-quality) and reliable.
The $encoding is the name of one of the encoding schemes supported by Unicode::Map8, 'asis' or 'custom'. If you use 'custom' as encoding, you have to supply the @glyphs array which should specify 256 glyph-names as defined by the "PostScript(R) Language Reference 3rd. Ed. -- Appendix E"
If you do not give $encoding or 'asis', than the afms internal encoding is used.
If you give an unknown $encoding, the encoding defaults to WinAnsiEncoding.
- $pdf->addCoreFonts
This is a shortcut to add all pdf-core-fonts to the pdf-object.
- $pdf->useFont $name, $size [, $encoding ]
This selects the font at the specified size and encoding. The font must have been loaded with the same $name parameter with $pdf->newFont
If you do not give $encoding, than the encoding from $pdf->newFont??? is used.
NOTE: As of version API 0.5 you can specify any encoding supported by Unicode::Map8, since the fonts are automagically reencoded to use the new encoding if it differs from that encoding specified at $pdf->newFont???.
- $pdf->setFontTranslate $tx, $ty
Sets the translation (aka. x,y-offset) in the Font-Transformation-Matrices.
- $pdf->setFontScale $scalex, $scaley
Sets the scale in the Font-Transformation-Matrices.
- $pdf->setFontSkew $alfa, $beta
Sets the skew in the Font-Transformation-Matrices specified in degrees (0..360).
- $pdf->setFontRotation $alfa
Sets the rotation in the Font-Transformation-Matrices specified in degrees (0..360) counter-clock-wise from the right horizontal.
- $pdf->clearFontMatrix
Resets all Font-Transformation-Matrices.
- $pdf->calcFontMatrix
Calculates the final Transformation-Matrix for use with the *Text* functions.
- $pdf->setFontMatrix $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f
Sets the final Transformation-Matrix directly.
- ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)=$pdf->getFontMatrix
Returns the final Transformation-Matrix. Use $pdf->calcFontMatrix and then $pdf->getFontMatrix to retrive the combined effects of Translate, Skew, Scale & Rotate.
- $pdf->setCharSpacing $spacing
- $pdf->setWordSpacing $spacing
- $pdf->setTextLeading $leading
- $pdf->setTextRise $rise
- $pdf->setTextRendering $rendering
Text Block Methods
- $pdf->beginText
Starts a text block.
- $pdf->endText
Ends a text block
- $pdf->charSpacing [ $spacing ]
- $pdf->wordSpacing [ $spacing ]
- $pdf->textLeading [ $leading ]
- $pdf->textRise [ $rise ]
- $pdf->textRendering [ $rendering ]
- $pdf->textMatrix [ @matrix ]
Sets the parameter for the text-block only. If parameter is not given the default as defined by $pdf->set* is used.
- $pdf->textPos $mx, $my
Sets a new text position, but honoring the current FontMatrix.
- $pdf->textFont [ $font, $size [, $encoding ] ]
Switches the font within the text-block or resets to the last $pdf->useFont. BEWARE: you can only change to a new font before a matrix or pos command since changing it after such command gives pdf-errors !!!
- $pdf->textAdd $text
Adds text to the text-block.
- $pdf->textNewLine [ $leading ]
Moves the text-pointer to a new line using TextLeading as default.
Text Utility Methods
- $pdf->calcTextWidth $text
Calculates the width of the text based on the parameters set by useFont.
BEWARE: Does not consider parameters specified by setFont* and *Matrix functions.
- $pdf->showText $text
Displays the $text based on the parameters given by the *Font* functions.
- $pdf->showTextXY $x, $y, $text
- $pdf->showTextXY_R $x, $y, $text
- $pdf->showTextXY_C $x, $y, $text
Like $pdf->showText but overrides the x,y-offsets of the Matrices. The *_R and *_C variants perform right and center alignment !
- $pdf->printText $x, $y, $font, $size, $encoding, $text
Like a $pdf->useFont followed by a $pdf->showTextXY.
Graphic State Methods
- $pdf->setGfxTranslate $tx, $ty
- $pdf->setGfxScale $scalex, $scaley
- $pdf->setGfxSkew $alfa, $beta
- $pdf->setGfxRotation $alfa
- $pdf->clearGfxMatrix
- $pdf->calcGfxMatrix
- $pdf->setGfxMatrix $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f
- ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)=$pdf->getGfxMatrix
These functions behave like the the font functions BUT affect the whole global graphics state.
BEWARE: If you use both the Gfx and Font versions of these functions the final result for Text would be the combined effects of both the Gfx and Font parameters.
- $pdf->useGfxState
Adds the parameters of the functions above to the current graphics state. To revert to the former parameters use $pdf->savePdfState and $pdf->restorePdfState.
