HTML::DTD - local access to the standard and historical HTML DTDs.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::DTD;
print join("\n", HTML::DTD->dtds), "\n";
my $html_dtd = HTML::DTD->new();
my $dtd = $html_dtd->get_dtd("xhtml1-transitional.dtd");
my $same = HTML::DTD->get_dtd("xhtml1-transitional.dtd");
my $ditto = HTML::DTD::get_dtd("xhtml1-transitional.dtd");
Installs HTML DTD files locally for easy, reliable access.
- new
Create an HTML::DTD object. Not particularly necessary. Mostly a placeholder if the code ever grows. All object methods can be called as class methods and functions.
- get_dtd
Takes a DTD name, see the list below, return a string of the DTD.
- get_dtd_fh
Returns a filehandle to the DTD.
- get_dtd_path
Returns a Path::Class object for the DTD.
- dtds
Returns a list of the available DTD names.
Should probably have an author test which compares the DTDs to their URIs.
Speaking of which... there should probably be the necessary header strings available for each DTD as a courtesy, along with adjunct documents like entities...
This is half a stub module to bring in soemthing I find useful: locally installed and easily found DTDs. I can imagine other ways it could be useful but don't yet have clear need myself. If you do, please let me know. I love good feedback and bug reports. Please report any bugs or feature requests directly to me via email or through the web interface at
Copyright (©) 2008 Ashley Pond V.
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