Acme::EyeDrops - Visual Programming in Perl
use Acme::EyeDrops qw(sightly);
print sightly( { Shape => 'camel',
SourceFile => '' } );
converts a Perl program into an equivalent one, but without all those unsightly letters and numbers.
In a Visual Programming breakthrough, EyeDrops allows you to pour the generated program into various shapes, such as UML diagrams, enabling you to instantly understand how the program works just by glancing at its new and improved visual representation.
Like Acme::Smirch
, but unlike Acme::Bleach
and Acme::Buffy
, the generated program runs without requiring that Acme::EyeDrops
be installed on the target system.
Suppose you have a program,, consisting of:
print "hello world\n";
You can make this program look like a camel with:
print sightly( { Shape => 'camel',
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
Instead of using the API above, you may find it more convenient to use the command in the demo directory: -h (for help) -s camel -f -r >
cat (should look like a camel)
perl (should print "hello world" as before)
Notice that the shape 'camel'
is just the file camel.eye in the same directory as, so you are free to add your own new shapes as required.
Making Your Programs Easier to Understand
If your boss demands a UML diagram describing your program, you can give him this:
print sightly( { Shape => 'uml',
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
If it is a Windows program, you can indicate that too, by combining shapes:
print sightly( { Shape => 'uml,window',
Gap => 1,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
producing this improved visual representation:
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
'/'))))).('{'^'[').'\\'.('"').( '`'|'(').('`'|'%').('`'|"\,").(
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
'`'))))))))))))))))))))|"\,").( '`'|'/').('{'^'[').('['^"\,").(
"\("^ (( '}'))
;($,) =( '`')|
"\!"; $\ =')'^
"\}"; $: ='.'^
"\~"; $~ ='@'|
"\("; $^ =')'^
"\["; $/ ='`'|
"\."; $_ ='('^
"\}"; $, ='`'|
"\!"; $\ =')'^
"\}"; $: ='.'^
($,)= (( '`'))
|'!'; $\ =')'^
"\}"; $: ='.'^
"\~"; $~ ='@'|
"\("; $^ =')'^
"\["; $/ ='`'|
"\."; $_ ='('^
"\}"; $, ='`'|
"\!"; $\ =')'^
"\}"; $: ='.'^
"\~"; $~ ='@'|
This is a Visual Programming breakthrough in that you can tell that it is a Windows program and see its UML structure too, just by glancing at the code.
For Linux-only, you can apply its /usr/games/banner command to the program's source text:
print sightly( { Shape => 'srcbanner',
Width => 70,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
The generated program is easier to understand than the original because its characters are bigger and easier to read.
Converting from Perl 5 to Perl 6
You can convert Perl 5 programs to Perl 6 simply by arranging for them to impersonate the Perl 6 maestros, Larry Wall and Damian Conway:
print sightly( { Shape => 'larry,damian',
Gap => 2,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
'+'). ('['
^')' ).(
'`'| ')'
).+( ( '`'
)|(( ( '.'
)))) .( ( '['
)^(( ( ( '/'
))) )) .( '{'
^(( (( ( '['
))) ))). ( (((
((( '\\' ) )))
))) .'"' . (((
'`' ))|'(').( ( '`'
)|+ (( ( ((
'%' )) ) ))
).( ( ( ((
'`' ) )))|+
',' ) .(
'`' | ',').('`'|'/').('{'^'[').('['^(',')).(
'`' |'/').("\["^ "\)").( ( ( "\`"))| (
',' ) ) .+( '`' |+ ( ( (( '$' ))) )
).+ ( ( '\\')).'\\'. ( ( '`')|('.')). (
((( ( ( ( ( (
(( ((( ( ( ( (( (
(( ( '\\') ) ) )) )
)) ) ) ) ) ) )
)) ) ))) ))).'"'.(';').( ( '!')^('+')).
(( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( '"' ) )
) ))) )) )
) ) ))).'}'.')');$:="\."^ (
( ( '~')));$~='@'|'(';$^=')' ^
( ( '['));$/='`'|'.';$_=('(')^ (
( ( '}')) );$,='`'|"\!"; ($\) =
( ( ')') ) ^ '}' ;
$: =(( '.'))^'~';$~='@' |((
( (
( (
( (
( ( (
( ( (
( ( (
( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( '(' )) )
) ))))))))))) )
;$\= ')'^
'}'; ($:)
='.' ^'~'
;$~= '@'|
'('; ($^)
=')' ^'['
;$/= '`'|
'.'; $_=
'('^ '}';
($,) ="\`"| '!';
($\) =')' ^ '}'
;$: =(( ('.')))^ ( '~'
);( ( $~)) =(( ( '@'
))) | '(';$^=')'^ ( '['
);( ( ( $/)
))= ( ( '`'
))| ( ( '.'
)); ( ( $_)
)=( ( ( '('
)) ) ^ '}'
; $, = ( ((
( (( ( ( ((
( '`') ))))))))) )|'!'; $\=
( ')' )^+ '}' ;$: =(( '.'
) )^ (( '~'));$~ =('@')| ((
( ( (( (( '(') )) ) )) ));( $^ )
= ( ')' )^"\[";$/= ( '`')|'.';$_ =
( ( (( ( (
( (( ( ((
( '(' ) ))
) ))) ) )))
))^'}'; ( $,)
='`'| ( ( ( '!'
