Perl classes to access Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Packages
a Perl class to emulate Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Application object
a Perl base class to represent a DTS Dynamic Properties task Assignment object
a class to represent a DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
a class to represent a DTS DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
abstract class to represent a destination string of a DTS DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object.
a subclass of DTS::Assignment::Destination for connections
a subclass of DTS::Assignment::Destination for global variables
a subclass of DTS::Assignment::Destination for a package
a subclass of DTS::Assignment::Destination for tasks
abstract class to generate DTS::Assignment::Destination subclasses depending on the Destination string.
a class to represent a DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
a class to represent a DTS DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
a class to represent a DTS DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
a class to represent a DTS DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
a Perl abstract class to create DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment objects
a Perl abstract class that knows all DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment objects types.
a Perl class to represent a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Connection object
credentials to authenticate against a MS SQL Server 2000
DateTime Perl object built from Win32::OLE Variant values
a Perl class to access Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Packages
a Perl class to access Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Package's steps
a Perl class to represent a DTS Package Step execution result.
a Perl base class to access Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS tasks
a Perl subclass of DTS::Task to represent a DTSDataPumpTask object
a subclass of DTS::Task to represent a DTSDynamicPropertiesTask object
a subclass of DTS::Task to represent a DTSExecutePackageTask object
a subclass of DTS::Task that represents a DTSSendMailTask object.
a Perl abstract class to create DTS Package Tasks in a polymorphic way
a Perl abstract class to convert DTSTask types to DTS::Task types.