#!perl -w
# $Id: ptktrl 1.9 Mon, 06 Jul 1998 20:44:48 +0200 ach $
# POD documentation after __END__
require 5.004;
$| = 1;
use strict;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.9 $, 10;
use Tk;
use vars qw($mw);
my $name = 'ptktrl';
$mw = MainWindow->new;
print "\n $name V$VERSION";
my $prj = $0; $prj =~ s|[^/]+$|tkach.prj|; # in my devel area?
print "(devel) " if -e $prj;
print " perl V$] Tk V$Tk::VERSION MainWindow -> \$mw\n";
print "\n\t\@INC:\n";
foreach (@INC) { print "\t $_\n" };
print "\n";
if ( -r ".${name}_init")
print "Reading .${name}_init ...\n";
do ".${name}_init";
if (defined($ARGV[0]) && -r $ARGV[0])
print "Reading $ARGV[0] ...\n";
do $ARGV[0];
my $term = new Term::ReadLine $name;
die $term->ReadLine() . " does not support Tk loop\n"
unless ${$term->Features}{tkRunning};
if (${$term->Features}{ornaments})
local $^W=0;
## test if Tk is not blocked.
#sub ptksh_test {
# print STDERR "I'm working behing the scene\n";
# $mw->after(1500,\&ptksh_test);
### Loading history
my $histfile = "$ENV{HOME}/.${name}_history";
if ( -r $histfile and open(HIST, "<$histfile") ) {
while (<HIST>) {
chomp $_;
close HIST;
### Utility function
sub ptksh::_o
my $w = shift;
my $what = shift;
$what =~ s/^\s+//;
$what =~ s/\s+$//;
my (@opt) = split " ", $what;
require Tk::Pretty;
# check for regexp
if ($opt[0] =~ s|^/(.*)/$|$1|)
print "options matching /$opt[0]/:\n";
foreach ($w->configure())
print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($_),"\n" if $_->[0] =~ /\Q$opt[0]\E/;
# list of options (allow as bar words)
foreach (@opt)
if (length $what)
foreach (@opt)
print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($w->configure($_)),"\n";
foreach ($w->configure()) { print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($_),"\n" }
sub ptksh::_p {
foreach (@_) { print $_, "|\n"; }
my $u_init = 0;
my %u_last = ();
my $u_cnt;
sub ptksh::_u {
my $module = shift;
if (defined($module) and $module ne '') {
$module = "Tk/".ucfirst($module).".pm" unless $module =~ /^Tk/;
print " --- Loading $module ---\n";
require "$module";
print $@ if $@;
} else {
%u_last = () if defined $module;
$u_cnt = 0;
foreach (sort keys %INC) {
next if exists $u_last{$_};
$u_last{$_} = 1;
#next if m,^/, and m,\.ix$,; # Ignore autoloader files
#next if m,\.ix$,; # Ignore autoloader files
if (length($_) < 20 ) {
printf "%-20s -> %s\n", $_, $INC{$_};
} else {
print "$_ -> $INC{$_}\n";
print STDERR "No modules loaded since last 'u' command (or startup)\n"
unless $u_cnt;
sub ptksh::_d
require Data::Dumper;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_);
sub ptksh::_h
print <<'EOT';
? print this message
d arg,... calls Data::Dumper::Dumper
p arg,... print args, each on a line and "|\n"
o $w /regexp/ print options of widget matching regexp
o $w [option ...] print (all) options of widget
u xxx xxx = string : load Tk::Xxx
= '' : list all modules loaded
= undef : list modules loaded since last u call
(or after ptktrl startup)
### Read and evaluate line from terminal
my ($line, $last) = ('', '');
LINE: while ( defined($line = $term->readline("$name> ")) ) {
foreach ($line) {
last LINE if /^s*(exit)\b/;
last LINE if /^\s.*$/;
#$term->add_history($_) if $last ne $_;
#$last = $_;
last if s/^\?\s*$/ptksh::_h /;
last if s/^u(\s+|$)/ptksh::_u /;
last if s/^d\s+/ptksh::_d /;
last if s/^u\s+(\S+)/ptksh::_u('$1')/;
last if s/^p\s+(.*)$/ptksh::_p $1;/;
last if s/^o\s+(\S+)\s*?$/ptksh::_o $1;/;
last if s/^o\s+(\S+)\s*,?\s+(.*)?$/ptksh::_o $1, '$2';/;
#print "Line: ($line)\n";
use strict; # so 'strict is loaded
%u_last = %INC unless $u_init++;
