$pdf=Text::PDF::API->new(pagesize=>'a4', 'compression'=>0);
$pdf->beginText(); # begin text block
$pdf->textFont(); # set font to last useFont
$pdf->textLeading(14); # set distance between lines
# this should usually be 110% to 135% of fontsize
$pdf->setColorFill(1,0,0); # set textcolor to red
$pdf->textPos(100,100); # set text position
$pdf->textAdd('this is read '); # text
$pdf->textNewLine; # next line (100,86) !
$pdf->setColorFill(0,1,0); # color green
$pdf->textFont('Times-Roman',20,'cp850'); # set font
$pdf->textAdd('this is green '); # text
$pdf->clearFontMatrix; # make new matrix
$pdf->setFontRotation(45); # set rotation
$pdf->calcFontMatrix; # create final matrix
$pdf->textFont(); # set font to last useFont
$pdf->textPos(200,100); # set position (includes matrix)
$pdf->setColorFill(0,0,1); # set blue
$pdf->textAdd('this is plue '); # text