)));( ( ( ( $\)
)))=(( ')'))^'}';$: ='.'
^"\~"; ($~)
=('@')| '(';$^=')'^"\[";$/= '`'|
"\.";$_= '('^'}';$,='`'|('!');$\= ')'^
"\}";$:= (( "\."))^
'~';$~="\@"| '(';$^=')'^'[';$/= ('`')|
'.';$_='(' ^'}';$,="\`"| "\!";
$\=')'^'}' ;($:)=
'.'^('~');$~= '@'|"\(";
If you sincerely idolize Larry, you might put a picture frame around him:
print sightly( { Shape => 'larry2',
BorderGap => 3,
BorderWidth => 2,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
where the shape larry2
is a caricature contributed by Ryan King:
^+ ((
(( ((
(( ((
(( '/'))))))))))) ))
.( '{'^'[').'\\'.'"'.('`' |+
(( '('))).('`'|'%').('`'|',' ).
+( '`'|(',')).( '`'|'/'). ('{'^ ((
(( '['))))).('[' ^',').( (( '`' ))
|+ '/' ).('['^')') .("\`"| ( ',' ))
.( '`' |"\$").'\\'. '\\'. ( '`' |+
(( '.' ))).('\\'). '"'. ( (( ((
(( ';') )))))).''. ('!' ^ ((
(( '+'))) )). '"' . ( (( ((
(( '}')))))) ) . ( ( ( (( ((
(( ')')))))) )))); $:='.'^'~';$~=('@')| ((
(( '(')))); $^ ="\)"^ (( (( ( (( ((
(( '['))))) ))) ) ) ) ;( $/
)= '`'|'.'; $_ = ( ( ( ( (( ((
(( '(')))) )) ) ) ) )^ ((
(( '}'))) ); $, =( '`' )|
(( "\!")); ( $\)=')'^ '}'; $: =(
(( '.')))^ ( '~'); ($~)= ( (( ((
(( '@')))))) )|"\("; $^=')'^'[' ;(
$/ )="\`"| '.';$_='(' ^'}';$,='`' |+
(( '!')) ; $\=(')')^ ( "\}"); $:
=( ( '.')) ^'~' ; ($~) =(
(( ( ( '@' ) ))) )|
(( '(' ) ); ( ( $^ ))
=( (( ( ( "\)")))))^ ( ((
(( '[' )) ) ))
;( ( $/ )) =(
(( ( (( ( ( ((
(( '`'))))) ) ))
)) ))
|+ ((
(( ((
Just another Perl hacker
Let's get more ambitious and create a big self-printing JAPH.
my $src = <<'PROG';
open 0;
$/ = undef;
$x = <0>;
close 0;
$x =~ tr/!-~/#/;
print $x;
print sightly( { Shape => 'japh',
SourceString => $src,
Regex => 1 } );
This works. However, if we were to change:
$x =~ tr/!-~/#/;
$x =~ s/\S/#/g;
the generated program would malfunction in strange ways because it is running inside a regular expression and Perl's regex engine is not reentrant. In this case, we must resort to:
print sightly({Shape => 'japh',
SourceString => $src,
Regex => 0 } );
which runs the generated sightly program via eval
instead. If you want to use Regex => 1, ensure that the program to be converted does not use any regular expressions (and is careful with use of $_
To produce a JAPH that resembles the original Just another Perl hacker, aka Randal L Schwartz, try this:
print sightly({ Shape => 'merlyn',
SourceString => 'Just another Perl hacker,',
Regex => 1,
Print => 1 } );
.('[' ^'.')
.('[' ^'(')
.('[' ^'/')
.('{'^ '[').(
"\`"| '!').(
'`'| '.').(
'`'| ( ( '/'))).
('[' ^ ( ( '/'))).(
'`'| ( ( ( ( '('))))).
('`'| ( ( ( ( '%'))))).
('['^ ( ( ( ( ')'))))).
('{'^ '[') .( ( (( ('{'))))^
'+'). ( '`'|'%' ).("\["^ ')').('`'
|',').('{'^ '[').('`'
|'(').('`' |"\!").(
'`'|'#').( ('`')| '+').( '`'|'%')
.('['^')') .(( ',' )). '"' .('}').
"\)");$:= ('.')^ ( "\~"); $~='@'|
('(');$^= (( ')' )) ^ (( '[' )) ;($/)=
'`'|'.'; $_='('^'}' ; $,='`'|'!' ;($\)
=(')')^ ( '}'
);($:) = '.'
^'~'; ( ( ( $~)
) )= ( ( ( '@'
) ) ) | ( ( ( '('
) ) ) ; ( ( ( $^
) ) ) =
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ')')))))))))^'[' ; # ;
# ; # ; # ;#
; # ; # ; #;
# ; #; #; # ;
# ; # ;# ; #
; # ;#;#; # ;
# ; # ;
# ; # ;
# ; #
; # ;
# ; #
; # ;
# ;
# ;
#;# ;#
Buffy Looking in the Mirror
Because the sightly encoding is not very compact, you sometimes find yourself playing a surreal form of Perl Golf, where the winner is the one with the smallest f.tmp in: -r -f program_to_be_converted >f.tmp
Apart from reducing the (key-)stroke count, you must avoid regexes and strive to replace alphanumeric characters with sightly ones, which do not require sightly encoding.
