List::Gen - provides functions for generating lists


version 0.80


this module provides higher order functions, generators, iterators, and other utility functions for working with lists. walk lists with any step size you want, create lazy ranges and arrays with a map like syntax that generate values on demand. there are several other hopefully useful functions, and all functions from List::Util are available.

use List::Gen;

print "@$_\n" for every 5 => 1 .. 15;
# 1 2 3 4 5
# 6 7 8 9 10
# 11 12 13 14 15

print mapn {"$_[0]: $_[1]\n"} 2 => %myhash;

for (@{range 0.345, -21.5, -0.5}) {
    # loops over 0.345, -0.155, -0.655, -1.155 ... -21.155

my $fib; $fib = cache gen {$_ < 2  ? $_ : $$fib[$_ - 1] + $$fib[$_ - 2]};
my $fac; $fac = cache gen {$_ < 2 or $_ * $$fac[$_ - 1]};

say "@$fib[0 .. 15]";  #  0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610
say "@$fac[0 .. 10]";  #  1 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880 3628800


use List::Gen; # is the same as
use List::Gen qw/mapn by every range gen cap filter test cache apply zip
                 min max reduce/;

the following functions are available:
    mapn by every range gen cap filter test cache apply zip glob
    mapkey cartesian sequence d deref slide flip expand contract
    collect makegen genzip overlay curse iterate iterate_multi
    gather gather_multi Until While recursive

and from List::Util => first max maxstr min minstr reduce shuffle sum

use List::Gen '*';     # everything
use List::Gen ':all';  # same
use List::Gen ':base'; # same as 'use List::Gen;'



this function works like the builtin map but takes NUM sized steps over the list, rather than one element at a time. inside the CODE block, the current slice is in @_ and $_ is set to $_[0] . slice elements are aliases to the original list. if mapn is called in void context, the CODE block will be executed in void context for efficiency.

print mapn {$_ % 2 ? "@_" : " [@_] "} 3 => 1..20;
#  1 2 3 [4 5 6] 7 8 9 [10 11 12] 13 14 15 [16 17 18] 19 20

print "student grades: \n";
mapn {
    print shift, ": ", (reduce {$a + $b} @_)/@_, "\n";
} 5 => qw {
    bob   90 80 65 85
    alice 75 95 70 100
    eve   80 90 80 75
every NUM LIST

by and every are exactly the same, and allow you to add variable step size to any other list control structure with whichever reads better to you.

for (every 2 => @_) {do something with pairs in @$_}

grep {do something with triples in @$_} by 3 => @list;

the functions generate an array of array references to NUM sized slices of LIST . the elements in each slice are aliases to the original list.

in list context, returns a real array. in scalar context, returns a generator.

my @slices = every 2 => 1 .. 10;     # real array
my $slices = every 2 => 1 .. 10;     # generator
for (every 2 => 1 .. 10) { ... }     # real array
for (@{every 2 => 1 .. 10}) { ... }  # generator

if you plan to use all the slices, the real array is better. if you only need a few, the generator won't need to compute all of the other slices.

print "@$_\n" for every 3 => 1..9;
# 1 2 3
# 4 5 6
# 7 8 9

my @a = 1 .. 10;
for (every 2 => @a) {
    @$_[0, 1] = @$_[1, 0]  # flip each pair
print "@a";
# 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9

print "@$_\n" for grep {$$_[0] % 2} by 3 => 1 .. 9;
# 1 2 3
# 7 8 9
apply {CODE} LIST

apply a function that modifies $_ to a shallow copy of LIST and returns the copy

print join ", " => apply {s/$/ one/} "this", "and that";
> this one, and that one

interleaves the passed in lists to create a new list. zip continues until the end of the longest list, undef is returned for missing elements of shorter lists.

