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WWW::Search::PharmGKB - Search and retrieve information from the PharmGKB database


Version 1.03


    use WWW::Search::PharmGKB;
    use Data:Dumper;
    my $pharmgkb = WWW::Search::PharmGKB->new();
    my $search_result = $pharmgkb->gene_search('CYP2D6');
    print Dumper $search_result;


    PharmGKB provides web services API to query their database. This module is an object oriented,
    more flexible wrapper for the SOAP service. You can search for genes, publications, drugs and
    diseases (more to come soon :) ). Note that the PharmGKB SOAP service is kinda slow and sometimes
    a bit annoying too, but you will get some good quality data and it's better to wait for the
    script to do the job than manual curation ;)



    my $pharmgkb = new WWW::Search::PharmGKB;
    Usage: $self->gene_search('CYP2D6');

    This method is used to search for information about genes. the method takes in only one gene name
    at a time. It returns a referenced hash like this :
    'PA128' => {
                     'pathways' => [
                                       'Anti-estrogen Pathway (Tamoxifen PK)' => '/search/pathway/antiestrogen/tamoxifen.jsp'
                                       'Celecoxib Pathway' => '/search/pathway/celecoxib/celecoxib.jsp'
                                       'Codeine and Morphine Pathway (PK)' => '/search/pathway/codeine-morphine/codeineMorphine-pk.jsp'
                                       'Statin Pathway (PK)' => '/search/pathway/statin/statin-pk.jsp'
                     'symbol' => 'CYP2D6',
                     'drugs' => [
                     'alternate_names' => [
                                            'cytochrome P450, subfamily IID (debrisoquine, sparteine, etc., -metabolizing), polypeptide 6',
                                            'cytochrome P450, subfamily IID (debrisoquine, sparteine, etc., -metabolizing)-like 1',
                                            'debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase',
                                            'flavoprotein-linked monooxygenase',
                                            'microsomal monooxygenase',
                                            'xenobiotic monooxygenase'
                     'diseases' => [

                     'name' => 'cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily D, polypeptide 6',
                     'phenotypes' => [
                     'alternate_symbols' => [
    Usage: $sef->disease_search('AIDS');

    This method is used to search for information about diseases.
    It returns a referenced hash like this :
    $var = {
          'PA446816' => {
                        'pathways' => [],
                        'drugs' => '',
                        'names' => [
                                     'AIDS Wasting Syndrome',
                                     'HIV Wasting Disease',
                                     'Slim Disease',
                                     'Wasting Disease, HIV',
                                     'Wasting Syndrome, AIDS',
                                     'Wasting Syndrome, HIV'
                        'genes' => '',
                        'phenotypes' => ''
          'PA446298' => {
                        'pathways' => [],
                        'drugs' => '',
                        'names' => [
                                     'AIDS, Murine',
                                     'AIDSs, Murine',
                                     'Murine AIDS',
                                     'Murine AIDSs',
                                     'Murine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome',
                                     'Murine Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome',
                                     'Murine Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome'
                        'genes' => '',
                        'phenotypes' => ''
    Usage: $sef->drug_search('AIDS');

    This method is used to search for information about drugs.
    It returns a referenced hash like this :
    $var = {

            'PA448508' => {
                        'pathways' => [],
                        'diseases' => '',
                        'genes' => '',
                        'name' => 'attapulgite',
                        'classification' => [
                        'category' => '',
                        'phenotypes' => '',
                        'trade_names' => [
                                           'Kaopectate Advanced Formula',
                                           'Kaopectate Maximum Strength',
                        'generic_names' => ''
          'PA448497' => {
                        'pathways' => [
                                          'Celecoxib Pathway' => '/search/pathway/celecoxib/celecoxib.jsp'
                                          'Platelet Aggregation Pathway (PD)' => '/search/pathway/platelet/platelet-pd.jsp'
                        'diseases' => [
                        'genes' => [
                        'name' => 'aspirin',
                        'classification' => '',
                        'category' => '',
                        'phenotypes' => [
                        'trade_names' => [
                                           '217 Strong',
                                           '8-Hour Bayer',
                                           'Acetaminophen, Aspirin And Caffeine',
                                           'Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate',
                                           'Acuprin 81',
                                           'Anacin Caplets',
                                           'Anacin Extra Strength',
                                           'Anacin Maximum Strength',
                                           'Anacin Tablets',
                        'generic_names' => ''

    Usage: $sef->publication_search('AIDS');
    'AIDS' is just an example.. PharmGKB has a lot of publications
    about AIDS and it takes a long time for the SOAP to respond.

    This method is used to search for for publications.
    It returns a referenced hash like this :
    $var = {
          'PA133822615' => {
                           'authors' => [
                                          'Leabman Maya K',
                                          'Giacomini Kathleen M'
                           'page' => '581-4',
                           'volume' => '13',
                           'month' => '9',
                           'grant_id' => '',
                           'cross_reference' => [
                                                    'PubMed ID' => '12972957'
                           'title' => 'Estimating the contribution of genes and environment to variation in renal
                                       drug clearance', 'abstract' => 'Renal excretion is the major pathway for
                                       elimination of many clinically used drugs and xenobiotics.
                                       We estimated the genetic component (rGC) contributing to variation in renal
                                       clearance for six compounds (amoxicillin, ampicillin, metformin, terodiline,
                                       digoxin and iohexol) using Repeated Drug Application methodology. Data were 
                                       obtained from published literature. The rGC values of renal clearance of 
                                       metformin, amoxicillin, and ampicillin, which undergo transporter-mediated 
                                       secretion, ranged from 0.64-0.94. This finding suggests that variation in the
                                       renal clearance of these drugs has a strong genetic component. Additionally,
                                       the rGC values of renal clearance of metformin, amoxicillin, and ampicillin 
                                       were similar to previously reported rGC values for metabolism. By contrast, 
                                       the rGC values of renal clearance for iohexol, digoxin, and terodiline were 
                                       low (0.12-0.37). Renal clearance of these compounds occurs mainly through 
                                       passive processes (e.g. glomerular filtration and passive secretion/reabsorption).
                                       The low rGC values of iohexol, digoxin and terodiline suggest that environmental
                                       factors may contribute to variation in their renal clearance.',
                           'grants_id' => [
                           'year' => '2003',
                           'journal' => 'Pharmacogenetics'


    Return information instead of a bunch of PharmGKB IDs and try to make
    the SOAP respond faster. More features like phenotype/genotype data download.


Arun Venkataraman, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-search-pharmgkb at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::Search::PharmGKB

You can also look for information at:

You can contact the author for any issues or suggestions you come accross using this module.


This module is based on the perl client written by Andrew MacBride ( for PharmGKB's web services.


Copyright 2009 Arun Venkataraman, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.