To illustrate, consider the intriguing problem of creating Buffy looking in the mirror. Let's start with
Notice that EyeDrops-generated programs contain no trailing spaces, which complicates the above program.
Buffy looking in the mirror can now be created with: -r -f -s buffy2 >
cat (should show Buffy's face)
perl (should show Buffy looking in the mirror)
Drat. This requires two buffy2 shapes. What to do? Since significantly shortening above seems unlikely (but if you do, please let me know!), we resort to writing a post processor program,, to append the required number of spaces to each line:
With this program in place, we can write a briefer
and finally produce Buffy looking in the mirror with: -r -f -s buffy2 >
perl >
cat (should show Buffy's face)
perl (should show Buffy looking in the mirror)
Interestingly, showing the face upside down, rather than reflected, is more easily solved with:
and easier still for a self-printing shape:
To combine Buffy looking in the mirror with a (cheating) quine, we create
and: -r -f -s buffy2 >
perl >
cat (should show Buffy's face)
perl (should show Buffy's face again)
perl mirror (should show Buffy looking in the mirror)
'`' | ','
).+ ( '"'
).+ ( (((
((( ( (((
((( ( (((
((( '\\')) )))
))) )))) ) )))
))) )).+ ( '$'
).+ (( ( ':'
))) . ( '='
).( ( ('['))^
'+' ) . ( (
( '`') )|'/') .('['^ ( (
( ( (( ( (
( ( ( (( ( ( (( ( ( (
( ( '+') )))) ) )
) ) ))) )
) ))) ) )
)) ) ) . ( ((
'|' ) ) ) .((
'|'))."'" ."'".';'
.('`'|'/' ).(('[')^ ('+')).(
'`'|'%').( "\`"| ( ('.'))).
'\\'.'$'.'[' . (';').(
'['^'+').('[' ^ "\)").(
'`'|')').('`' | ( '.')).(
'['^'/').'+'. ( ('`')| (
'-')).("\`"| "\!").( (
'[')^('+')). ('\\'). (
'$')."\:".( '`'|'%') .("\["^
'*')."\'".( '`'|'-' ) .("\`"|
')').('['^')').( ( "\[")^ ( (
( ( ')'))))).( ( ( '`')) | (
( ( "\/")))).( ( ( '[')) ^ (
( ')')))."'". ( '?') . (
( '`')|'#').( ( ( (
( '`'))))| ( ( (
( ( '(') ) )
) ) ) .
( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( '`'))))))))))))))))))))))))|'/').(('[')^ ( (
( '+')))).'&'.'&'.('['^')').('`'|'%').('['^'-') .
( '`'|'%').('['^')').('['^'(').('`'|'%').'.'.''. (
( '\\')).'$'.'/'.':'.'\\'.'$'.'_'.','.'<'.(('^')^( (
( '`'))|'.')).'>'.('!'^'+').'"'.'}'.')');$:='.'^'~' ;
Thirty Two Camels
Let's extend the Buffy example of the previous section to produce a camel-shaped program capable of emitting thirty two different camels when run.
We start with a generator program,
my $src = <<'END_SRC_STR';
$~=uc pop;open$%;chop(@~=<0>);$~=~R&&(@~=map{$-=$_+$_;join'',
y~ #~# ~,print$~=~M?~~reverse:$_,$/for$~=~U?reverse@~:@~
$src =~ tr/\n//d;
my $prog = sightly( { Regex => 1,
Shape => 'camel',
SourceString => $src } );
my @a = split(/\n/, $prog);
my $max = 0; length > $max and $max = length for @a;
$_ .= ' ' x ($max - length) for @a; $\ = "\n";
print ' ' x ($max+2); print " $_ " for @a; print ' ' x ($max+2);
Running this program:
perl >
.'{'.( '`'|'%').("\["^
'-').('`'| '!').('`'|',').'"'
.'\\'.'$'. ('~'). '='.('['^'.').("\`"|
'#').('{'^'[').('['^ '+').('`'|'/').(('[')^
'+').';'.('`'|"\/").( '['^'+').('`'|'%').('`'
|'.').'\\'.'$'.'%'. ';'.('`'|'#').('`'|"\(").(
'`'|'/').('['^ '+').'('.'\\'.'@'.'~'.'='.'<'
.('^'^('`'|'.' )).'>'.')'.';'.'\\'.'$'.'~'.'='.
'~'.('{'^"\)"). '&'.'&'.'('.'\\'.'@'.'~'.'='.("\`"|
'-').('`'|'!'). ('['^'+').'\\'.'{'.'\\'.'$'.'-'.('=').
'\\'.'$'.('_'). '+'.'\\'.'$'.'_'.';'.('`'|'*').('`'|'/')
.('`'|(')')).( '`'|'.')."'"."'".','.('`'|'-').('`'|'!').
('['^'+').'/'. '.'.'\\'.'{'.'\\'.'$'.'-'.'\\'.'}'.'('.'.'
