Catalyst::Plugin::Digress - A cleaner, simpler, action-only $c->forward


$c->forward( 'some/other/action' );
$c->forward( 'action_in_same_controller' );
$c->forward( $self->action_for( 'action_in_same_controller' ) );

my %form = $c->forward( 'validate_params', {
  name  => { required => },
  email => { type => 'Str' },
} );

$c->digress( $c->view ); # FAIL: cannot digress to components


This plugin gives you the useful part of the Catalyst forward method without the weirdness (or the madness):

  • It does not catch exceptions (the most important benefit).

  • It passes parameters like in a normal Perl method call.

  • It does not mess with $c->request->arguments.

  • It preserves list vs scalar context for the call.

  • It does not walk the Perl call stack every time (or ever, even once) to figure out what its own name was (or for any other purpose).

  • It cannot forward to components, only actions (because don’t ask how forwarding to components works).

In other words, is almost identical to a straight method call:

package MyApp::Controller::Some;
sub other_action : Private { ... }

package MyApp::Controller::Root;
sub index : Path {
  my ( $c, @some_args ) = ( shift, @_ );
  # ...
  my @some_return = $c->digress( '/some/other_action', @any_old_args );
  # this is nearly identical to the following line:
  my @some_return = $c->controller( 'Some' )->other_action( $c, @any_old_args );
  # ...

Except, of course, that it takes an action path instead of a plain method name, and it maintains the Catalyst action stack for you just like forward would, which keeps various Catalyst mechanisms working, such as calling forward and friends from other_action with a local action name.


Aristotle Pagaltzis <>


This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Aristotle Pagaltzis.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.