Siebel::Lbconfig - helper to generate optimied lbconfig file


The distribution Siebel-Lbconfig was created based on classes from Siebel::Srvrmgr.

The command line utility lbconfig will connect to a Siebel Enterprise with srvrmgr and generate a optimized lbconfig.txt file by search all active AOMs that take can take advantage of the native load balancer.



Creates a Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon to connects to the Siebel Enterprise and retrieve the required information to create the lbconfig.txt.

It expects as parameters:

  • A string of the complete path to a configuration file that is understandle by Config::Tiny (a INI file).

Check the section "Configuration file" of this Pod for details about how to create and maintain the INI file.

Return two values:


Expects the path to a INI file as parameter.

Returns an instance of Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon subclass configured in the INI file.


Expects as parameter the Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon::ActionStash instance returned by create_daemon and the Siebel Connection Broker TCP port.

Returns a hash array reference with all the rows data of the lbconfig.txt.


Creates the lbconfig.txt and eapps*.cfg files.

Expects as parameters the directory where the eapps*.cfg file will be located. Those files will be used as templates, they will be copied to a new version of them, with the ConnectionString modified and all other content as is. The copied will have the .new file "extension" attached to them.

Also, espects a data reference passed as the second parameter. The expected format is the same returned by the recover_info sub.

Returns nothing. The lbconfig.txt file will be located at the current directory.


The configuration file must have a INI format, which is supported by the Config::Tiny module.

Here is an example of the required parameters with a description:

srvrmgr= /foobar/bin/srvrmgr
load_prefs = 1
type = light
time_zone = America/Sao_Paulo

Beware that the commands executed by lbconfig requires that the output has a specific configuration set: setting load_prefs is not optional here, but a requirement!

Also make sure to use type = light because this distribution really doesn't need Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon::Heavy and is intended to work on MS Windows.



Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 of Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, <>

This file is part of Siebel Monitoring Tools.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Siebel Monitoring Tools. If not, see <>.