^')').('`'|')').('`'|'.').('['^'/').'\\'.'$'.'~'.'='. '~'
.('`'^'-').'?'.'~'.'~'.('['^')').('`'|'%').('['^'-' ).(
'`'|'%').('['^')').('['^'(').('`'|('%')). ':'.'\\' .((
'$')).'_'.','.'\\'.'$'.'/'.('`'|'&').( '`'|'/' ).(
"\["^ ')').'\\'.'$'.'~'.'='.'~'.('{' ^"\."). '?'
.('['^')').('`'|'%').('['^'-' ).('`'| '%'
).("\["^ ')').('['^ '(').( ('`')| ((
'%'))). '\\'.'@' ."\~". (':'). ((
'\\')). '@'.'~'. "\"". "\}". (
')')); $:="\."^ '~'; ($~)
="\@"| ('(');$^= ')'^ '[';
($/)= '`'|'.'; ($_) ='('
^'}'; $,='`'| '!'; ($\)
=')' ^"\}"; ($:) ='.'
^'~' ;$~ ='@' |'('
;$^= ')' ^(( '['
)); $/= '`' |((
'.' )); $_= '('
^(( '}' )); $,
=( "\`")| ((
(( '!')) ))
;( $\)=')'^ ((
'}' ));( ($:)) =(
'.' )^'~'; ($~) =((
'@') )|'(';$^ =(( ')')
)^'['; $/='`'
|'.';$_= '('^'}'
Notice that the camel-shaped program above needs a leading and trailing line of spaces for best results with inverted shapes.
You can run like this:
perl normal camel
perl q quine (program prints itself)
perl m mirror (camel looking in the mirror)
perl i inverted camel
perl u upside-down camel
perl r rotated camel
And can further combine the above options, each combination producing a different camel, for example:
perl uri
produces a large, bearded camel with a ponytail, glasses, and a tie-dyed T-shirt. :)
The 32 possible combinations are:
"" q r u m i
qr qu qm qi ru rm ri um ui mi
qru qrm qri qui qum qmi rum rui rmi umi
qrum qrui qumi qrmi rumi
Dueling Dingos
During the TPR02 Perl Golf tournament, `/anick composed a poem describing his experience, entitled Dueling Dingos.
You can produce a program that emits his superb poem like this:
print sightly( { Shape => 'yanick3',
Regex => 1,
Print => 1,
SourceString => <<'END_DINGO' } );
# Dueling Dingos v1.1, by Yanick Champoux (9/4/2002)
# Inspired by the TPR(0,2) Perl Golf contest.
# Name haven't been changed, since the involved
# parties could hardly be labelled as 'innocent',
# and are way far too gone to protect anyway.
wait until localtime > @April[0]; # wait until the first of April
study and seek FOR, $some, $inspiration;
write $stuff;
$score = 145; # no good;
delete $stuff { I_can_do_without }
and do $more_stuff;
delete $even{more_stuff};
reverse $engineer; study; eval $strategy and redo;
write, write, write;
delete $_{'!'}, delete $"{"@!"}, delete $@{'*'}; # must stop cursing
use less 'characters', $durnit;
read THE, $current, $solution;
not 2, $bad;
delete $white_spaces{''} until $program == glob;
for( $all, my @troubles )
unlink 1, $character;
$must, not $despair;
$I->can(do{ $it });
study new Idea;
m/mmmm/m... do{able};
kill $chickens;
'ask', $Nanabozo, 2, bless $me, 'with more inspiration';
$so, close; warn $mailing_list and alarm $Andrew;
$toil until my $solution < /-\ndrew's
send $solution, $to, ref;
$brain, shutdown I,'m dead';
goto sleep;
wait; $till, $the, $day, $after;
readline last $scoreboard;
grep $all, stat;
read THE, $stats, $again until $it_sinks_in;
$Andrew,'s score' lt $mine;
$eyeball, pop @o
The generated program, being 2577 lines long, is not reproduced here. To generate a shorter program summarising `/anick's TPR02 anguish:
print sightly( { Shape => 'yanick,eye,mosquito,coffee',
Gap => 3,
Regex => 1,
Print => 1,
SourceString => <<'END_SUFFERING' } );
My head is hurting, my right eye feels like it's going to pop
like a mosquito drinking from an expresso addict with high
blood pressure, I want to crawl somewhere damp and dark and
quiet and I consider never to touch a keyboard again.
'%').('{'^'[').('`'|')'). ('['^ ('/')).
"'".('['^'(').('{'^'['). ("\`"|
"'").('`'|'/').('`'|')' ).''.
('`'|'.').('`'|"'").('{' ^'[')
.('[' ^'/').('`'|'/').(('{')^ '[').
('['^'+' ).('`'|'/').('['^'+'). ('!'^
'+').('`' |',') .('`'|(')')).( "\`"|
'+').('`' |'%' ).('{'^'['). ('`'|
'!').('{' ^ ('[')).( "\`"|
'-').('`' | "\/").( "\["^
'(').('[' ^ '*' ).(
'['^'.' ) .+( ( ( ( ( ( (
'`'))) ) )) | ( (
')')) ) . ( (
'[')^ ( (
'/')) ) .('`'| '/'). (
"\{"^ '[' ).('`' |'$') .
