DTS::Connection - a Perl class to represent a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Connection object


use DTS::Application;

my $app = DTS::Application->new(
        server                 => $server,
        user                   => $user,
        password               => $password,
        use_trusted_connection => 0

my $package = $app->get_db_package(
    { id => '', version_id => '', name => 'some_package', package_password => '' } );

my $conns_ref = $package->get_connections;

foreach my $conn (@{$conns_ref}) {

    print $conn->get_name, "\n";


# or if you have $connection as a regular 
# MS SQL Server Connection object

my $conn2 = DTS::Connection->new($connection);
print $conn2->to_string, "\n";


DTS::Connection class represent a DTS Connection object, serving as a layer to fetch properties from the DTS Connection stored in the _sibling attribute.

Although it's possible to create an DTS::Connection object directly (once a DTS Connection object is available), one will probably fetch connections from a package using the get_connections method from the DTS::Package module.


None by default.


Inherints all methods from DTS superclass.


The only expected parameter to the new method is an already available DTS Connection object. Returns a DTS::Connection object.


Fetchs the name of the connection.


Fetchs the description of the connection.


Fetchs the provider value of the connection. It server as an alias for the get_provider method.


Fetchs the datasource value of the connection.


Fetchs the catalog value of the connection, if available.


Fetchs the connection ID. This ID is used as an connection reference by the tasks in a DTS package that needs a connection.


Fetchs the provider name of the connection. Althought DTS Connection object support various types of connections, at this version, DTS::Connection will work only with DTSFlatFile and SQLOLEDB providers.


Fetchs the user used in the authentication of the connection.


Fetchs the password used in the authentication of the connection.


Returns an hash reference with all OLEDB properties used by the connection.

Each key in the hash reference is the property name without the spaces. The value for each key is another hash reference that contains the keys name, value, property_id and property_set. These keys correspond to the properties Name, Value, PropertyID and PropertySet from the original property defined in the DTS API.

Specially for the property FileType that is a convertion from numeric code to the proper string.


Returns a string with all properties (but those returned by get_oledb method) from the a DTS::Connection object. Each property will have a short description before the value and will be separated by new line characters.


This class should be subclassed very soon to two new classes: DTS::Connection::FlatFile and DTS::Connection::OLEBD to enable polymorphic method calls.


  • DTS at perldoc.

  • DTS::Application at perldoc.

  • DTS::Package at perldoc.

  • Win32::OLE at perldoc.

  • MSDN on Microsoft website and MS SQL Server 2000 Books Online are a reference about using DTS' object hierarchy, but one will need to convert examples written in VBScript to Perl code.


This API is incomplete. There are much more properties defined in the MS SQL Server 2000 DTS API.


Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, <>


Copyright (C) 2006 by Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.