Graph::Undirected::Hamiltonicity::Output - convenience subroutines for printing output in various formats.
Version 0.012
The output() subroutine examines an environment variable called HC_OUTPUT_FORMAT to determine the output format. The output format can be one of:
'html' : output in HTML form, with graphs embedded as inline SVG.
'text' : output in text form, with graphs converted to edge-lists.
'none' : do no generate any output.
use Graph::Undirected::Hamiltonicity::Output;
# in html mode, say "Foo<BR/>"
# in text mode, say "Foo"
# in none mode, print nothing.
output($g); # $g is a Graph::Undirected
# in html mode, print the SVG to draw this graph
# in text mode, print the adjacency-list of this graph
# in none mode, print nothing.
output($g, { required => 1 });
# Indicates that the graph should be formatted
# as a graph of "required" edges only.
Exports the output() subroutine by default.
This subroutine produces output polymorphically, based on the state of the HC_OUTPUT_FORMAT environment variable, and on the input.
It is overloaded to output literal HTML, text stripped from HTML, and SVG embedded inline.
Ashwin Dixit, <ashwin at ownlifeful dot com>