%hash = zip [qw/a b c/], [1..3]; # same as
%hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
cap LIST

cap captures a list, it is exactly the same as sub{\@_}->(LIST)

note that this method of constructing an array ref from a list is roughly 40% faster than [ LIST ], but with the caveat and feature that elements are aliases to the original list


in this document, generators will refer to tied arrays that generate their elements on demand. generators can be used as iterators in perl's list control structures such as for/foreach and while . since generators are lazy, infinite generators can be created. slow generators can also be cached.

scalar context

all generator functions, in scalar context, will return a reference to a tied array. elements are created on demand as they are dereferenced.

my $range = range 0, 1_000_000, 0.2;
    # will produce 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, ... 1000000.0

say map sprintf('% -5s', $_)=> @$range[10 .. 15]; # calculates 5 values
>>  2  2.2  2.4  2.6  2.8  3

my $gen = gen {$_**2} $range;  # attaches a generator function to a range

say map sprintf('% -5s', $_)=> @$gen[10 .. 15];
>>  4  4.84 5.76 6.76 7.84 9

the returned reference also has the following methods:

$gen->next           # iterates over generator ~~ $gen->get($gen->index++)
$gen->()             # same.  iterators return () when past the end

$gen->more           # test if $gen->index not past end
$gen->reset          # reset iterator to start
$gen->reset(4)       # $gen->next returns $$gen[4]
$gen->index          # fetches the current position
$gen->index = 4      # same as $gen->reset(4)

$gen->get(index)     # returns $$gen[index]
$gen->(index)        # same

$gen->slice(4 .. 12) # returns @$gen[4 .. 12]
$gen->(4 .. 12)      # same

$gen->size           # returns scalar @$gen
$gen->all            # same as @$gen but faster
$gen->purge          # purge any caches in the source chain
$gen->span           # collects $gen->next calls until one
                     # returns undef, then returns the collection.
                     # ->span starts from and moves the ->index

the methods duplicate/extend the tied functionality and are necessary when working with indices outside of perl's limit (0 .. 2**31 - 1) or when fetching a list return value (perl clamps the return to a scalar with the array syntax). in most cases, they are also faster than the tied interface.

gen, filter, test, cache, flip, reverse (alias of flip), expand, and collect are also methods of generators.

my $gen = (range 0, 1_000_000)->gen(sub{$_**2})->filter(sub{$_ % 2});
#same as: filter {$_ % 2} gen {$_**2} 0, 1_000_000;
file handle

you can use generators as file handles:

while (<$gen>) {  # calls $gen->next internally
    # this is one of the fastest ways to iterate over a generator
list context

generator functions, in list context, can return the actual tied array. this functionality, since potentially confusing, is disabled by default.

set $List::Gen::LIST = 1; to enable list context returns. when false, both scalar and list context return the reference.

it only makes sense to use this syntax directly in list control structures such as a for loop, in other situations all of the elements will be generated during the initial assignment from the function, which in some cases may be useful, but mostly would be a bad thing (especially for large ranges). the real tied array also does not have the above accessor methods, and can not be passed to another generator function.

due to memory allocation issues with infinite generators, this feature will be removed by version 1.0 or sooner. its function (without the allocation problem) can always be achieved by wrapping a generator with @{...}


returns a generator for values from START to STOP by STEP , inclusive.

STEP defaults to 1 but can be fractional and negative. depending on your choice of STEP , the last value returned may not always be STOP .

range(0, 3, 0.4) will return (0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.4, 2.8)

print "$_ " for @{range 0, 1, 0.1};
# 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

print "$_ " for @{range 5, 0, -1};
# 5 4 3 2 1 0

my $nums = range 0, 1_000_000, 2;
print "@$nums[10, 100, 1000]";
# gets the tenth, hundredth, and thousandth numbers in the range
# without calculating any other values

gen is the equivalent of map for generators. it returns a generator that will apply the CODE block to its source when accessed. gen takes a generator, array ref, or suitable arguments for range as its source. with no arguments, gen uses the range 0 .. infinity .