('['^ ( ( (
')')) ) ) .
('`'| ( ')')) . (
"\`"| ( '.')) . (
"\`"| ( ( (
'+'))) ) .( ( (
"\`"))| ( (( ( (
')')))))) . +( ( (
'`'))|'.').( ( (( ( (
'`')))))|"'").('{'^'[').( (( (
'`')))|'&').('['^')').('`'| (( (
'/')))).('`'|'-').('{'^'['). ('`'
|'!').('`'|'.').('{'^'[').('`' |
'%').('['^'#').('['^'+').("\["^ (
')')).('`'|'%').('['^('(')).( '['^'('
( '#')).('['^'/').("\{"^ (
( '['))).('['^',').('`'|')') .
( '['^'/').('`'|'(').('{'^'[').( (
( '`'))|'(').('`'|')').('`'|"'").( (
( '`'))|'(').('!'^'+').('`'|('"')).( (
( '`'))|',').('`'|'/').('`'|('/')).( (
( '`'))|'$').('{'^'[').('['^'+').('['^ (
( ')'))).('`'|'%').('['^'(').('['^'(') .
( '['^'.').('['^')').('`'|'%').(',').( (
( '{'))^'[').('`'^')').('{'^'[').('['^ (
( ','))).('`'|'!').('`'|'.').('['^'/') .
( '{'^'[').('['^'/').('`'|'/').('{'^ (
( '['))).('`'|'#').('['^')').(('`')| (
( '!'))).('['^',').('`'|',').('{'^ (
( '['))).('['^'(').('`'|('/')).( (
( '`'))|'-').('`'|'%').('['^ (
( ','))).('`'|'(').('`'| (
+( ((
'`')) | (
"\%")).( ( (
'{'))^'[' ) . ( (
'`')|'$').( ( ( ( (
'`'))))|'!') . ( ( (
'`'))|'-').( ( ( ( (
'['))))^'+') . ( ( (
'{'))^'[').( ( ( ( (
'`'))))|'!' ) . ( (
'`')|'.' ).('`'|'$' ) . ( (
'{')^'[').('`'| ('$')).( '`'| '!' ) .
('['^')').('`'|'+') .('{'^'[').('`'| (
'!')).('`'|'.').('`'|'$').('!'^"\+").( (
).('['^'/').('{'^'[') .('`'|'!').
('`'|('.')).( '`'|('$')).(
).( '`'
^+ ( ( (
(( ( ( (
(( ( ( (
(( ( ( (
(( ( ( (
')') ) ) )
)) ) ) ) )
) ) ) )
) ) ) )
) ) ) )
) ) . (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
'#').('`'|'/').('`'|'.').('['^'(').(('`')| ')').(
'`'|'$').('`'|'%').('['^')').('{'^('[')).( '`'|'.').
('`'|'%').('['^'-').('`'|'%').('['^')').('{'^ '['
).('['^'/').('`'|'/').('{'^'[').('['^'/').( '`'
|'/').('['^'.').('`'|'#').('`'|'(').("\{"^ '['
).('`'|'!').('{'^'[').('`'|'+').('`'|'%' ).(
'['^'"').('`'|'"').('`'|'/').('`'|'!').( '['^
')').('`'|'$').('{'^'[').('`'|('!')).( '`'|
"'").('`'|'!').('`'|')').('`'|"\."). '.'.
Encoding Binary Files
But wait, there's more. You can encode binary files too.
print sightly({Shape => 'camel,mongers',
SourceFile => 'some_binary_file',
Binary => 1,
Print => 1,
Gap => 3 } );
This is prettier than uuencode/uudecode. Here is how you encode/decode binary files with
To encode: -g3 -bps camel,mongers -f some_binary_file >eyesore
To decode:
perl eyesore >f.tmp
To verify it worked:
cmp f.tmp some_binary_file
A Slow Day
On a really slow day, you can sit at your Unix terminal and type things like: -r -s camel -f >
Just one camel needed for this little program. -r -s camel -f >
Hmm. 14 camels now. -r -s camel -f >
ls -l
195 camels. 563,745 bytes. Hmm. Getting slower. Is this the biggest, slowest hello world program ever written? -r -s camel -f >
ls -l
2046 camels. 5,172,288 bytes. Out of memory!
Buffy Goes to the Cricket
Buffy fans might like to rotate her letters:
print sightly( { Shape => 'buffy',
Rotate => 0, # try 270, 90 and 180
RotateType => 1, # try 0, 1, 2
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
or have her ride a pony:
print sightly( { Shape => 'buffy3,buffy4,riding,a,pony',
SourceString => "This is how Catherine the ".
"Great died.\n",
Gap => 2,
Regex => 1,
Print => 1 } );
while cricket fans could compare:
print sightly( { Shape => 'cricket',
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
which produces:
'-').( "\`"|
'!').( '`'|',')
.'"'.('[' ^'+').('['
^"\)").( '`'|"\)").(
'`'|'.') .('['^'/')
.(('{')^ '[').'\\'.
'"'.(('`')| '(').('`'
|'%').('`'|',' ).("\`"|
"\,").( '`'|'/') .('{'^'[').
(('[')^ ',').('`'|'/').(('[')^
"\)").( '`'|',').('`'|'$').''.