- $pdf->useGfxFlatness $flatness
- $pdf->useGfxLineCap $linecap
- $pdf->useGfxLineDash @dasharray
- $pdf->useGfxLineJoin $linejoin
- $pdf->useGfxLineWidth $linewidth
- $pdf->useGfxMeterlimit $limit
Color Methods
- $pdf->setColorFill $red, $green, $blue
- $pdf->setColorFill $cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $black
- $pdf->setColorFill $gray
- $pdf->setColorStroke $red, $green, $blue
- $pdf->setColorStroke $cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $black
- $pdf->setColorStroke $gray
Drawing Methods
- $pdf->moveTo $x, $y
- $pdf->lineTo $x, $y
- $pdf->curveTo $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3
- $pdf->rect $x, $y, $w, $h
- $pdf->closePath
- $pdf->endPath
- $pdf->rectXY $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2
- $pdf->lineXY $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2
- ($xs,$ys,$xe,$ye)=$pdf->arcXYabDG $x, $y, $a, $b, $delta, $gamma, $move
- ($xs,$ys,$xe,$ye)=$pdf->arcXYrDG $x, $y, $r, $delta, $gamma, $move
- $pdf->ellipsisXYAB $x, $y, $a, $b
- $pdf->circleXYR $x, $y, $r
- $pdf->stroke
- $pdf->closestroke
- $pdf->fill
- $pdf->closefill
- $pdf->fillNZ
- $pdf->fillstroke
- $pdf->closefillstroke
- $pdf->fillstrokeNZ
- $pdf->closefillstrokeNZ
quot errat demonstrandum
Bitmap Methods
- ( $key , $width , $height ) = $pdf->newImage $file
Current loading support includes NetPBM images of the RAW_BITS variation and non-interlaced/non-filtered PNG. Transperancy/Opacity information is currently ignored as well as Alpha-Channel information.
- ( $key , $width , $height ) = $pdf->rawImage $name, $width $height $type @imagearray
This function supports loading of point-arrays for embedding image information into the pdf. $type must be one of the following:
'-rgb' ... each element of the array is a color component in the range of 0..255 '-RGB' ... each element of the array is a hex-encoded color pixel with two hex-digits per color component
$name must be a unique name for this image (at least 8 characters long).
- $pdf->placeImage $key, $x, $y, $scalex, $scaley
- Version 0.00
- Version 0.01
inital implementation without documentation
- Version 0.01_01
you can create pages, still no docs
- Version 0.01_02 - 0.01_11
various conceptual design stages
- Version 0.01_12
first public snapshot with some docs and first implementation of font caching (released as 0.01_12_snapshot)
- Version 0.01_14
reimplementaion of font-handling with unification of core and truetype fonts under the function "newFont"
- Version 0.01_15
implementaion of font-encoding for truetypes
- Version 0.01_16
reimplementaion of font-encoding thru CID because Acrobat seems to ignore encoding tables for TTs when using normal embedding
- Version 0.01_17
implementaion of printText, useFont, showText & showTextXY
- Version 0.01_18
implementaion of *FontMatrix functions, changes in showText & showTextXY
- Version 0.01_19
addition of setFontTranslate, Skew, Rotate & Scale with cleanup in *FontMatrix
- Version 0.01_20
end of text/font implementation, let it stabilize :)
- Version 0.02
genesis of the graphical interface (CTM handling copied from fonts)
- Version 0.02_01
added text and graphic state functions
- Version 0.02_02
cleanup/extension of dokumentation, but still not finished
- Version 0.02_03
proposed implementation of drawing functions (NOT FINISHED)
- Version 0.02_04
finished implemetation of needed drawing functions
- Version 0.03
bugfixes in drawing and font functions first implementation of state functions
- Version 0.03_01
first implementation of bitmap functions
- Version 0.03_02
bugfixes in text/font functions
- Version 0.03_03
added support for loading of PNM(netpbm) and PNG bitmaps
- Version 0.03_04
added circle and ellipsis drawing functions
- Version 0.03_05
fixed calcTextWidth to allow the type1 core fonts to be measured too. added showTextXY_R and _C functions for alignment procedures :)
- Version 0.04-0.43
rewrite of type1 core-font handling to ease development support for other type1 fonts in future releases of Text::PDF and Text::PDF::API.
small bugfixes in calcTextWidth and showTextXY_[RC].
small documentation update
- Version 0.05 (Oct. 2000)
major rewrite to use Unicode::Map8 instead of the homegrown functions :) , add another dependency but at least a fast one
- Versions 0.5_pre??? (Dec. 2000)
major rewrite of font-handling routines stalls the tutorial/exaples collection. now adobe-type1 fonts (pfb/pfa + afm) and the core-fonts can be used the same way as truetype with the Unicode::Map8 encodings.
- Version 0.5 (07-01-2001)
documemtation update and release of the much hacked 0.5_pre??? code :)
- Version 0.5001 to 0.5003
minor bugfixes:
under certain conditions the 'image' functions stopped working, hope that my newly invented "nigma-hash" keygenerator fixes this.
the symbol and zapfdingbat corefonts did not work ... since they missed attributes and had wrong font-flags set ... doesn't anybody use them ?
- Version 0.6
removed: "nigma-hash" keygenerator had some disadvantages.
added: Digest::REHLHA module for key-generation (this comes with the API).
added: $p->arcXYrDG() and $p->arcXYabDG() to relief users of the (in my opinion) 'mind boggling' bezier-curve function for arcs.
added: $p->info() to include copyright/generator information in the pdf.
added: new text-block functions to ease the use of text.
changed: unicode<->name mapping was broken under perl-5.004xx.
PLEASE NOTE: this is now the minimum required version for the upcoming APIx module-chain.
Martin Hosken [] -- for writing Text::PDF in the first place
Lester Hightower [] -- fixes/reports: perl-5.004xx, key-generation, Makefile.PL
MANY! If you find some report them to
TODO ( in no particular order )
documentation ?
drawing functions ?
more bitmap import functions (jpeg,tiff,xbm,xpm,...?)
function to populate a Text::PDF::API object from an existing pdf-file ?