Regexp::Common::list -- provide regexes for lists


use Regexp::Common qw /list/;

while (<>) {
    /$RE{list}{-pat => '\w+'}/          and print "List of words";
    /$RE{list}{-pat => $RE{num}{real}}/ and print "List of numbers";


Please consult the manual of Regexp::Common for a general description of the works of this interface.

Do not use this module directly, but load it via Regexp::Common.


Returns a pattern matching a list of (at least two) substrings.

If -pat=P is specified, it defines the pattern for each substring in the list. By default, P is qr/.*?\S/. In Regexp::Common 0.02 or earlier, the default pattern was qr/.*?/. But that will match a single space, causing unintended parsing of a, b, and c as a list of four elements instead of 3 (with -word being (?:and)). One consequence is that a list of the form "a,,b" will no longer be parsed. Use the pattern qr /.*?/ to be able to parse this, but see the previous remark.

If -sep=P is specified, it defines the pattern P to be used as a separator between each pair of substrings in the list, except the final two. By default P is qr/\s*,\s*/.

If -lastsep=P is specified, it defines the pattern P to be used as a separator between the final two substrings in the list. By default P is the same as the pattern specified by the -sep flag.

For example:

$RE{list}{-pat=>'\w+'}                # match a list of word chars
$RE{list}{-pat=>$RE{num}{real}}       # match a list of numbers
$RE{list}{-sep=>"\t"}                 # match a tab-separated list
$RE{list}{-lastsep=>',\s+and\s+'}     # match a proper English list

Under -keep:


captures the entire list


captures the last separator


An alias for $RE{list}{-lastsep=>'\s*,?\s*PATTERN\s*'}

If -word is not specified, the default pattern is qr/and|or/.

For example:

$RE{list}{conj}{-word=>'et'}        # match Jean, Paul, et Satre
$RE{list}{conj}{-word=>'oder'}      # match Bonn, Koln oder Hamburg


An alias for $RE{list}{conj}{-word=>'and'}


An alias for $RE{list}{conj}{-word=>'or'}


Regexp::Common for a general description of how to use this interface.


Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior <>


This software is copyright (c) 2024 of Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, glasswalk3r at

This file is part of regex-common project.

regex-commonis free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

regex-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with regex-common. If not, see (

The original project [Regexp::Common]( is licensed through the MIT License, copyright (c) Damian Conway ( and Abigail (