('\\'). '\\'.('`'|"\.").'\\'.
('"'). ';'.('!'^'+').('"').
'}';$:= '.'^'~';$~="\@"|
'('; $^=')'^"\[";$/=
( '.');$_='('^'}' ;$,='`'|"\!";
$\ =')'^"\}";$:= '.'^('~');$~=
'@' |'(';$^=')'^ '[';$/=('`')|
'.';$_=('(')^ '}';$,=('`')|
'!';$\=(')')^ '}';$:=('.')^
'~';$~='@'|'(' ;$^=')'^'[';
$/='`'|('.');$_= '('^"\}";$,=
'`'|'!';$\=')'^'}' ;$:='.'^'~'
;$~='@'|('(');$^= ')'^"\[";$/=
'`'|'.';$_='(' ^'}';$,='`'|
'!';$\= ')'^'}';$:=
"\."^ '~';$~='@'|
"\("; $^=')'^'['
;$/= '`'|'.';
$_= "\(";
print sightly( { Shape => 'cricket',
Invert => 1,
BorderWidth => 2,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
which produces:
'[').'\\'.'"'.('`'|'(' ).('`'|'%').('`'|',').('`'|"\,").(
'`'|'/').('{'^"\[").( '['^',').('`'|'/').('['^')').('`'|
',').('`'|'$').'\\'. '\\'.('`'|'.').'\\'.'"'.';'.("\!"^
'+').'"'.'}'."\)"); $:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/
='`'|'.';$_="\("^ '}';$,='`'|'!';$\=')'^'}';$:='.'^'~'
;$~='@'|"\(";$^= ')'^'[';$/='`'|'.';$_='('^'}';$,='`'|
'!';$\=')'^'}'; $:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^('[');$/=
'`'|'.';$_='(' ^'}';$,='`'|'!';$\=')'^'}';$:='.'^"\~";
$~='@'|'(';$^ =')' ^'[';$/='`'|'.';$_='('^"\}";$,=
'`'|"\!";$\= ')' ^'}';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=
')'^'[' ;$/= '`'|'.';$_='('^'}';$,='`'|'!'
;$\=')' ^'}'; $:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'
^'['; $/='`'| '.';$_='('^'}';$,='`'|'!';$\=
"\)"^ '}';$:= '.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'['
;$/ =('`')| '.';$_='('^'}';$,='`'|'!';$\=
(( ')'))^ '}';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=
(( ( ')') ))^'[';$/='`'|'.';$_="\("^
(( (( '}'))));$,='`'|'!';$\=')'^
'}' ;( $:)='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^
=')' ^+ '[';$/='`'|'.';$_='('^'}'
;($,)= (( '`'))|'!';$\=')'^"\}";$:=
'.'^'~' ;$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/
=('`')| '.';$_='('^'}';$,=('`')|
"\!";$\= ')'^'}';$:='.'^('~');$~=
'@'|"\("; $^= ')'^'[';$/='`'|('.');$_=
'('^'}';$, ="\`"| '!';$\=')'^'}';$:=('.')^
'~';$~='@'|('(');$^= ')'^'[';$/='`'|('.');$_=
'('^'}';$,='`'|"\!"; $\=')'^'}';$:='.'^"\~";
$~='@'|'(';$^=(')')^ '[';$/='`'|'.';$_="\("^
'}';$,='`'|('!');$\= ')'^'}';$:='.'^"\~";$~=
'@'|'(';$^=')'^"\["; $/='`'|'.';$_='('^"\}";
$,='`'|'!';$\="\)"^ '}';$:='.'^'~';$~="\@"|
'(';$^=')'^'[';$/= '`'|'.';$_='('^'}';$,=
'`'|'!';$\="\)"^ '}';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'
|'(';$^=')'^'[' ;$/='`'|'.';$_="\("^
'}';$,='`'|'!'; $\=')'^'}';$:="\."^
'~';$~='@'|'(' ;$^=')'^'[';$/='`'
|'.';$_="\("^ '}';$,='`'|'!';$\
="\)"^ "\}"; $:= '.'^'~';$~="\@"|
'(';$^= ')' ^"\["; $/='`'|"\.";$_=
'('^'}'; ( $,)='`'| '!';$\=')'^'}'
;$:='.'^ '~';$~="\@"| '(';$^=(')')^
"\[";$/= '`'|('.');$_= '('^"\}";$,=
'`'|'!'; $\=')'^'}';$:= '.'^'~';$~=
'@'|"\("; $^=')'^"\["; $/='`'|'.'
;$_=('(')^ '}';$,='`'| ('!');$\=
')'^('}');$:= '.'^'~';$~ =('@')|
'(';$^=')'^"\["; $/='`'|'.'; $_='('
^'}';$,='`'|'!';$\=')' ^'}';$:=('.')^ "\~";
$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^"\["; $/='`'|'.';$_='(' ^((
'}'));$,='`'|('!');$\= ')'^'}';$:='.'^"\~"; $~
='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/ ='`'|'.';$_='('^'}';$, =((
'`'))|'!';$\=')'^"\}"; $:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^= ')'^
print sightly( { Shape => 'cricket',
Invert => 1,
BorderWidth => 1,
Reduce => 1,
SourceFile => '',
Regex => 1 } );
which produces:
'['^"\-").( '`'|'!').('`'|','
).'"'.('[' ^'+').('['^')').(
'`'|')'). ('`'|'.').('['^'/'
).("\{"^ '[').'\\'.'"'.('`'|
"\(").( (( '`'))|'%').('`'|
',') .( '`'|',').("\`"|
'/' ).( '{'^'[').("\["^
(( ',') )).('`'|"\/").(
( (( '[')))^')').(
(( ( '`')))|',').(
'`' | '$').'\\'.''.