my $result = eval "{no strict; local \$^W=0; $line;}";
if ($@) {
print "$@\n";
elsif ($result) {
print $result, "\n";
print "\n" unless defined $line;
### Save History
my $features = $term->Features;
if (exists $features->{getHistory} && $features->{getHistory})
my @a= $term->GetHistory();
$#a-- if $a[-1] =~ /^(q$|x$|\s*exit\b)/; # chop off the exit command
@a= @a[($#a-50)..($#a)] if $#a > 50 ;
if( open HIST, ">$histfile" )
print HIST join("\n",@a), "\n";
close HIST;
print "Error: Unable to open history to '$histfile'\n";
print $term->ReadLine, " does not support a history records :-(\n";
=head1 NAME
ptktrl - Simple perl/Tk shell with cmd line editing and a persistent history
% ptktrl ?I<scriptfile>?
... version informations ...
ptktrl> $b=$mw->Button(-text=>'Hi',-command=>sub{print 'Hi'})
ptktrl> $b->grid
ptktrl> o $b
... list of options ...
ptktrl> ...
ptktrl> ^D
ptktrl is a simple perl/Tk shell to enter perl commands
interactively. When one starts ptktrl a L<MainWindow|Tk::MainWindow>
is automaticly created. One can access it with I<$mw> on the command line.
ptktrl supports command line editing and history via ReadLine interface
(see L<Term::ReadLine>). The last 50 commands entered are saved on
exit to F<~/.ptktrl_history>. The history file is loaded into history
cache the next time you start ptktrl.
To exit ptktrl use: C<^D, exit,> or C<quit>.
The primary target of ptktrl is to experiment with perl/Tk
widgets. To debug perl/Tk programs use the more powerful the
L<perl debugger|perldebug>. Just enter ``O tk'' on debuggers
command line to start the Tk eventloop. The only advantage
ptktrl has is that history file support and that
a MainWindow is automaticly created.
ptktrl provides some convenience function to make browsing
in perl/Tk widgets easier:
=over 4
=item B<?>
displays a short help summary.
=item B<d> ?I<args>, ...?
Dumps recursicely arguments to stdout. (see L<Data::Dumper>).
=item B<p> ?I<arg>, ...?
appends "|\n" to each of it's arguments and prints it.
If value is B<undef>, '(undef)' is printed to stdout.
=item B<o> I<$widget> ?I<-option> ...?
prints the option(s) of I<$widget> one on each line.
If no options are given all options of the widget are
listed. See L<Tk::options> for more details on the
format and contents of the returned list.
=item B<o> I<$widget> B</>I<regexp>B</>
Lists options of I<$widget> matching the
L<regular expression|perlre> I<regexp>.
=item B<u> ?I<class>?
If no argument is given it lists the modules loaded
by the commands you executed or since the last time you
called C<u>.
If argument is the empty string lists all modules that are
loaded by ptktrl.
If argument is a string, ``text'' it tried does a ``use Tk::Text''.
Same as for Term::ReadLine and perl. See L<Term::ReadLine> and
L<perlrun/"ENVIRONMENT"> for further details.
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<.ptktrl_init>
If found in current directory it is read in an evaluated
after the mainwindow I<$mw> is created. F<.ptktrl_init>
can contain any valid perl code.
=item F<~/.ptktrl_history>
Contains the last 50 lines entered in ptktrl session(s).
=head1 BUGS
Work only on Unix systems.
Term::Readline::Perl command line history is broken when used
in conjunction with perl/Tk. Term::ReadLine::Gnu has no
B<Tk::MainLoop> function interactively entered or sourced in a
init or script file will block ptktrl.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Achim Bohnet <F<ach@mpe.mpg.de>>
Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Achim Bohnet. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.