Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Comp - class that represents a Siebel component


    use Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Comp;

    # see Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Server for more details
    my $comp = Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Comp->new( {
                alias          => $data_ref->{CC_ALIAS},
				name           => $data_ref->{CC_NAME}, 
                ct_alias       => $data_ref->{CT_ALIAS},
                cg_alias       => $data_ref->{CG_ALIAS},
                run_mode       => $data_ref->{CC_RUNMODE},
                disp_run_state => $data_ref->{CP_DISP_RUN_STATE},
                num_run_tasks  => $data_ref->{CP_NUM_RUN_TASKS},
                max_tasks      => $data_ref->{CP_MAX_TASKS},
                actv_mts_procs => $data_ref->{CP_ACTV_MTS_PROCS},
                max_mts_procs  => $data_ref->{CP_MAX_MTS_PROCS},
                start_datetime => $data_ref->{CP_START_TIME},
                end_datetime   => $data_ref->{CP_END_TIME},
                status         => $data_ref->{CP_STATUS},
                incarn_no      => $data_ref->{CC_INCARN_NO},
                desc_text      => $data_ref->{CC_DESC_TEXT}

    } );

    print 'NAME = ', $comp->get_name(), "\n";


This class is meant to be used together with Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Server since a component is always associated with a Siebel server. This class is intended to make it easier to access and modify components as desired (for example, to export all components from one server to another changing some of their parameters).

This class uses the roles Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Duration and Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ToString.


Beware that some of the attributes of the component may reflect only the current state when the component data was recovered and are, by nature, dynamic. Some example are the number of running tasks and state of the component.


A string of the alias of the component.

This is a required attribute during object creation.

This attribute is read/write.


A string of the name of the component.

This attribute is read/write.


A string of the component type alias.

This attribute is read/write.


A string of the component group alias.

This attribute is read/write.


A string of the component run mode.

This attribute is read/write.


A string of the component display run state.

This attribute is read-only.


An integer with the number of running tasks of the component.

This attribute is read-only.


An integer with the maximum number of tasks the component will execute before restart itself.

This attribute is read/write.


An integer wit the active MTS processes running for the component.

This attribute is read-only.


An integer with the maximum number of MTS process that will run for the component.

This attribute is read/write.


A string representing the status of the component.

This attribute is read-only.


An integer with representing the component incarnation number.

This attribute is read-only.


A string representing the description of the component.

This attribute is read/write.


All attributes have getter methods from than, following the Perl Best Practices book recomendation, so for component description invoke c<get_desc_text> method and so on.

For those attributes that are read/write, their setters follows the same scheme.


The BUILD method will create all attributes/methods based on the value of the data attribute.

Once this operation is finished, the data attribute is set to an empty hash reference.



Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, <>.


This software is copyright (c) 2012 of Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, <>.

This file is part of Siebel Monitoring Tools.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Siebel Monitoring Tools. If not, see