'\\' .('`'|"\.").
'\\'. (( '"'))."\;".(
'!'^"\+"). '"'.'}'.')')
;$:=('.')^ '~';$~="\@"|
'(';$^=')' ^'[';$/='`'|
('.');$_= '('^'}';$,=
'`'|'!'; $\=')'^'}'
;$:='.' ^"\~";$~=
'@' |+ ( '(');$^=
')'^ '['; $/='`'|
'.'; $_='(' ^"\}";
($,)= ('`')| "\!";
$\=')'^ "\}"; ($:)
='.'^'~';$~ =('@')| '('
;$^=')'^'[' ;$/=('`')| (
'.');$_='(' ^'}';$,='`'| ((
Sightly Encoding
There are 32 characters in the sightly character set:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / (33-47)
: ; < = > ? @ (58-64)
[ \ ] ^ _ ` (91-96)
{ | } ~ (123-126)
A sightly string consists only of characters drawn from this set.
The ascii_to_sightly
function converts an ASCII string (0-255) to a sightly string; the sightly_to_ascii
function does the reverse.
Function Reference
- ascii_to_sightly STRING
Given an ascii string STRING, returns a sightly string.
- sightly_to_ascii STRING
Given a sightly string STRING, returns an ascii string.
- regex_print_sightly STRING
Given an ascii string STRING, returns a sightly-encoded Perl program with a print statement embedded in a regular expression. When run, the program will print STRING.
- regex_eval_sightly STRING
Given a Perl program in ascii string STRING, returns an equivalent sightly-encoded Perl program using an eval statement embedded in a regular expression.
- clean_print_sightly STRING
Given an ascii string STRING, returns a sightly-encoded Perl program with a print statement executed via eval. When run, the program will print STRING.
- clean_eval_sightly STRING
Given a Perl program in ascii string STRING, returns an equivalent sightly-encoded Perl program using an eval statement executed via eval.
- regex_binmode_print_sightly STRING
Given an ascii string STRING, returns a sightly-encoded Perl program with a binmode(STDOUT) and a print statement embedded in a regular expression. When run, the program will print STRING. Note that STRING may contain any character in the range 0-255. This function is used to sightly-encode binary files. This function is dodgy because regexs don't seem to like binary zeros; use
instead. - clean_binmode_print_sightly STRING
Given an ascii string STRING, returns a sightly-encoded Perl program with a binmode(STDOUT) and a print statement executed via eval. When run, the program will print STRING. Note that STRING may contain any character in the range 0-255. This function is used to sightly-encode binary files.
- get_builtin_shapes
Returns a list of the built-in shape names.
- get_eye_shapes
Returns a list of the eye shapes. An eye shape is just a file with a .eye extension residing in the same directory as
Put a border around a shape.
- invert_shape SHAPESTRING
Invert a shape.
- reflect_shape SHAPESTRING
Reflect a shape.
- reduce_shape SHAPESTRING FACT
Reduce the size of a shape by a factor of FACT.
- expand_shape SHAPESTRING FACT
Expand the size of a shape by a factor of FACT.
Rotate a shape clockwise thru 90, 180 or 270 degrees. RTYPE=0 big rotated shape, RTYPE=1 small rotated shape, RTYPE=2 squashed rotated shape. FLIP=1 to flip (reflect) shape in addition to rotating it. RTYPE and FLIP do not apply to 180 degrees.
Given a shape string SHAPESTRING, a sightly-encoded program string PROGSTRING, and a GAP between successive shapes, returns a properly shaped program string. RFILLVAR is a reference to an array of filler variables. A filler variable is a valid Perl variable consisting of two characters:
and a punctuation character. For example, RFILLVAR =[ '$:', '$^', '$~' ]
. - sightly HASHREF
Given a hash reference, HASHREF, describing various attributes, returns a properly shaped program string.