my @result = map {slow($_)} @source;  # slow() called @source times
my $result = gen {slow($_)} \@source; # slow() not called

my ($x, $y) = @$result[4, 7]; # slow()  called twice

my $lazy = gen {slow($_)} range 1, 1_000_000_000;
  same:    gen {slow($_)} 1, 1_000_000_000;

print $$lazy[1_000_000]; # slow() only called once

gen {...} cap LIST is a replacement for [ map {...} LIST ] and is faster than gen {...} [ LIST ] .

note that while effort has gone into making generators as fast as possible there is overhead involved with lazy generation. simply replacing all calls to map with gen will almost certainly slow down your code. use these functions in situations where the time / memory required to completely generate the list is unacceptable.


if you export the glob function from this package, that function and the <*.glob> operator will have one special case overridden. if given an argument that matches the following pattern:

/^ ( .+ : )? number .. number ( (by | += | -= | [-+,]) number )?
                              ( (if | when) .+ )? $/

then the arguments will be passed to range , gen , and filter as appropriate. any argument that doesn't match that pattern will be passed to perl's builtin glob function. here are a few examples:

<1 .. 10>                    ~~  range 1, 10
<1 .. 10 by 2>               ~~  range 1, 10, 2
<10 .. 1 -= 2>               ~~  range 10, 1, -2
<x * x: 1 .. 10>             ~~  gen {$_ * $_} 1, 10
<sin: 0 .. 3.14 += 0.01>     ~~  gen {sin} 0, 3.14, 0.01
<1 .. 10 if x % 2>           ~~  filter {$_ % 2} 1, 10
<sin: 0 .. 100 by 3 if /5/>  ~~  filter {/5/} gen {sin} 0, 100, 3

for (@{< 0 .. 1_000_000_000 by 2 >}) { # starts instantly
    print "$_\n";
    last if $_ >= 100;        # exits the loop with only 51 values generated

my @files = <*.txt>;  # works as normal
iterate CODE [LIMIT]

iterate returns a generator that is created iteratively. iterate implicitly caches its values, this allows random access normally not possible with an iterative algorithm. LIMIT is an optional number of times to iterate. inside the CODE block, $_ is set to the current iteration number

my $fib = do {
    my ($an, $bn) = (0, 1);
    iterate {
        my $return = $an;
        ($an, $bn) = ($bn, $an + $bn);
iterate_multi CODE [LIMIT]

the same as iterate, except CODE can return a list of any size. inside CODE, $_ is set to the position in the returned generator where the block's returned list will be placed.

gather CODE [LIMIT]

gather returns a generator that is created iteratively. rather than returning a value, you call take($return_value) within the CODE block. note that since perl5 does not have continuations, take(...) does not pause execution of the block. rather, it stores the return value, the block finishes, and then the generator returns the stored value.

you can not import the take(...) function from this module. take(...) will be installed automatically into your namespace during the execution of the CODE block. because of this, you must always call take(...) with parenthesis. take returns its argument unchanged.

gather implicitly caches its values, this allows random access normally not possible with an iterative algorithm. the algorithm in iterate is a bit cleaner here, but gather is slower than iterate , so benchmark if speed is a concern

my $fib = do {
    my ($x, $y) = (0, 1);
    gather {
        ($x, $y) = ($y, take($x) + $y)
gather_multi CODE [LIMIT]

the same as gather except you can take(...) multiple times, and each can take a list.

makegen ARRAY

makegen converts an array to a generator. this is normally not needed as most generator functions will call it automatically if passed an array reference

sequence LIST

string generators together. the ->apply method is called on each argument


filter is a lazy version of grep which attaches a code block to a generator or range. it returns a generator that will test elements with the code block on demand. with no arguments, filter uses the range 0 .. infinity

normal generators, such as those produced by range or gen , have a fixed length, and that is used to allow random access within the range. however, there is no way to know how many elements will pass a filter. because of this, random access within the filter is not always O(1) . filter will attempt to be as lazy as possible, but to access the 10th element of a filter, the first 9 passing elements must be found first. depending on the coderef and the source, the filter may need to process significantly more elements from its source than just 10.