The attributes that HASHREF may contain are:
Shape Describes the shape you want. First, a built-in shape is looked for. Next, a 'eye' shape (.eye file in the same directory as is looked for. Finally, a file name is looked for. ShapeString Describes the shape you want. This time you specify a shape string. SourceFile The source file name to convert. SourceString Specify a string instead of a file name. BannerString String to use with built-in Shape 'banner'. Regex Boolean. If set, try to embed source program in a regular expression. Do not set this flag when converting complex programs. Print Boolean. If set, use a print statement instead of the default eval statement. Set this flag when converting text files (not programs). Binary Boolean. Set if encoding a binary file. Gap The number of lines between successive shapes. Rotate Rotate the shape clockwise 90, 180 or 270 degrees. RotateType 0 = big rotated shape, 1 = small rotated shape, 2 = squashed rotated shape. RotateFlip Boolean. Set if want to flip (reflect) the shape in addition to rotating it. Reflect Reflect the shape. Reduce Reduce the size of the shape. Expand Expand the size of the shape. Invert Invert the shape. Indent Indent the shape. The number of spaces to indent. BorderGap Put a border around the shape. Gap between border and the shape. BorderGapLeft,BorderGapRight,BorderGapTop,BorderGapBottom You can override BorderGap with one or more from the above. BorderWidth Put a border around the shape. Width of border. BorderWidthLeft,BorderWidthRight,BorderWidthTop,BorderWidthBottom You can override BorderWidth with one or more from the above. Width Ignored for .eye file shapes. For built-in shapes, specifies the shape width in characters. TrapEvalDie Boolean. Add closing 'die $@ if $@' to generated program. When an eval code block calls the die function, the program does not die; instead the die string is returned to eval in $@. Using this flag allows you to convert programs that call die. TrapWarn Boolean. Add leading 'local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{};' to generated program. This shuts up some warnings. Use this option if generated program emits 'No such signal: SIGHUP at ...' when run with warnings enabled. FillerVar Reference to a list of 'filler variables'. A filler variable is a Perl variable consisting of two characters: $ and a punctuation character. For example, FillerVar => [ '$:', '$^' ]
Shape Reference
When you specify a shape like this:
sightly( { Shape => 'camel' ...
EyeDrops looks for the file camel.eye in the same directory as You can also specify a shape with a file name:
sightly( { Shape => '/tmp/camel.eye' ...
or with a string, for example:
my $shapestr = <<'GROK';
sightly ( { ShapeString => $shapestr ...
The shapes (.eye files) distributed with this version of EyeDrops are:
a Horizontal banner of "a"
bleach Vertical banner of "use Acme::Bleach;"
buffy Vertical banner of "Buffy"
buffy2 Buffy's angelic face
buffy3 Buffy riding a pony
buffy4 Horizontal banner of "Buffy"
camel Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius, one hump)
camel2 Another dromedary (from
camel3's bactrian camel at London zoo
coffee A cup of coffee
cricket Australia are world champions in this game
damian Damian Conway's face
dipsy Teletubbies Dipsy (also infobot name)
eugene Champion Perl golfer, Eugene van der Pijll
eye An eye
golfer A golfer hitting a one iron
japh JAPHs were invented by Randal L Schwartz in 1988
kermit Kermit the frog
larry Larry Wall's face
larry2 Caricature of Larry contributed by Ryan King
london Haiku "A Day in The Life of a London Perl Monger"
merlyn Just another Perl hacker, aka Randal L Schwartz
mongers Perl Mongers logo
mosquito A mosquito
pgolf Perl Golf logo (inspired by `/anick)
pony Horizontal banner of "Pony"
pony2 Picture of a Pony
riding Horizontal banner of "riding"
santa Santa Claus playing golf
spoon A wooden spoon
tpr Vertical banner of "The Perl Review"
uml A UML diagram
window A window
yanick Caricature of `/anick's noggin
yanick2 Uttered by `/anick during TPR02
yanick3 Pictorial version of yanick2
It is easy to create your own shapes. For some ideas on shapes, point your search engine at Ascii Art or Clip Art. If you generate some nice shapes, please send them in so they can be included in future versions of EyeDrops.
A really diabolical shape with lots of single character lines will defeat the shape-pouring algorithm.
You can eliminate all alphanumerics (via Regex => 1) only if the program to be converted does not use regular expressions and is careful with use of $_
. To convert complex programs, you must use Regex => 0, which emits a leading unsightly eval
The code generated by Regex => 1 requires Perl 5.005 or higher in order to run; when run on earlier versions, you will likely see the error message: Sequence (?{...) not recognized
The converted program runs inside an eval
which may cause problems for non-trivial programs. A die
statement or an INIT
block, for instance, may cause trouble. If desperate, give the TrapEvalDie
and TrapWarn
attributes a go, and see if they fix the problem.
If the program to be converted uses the Perl format variables $:
, $~
or $^
you may need to explicitly set the FillerVar
attribute to a Perl variable/s not used by the program.
Linux /usr/games/banner does not support the following characters:
\ [ ] { } < > ^ _ | ~
When the CPAN Text::Banner module is enhanced, it will be used in place of the Linux banner command.
Andrew Savige <>
Perl Obfuscation Engines, for example, yaoe by Perl Monk mtve, at
Acme::Bleach Acme::Smirch Acme::Buffy Acme::Pony
I blame Japhy and Ronald J Kimball and others on the fwp mailing list for exposing the ''=~ trick, Jas Nagra for explaining his Acme::Smirch
module, and Rajah Ankur and Supremely Unorthodox Eric for provoking me.
I would also like to thank Ian Phillipps, Philip Newton, Ryan King, Michael G Schwern, Robert G Werner, Simon Cozens, and others on the fwp mailing list for their advice on ASCII Art, imaging programs, and on which picture of Larry to use.
Thanks also to Mtv Europe and Ronald J Kimball for their help in golfing the program in the Thirty Two Camels section. Keith Calvert Ivey also contributed some levity to this section.
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Andrew Savige. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.