in addition, since filters don't know their true size, entire filter arrays do not expand to the correct number of elements in list context. to correct this, call the ->apply method which will test the filter on all of its source elements. after that, the filter will return a properly sized array. calling ->apply on an infinite (or very large) range wouldn't be a good idea. if you are using ->apply frequently, you should probably just be using grep . you can call ->apply on any stack of generator functions, it will start from the deepest filter and move up.

the method ->all will first call ->apply on itself and then return the complete list

filters implicitly cache their elements. accessing any element below the highest element already accessed is O(1) .

accessing individual elements or slices works as you would expect.

my $filter = filter {$_ % 2} 0, 100;

say $#$filter;   # incorrectly reports 100

say "@$filter[5 .. 10]"; # reads the source range up to element 23
                         # prints 11 13 15 17 19 21

say $#$filter;   # reports 88, closer but still wrong

$filter->apply;  # reads remaining elements from the source

say $#$filter;   # 49 as it should be

note: filter now reads one element past the last element accessed, this allows filters to behave properly when dereferenced in a foreach loop (without having to call ->apply). if you prefer the old behavior, set $List::Gen::FILTER_LOOKAHEAD = 0


test attaches a code block to a generator or range. accessing an element of the returned generator will call the code block first with the element in $_ , and if it returns true, the element is returned, otherwise an empty list (undef in scalar context) is returned.

when accessing a slice of a tested generator, if you use the ->(x .. y) syntax, the the empty lists will collapse and you may receive a shorter slice. an array dereference slice will always be the size you ask for, and will have undef in each failed slot

cache CODE
cache list => ...

cache will return a cached version of the generators returned by functions in this package. when passed a code reference, cache returns a memoized code ref (arguments joined with $; ). when in 'list' mode, the source is in list context, otherwise scalar context is used.

my $gen = cache gen {slow($_)} \@source; # calls = 0

print $gen->[123];    # calls += 1
print @$gen[123, 456] # calls += 1

flip is reverse for generators. the ->apply method is called on GENERATOR .

flip gen {$_**2} 0, 10   ~~   gen {$_**2} 10, 0, -1

expand scales a generator with elements that return equal sized lists. it can be passed a list length, or will automatically determine it from the length of the list returned by the first element of the generator. expand implicitly caches its returned generator.

my $multigen = gen {$_, $_/2, $_/4} 1, 10;   # each element returns a list

say join ' '=> $$multigen[0];  # 0.25        # only last element
say join ' '=> &$multigen(0);  # 1 0.5 0.25  # works
say scalar @$multigen;         # 10
say $multigen->size;           # 10

my $expanded = expand $multigen;

say join ' '=> @$expanded[0 .. 2];  # 1 0.5 0.25
say join ' '=> &$expanded(0 .. 2);  # 1 0.5 0.25
say scalar @$expanded;              # 30
say $expanded->size;                # 30

my $expanded = expand gen {$_, $_/2, $_/4} 1, 10; # in one line

contract is the inverse of expand

also called collect

genzip LIST

genzip is a lazy version of zip . it takes any combination of generators and array refs and returns a generator.


overlay allows you to replace the values of specific generator cells. to set the values, either pass the overlay constructor a list of pairs in the form index => value, ..., or assign values to the returned generator using normal array ref syntax

my $fib; $fib = overlay gen {$$fib[$_ - 1] + $$fib[$_ - 2]};
@$fib[0, 1] = (0, 1);

# or
my $fib; $fib = gen {$$fib[$_ - 1] + $$fib[$_ - 2]}
              ->overlay( 0 => 0, 1 => 1 );

print "@$fib[0 .. 15]";  # '0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610'
recursive GENERATOR
my $fib = gen {self($_ - 1) + self($_ - 2)}
        ->overlay( 0 => 0, 1 => 1 )

print "@$fib[0 .. 15]";  # '0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610'
->while(sub {...})
->until(sub {...})

While / ->while(...) returns a new generator that will end when its passed in subroutine returns false. the until pair ends when the subroutine returns true. each reads one element past its requested element, and saves this value only until the next call for efficiency, no other values are saved. each supports random access, but is optimized for sequential access.

these functions have all of the caveats of filter , should be considered experimental, and may change in future versions. the generator returned should only be dereferenced in a foreach loop, otherwise, just like a filter perl will expand it to the wrong size.

the generator will return undef the first time an access is made and the check code indicates it is past the end.

the generator will throw an error if accessed beyond its dynamically found limit subsequent times.

my $pow = While {$_ < 20} gen {$_**2};

say for @$pow;



in general, it makes more sense (and is faster) to write it this way:

my $pow = gen {$_**2};
for (@$gen) {
    last if $_ > 20;
deref SCALAR

dereference a SCALAR , ARRAY , or HASH reference. any other value is returned unchanged

print join " " => map deref, 1, [2, 3, 4], \5, {6 => 7}, 8, 9, 10;
# prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

this function is syntactic sugar for the following idiom

my @cartesian_product =
    map {
        my $first = $_;
        map {
            my $second = $_
            map {
                $first . $second . $_
            } 1 .. 3
        } qw/x y z/
    } qw/a b c/;

my @cartesian_product =
    mapkey {
        mapkey {
            mapkey {
                $_{first} . $_{second} . $_{third}
            } third => 1 .. 3
        } second => qw/x y z/
    } first => qw/a b c/;

cartesian computes the cartesian product of any number of array refs, each which can be any size. returns a generator

my $product = cartesian {$_[0] . $_[1]} [qw/a b/], [1, 2];

@$product == qw( a1 a2 b1 b2 );

slides a WINDOW sized slice over LIST , calling CODE for each slice and collecting the result

as the window reaches the end, the passed in slice will shrink

print slide {"@_\n"} 2 => 1 .. 4
# 1 2
# 2 3
# 3 4
# 4         # only one element here

many of the functions in this package utilize closure objects to avoid the speed penalty of dereferencing fields in their object during each access. curse is similar to bless for these objects and while a blessing makes a reference into a member of an existing package, a curse conjures a new package to do the reference's bidding

package Closure::Object;
    sub new {
        my ($class, $name, $value) = @_;
        curse {
            get  => sub {$value},
            set  => sub {$value = $_[1]},
            name => sub {$name},
        } => $class

Closure::Object is functionally equivalent to the following normal perl object, but with faster method calls since there are no hash lookups or other dereferences (around 40-50% faster for short getter/setter type methods)

package Normal::Object;
    sub new {
        my ($class, $name, $value) = @_;
        bless {
            name  => $name,
            value => $value,
        } => $class
    sub get  {$_[0]{value}}
    sub set  {$_[0]{value} = $_[1]}
    sub name {$_[0]{name}}

the trade off is in creation time / memory, since any good curse requires drawing at least a few pentagrams in the blood of an innocent package.

the returned object is blessed into the conjured package, which inherits from the provided PACKAGE . always use $obj->isa(...) rather than ref $obj eq ... due to this. the conjured package name matches /${PACKAGE}::_\d+/

special keys:

-bless    => $reference  # returned instead of HASHREF
-overload => [fallback => 1, '""' => sub {...}]

when fast just isn't fast enough, since most cursed methods don't need to be passed their object, the fastest way to call the method is:

my $obj = Closure::Object->new('tim', 3);
my $set = $obj->{set};                  # fetch the closure
     # or $obj->can('set')

$set->(undef, $_) for 1 .. 1_000_000;   # call without first arg

which is around 70% faster than pre-caching a method from a normal object for short getter/setter methods.


Eric Strom, <ejstrom at>


version 0.70 comes with a bunch of new features, if anything is broken, please let me know. see filter for a minor behavior change

versions 0.50 and 0.60 break some of the syntax from previous versions, for the better.

report any bugs / feature requests to bug-list-gen at, or through the web interface at

comments / feedback / patches are also welcome.


copyright 2009-2010 Eric Strom.

this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

see for more information.