ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail is a Perl module that provides Mail functions used by ASNMTAP-based plugins.
use ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail;
my $objectNagios = ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail->new ();
Sending and receiving fingerprinted (TXT or XML) mails. It are Mail::Sendmail (an simple platform independent mailer) based functions.
use ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins v3.000.006;
use ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins qw(:PLUGINS %STATE);
my $objectPlugins = ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins->new (
_programName => '',
_programDescription => "General plugin template for the '$APPLICATION'",
_programVersion => '3.000.006',
_programGetOptions => ['timeout|t:i', 'trendline|T:i'],
_timeout => 30,
_debug => 1);
use ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail v3.000.006;
my $objectMAIL = ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail->new (
_asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
_SMTP => { smtp => qw( },
_mailType => 1,
_text => { SUBJECT => 'uKey=MAIL_P_0001' },
_mail => {
from => '',
to => '',
status => $APPLICATION .' Status UP',
body => $body
$objectPlugins->pluginValues ( { stateValue => $ERRORS{OK}, alert => ':)' }, $TYPE{APPEND} );
$objectPlugins->exit (7);
- _asnmtapInherited
A required reference to an ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins or ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Nagios subclass
Through this way of working we inherited the command line option --debug.
is an HASH, with the same parameters like %Mail::Sendmail::mailcfg{}
- smtp
this is a reference to a list of smtp servers, so if your main server is down, the module tries the next one. If one of your servers uses a special port, add it to the server name with a colon in front, to override the default port (like in my.special.server:2525).
optional, default: localhost
- port
port used when none is specified in the server name.
optional, scalar value, default: 25
- from
from address used if you don't supply one in your script. Should not be of type 'user@localhost' since that may not be valid on the recipient's host.
optional, scalar value, default: undefined
- retries
how many times should the connection to the same SMTP server be retried in case of a failure.
optional, scalar value, default: 3;
- delay
number of seconds to wait between retries. This delay also happens before trying the next server in the list, if the retries for the current server have been exhausted. For CGI scripts, you want few retries and short delays to return with a results page before the http connection times out. For unattended scripts, you may want to use many retries and long delays to have a good chance of your mail being sent even with temporary failures on your network.
optional, scalar value, default: 1 (second);
- mime
set this to 0 if you don't want any automatic MIME encoding. You normally don't need this, the module should 'Do the right thing' anyway.
optional, scalar value, default: 0
- tz
normally, your time zone is set automatically, from the difference between time() and gmtime(). This allows you to override automatic detection in cases where your system is confused.
optional, scalar value, default: undefined (automatic detection at run-time).
- debug
prints stuff to STDERR. Current maximum is 6, which prints the whole SMTP session, except data exceeding 500 bytes.
optional, scalar value, default: inherited from the parent object command line option -d or --debug
- _POP3
settings used by Net::POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class (RFC1939)
- pop3
POP3 host to connect to. It may be a single scalar, or an scalar array with hosts to try in turn.
Syntax for POP3 host is <hostname>[:<port>] where <hostname> can be a hostname or the IP-address on the ''
single scalar: pop3 => '', '', '' or ''
required when POP3 used for dowloading the receiving mails, default: undef
- port (reserved)
port used when none is specified in the server name.
optional, scalar value, default: 110
- username
optional, scalar value, default: undef
- password
optional, scalar value, default: undef
- timeout
maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the POP3 server
optional, scalar value, default: 120 unless inherited from the parent object attribute _timeout
- debug
debugging information
optional, scalar value, default: inherited from the parent object command line option -d or --debug
- _mailType
For clients that are sensitive to cookie-based authentication.
optional, mailType can be 0 or 1
0, TXT formated fingerprint (default) 1, XML formated fingerprint
Each e-mail exists of an TXT fingerprint. This allows us lateron only to pick up the required e-mails with pop3, because we will filter out the emails with a minimum band width the e-mails desired from the mail box.
When the status and the header plus the first 7 lines of the e-mail agrees to these fingerprint, the e-mail is picked up, processes, and removed from the mail box.
- Fingerprint
- Subject
SUBJECT / From: Source_email_address To: Application_Monitor_email_address SUBJECT: description can be found lateron into this document.
- Message
SUBJECT / From: Source_email_address To: Application_Monitor_email_address <plugin naam> <plugin description> Timestamp <Source email address>: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss[.hhh] Status <naam from the service up/down> SUBJECT: description can be found lateron into this document.
- Example
ASNMTAP / From: To: <> <Mail XML plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'> Timestamp <>: 2006/02/04 11:01:11 Status <Application Monitoring Status Down>
Each e-mail exists of an XML fingerprint. This allows us lateron only to pick up the required e-mails with pop3, because we will filter out the emails with a minimum band width the e-mails desired from the mail box.
When the status and the header plus the first 5 lines of the e-mail agrees to these fingerprint, the e-mail is picked up, processes, and removed from the mail box.
- DTD for validation XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!ENTITY AUTHOR "Alex Peeters"> <!ENTITY EMAIL ""> <!ENTITY PURPOSE "2005/11/15, dtd schema v1.0 for Fingerprint Email by XML"> <!ELEMENT FingerprintEmail (Schema, Fingerprint)> <!ELEMENT Schema (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Schema Value CDATA #FIXED "1.0"> <!ELEMENT Fingerprint (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Fingerprint From CDATA #REQUIRED To CDATA #REQUIRED Destination CDATA #REQUIRED Plugin CDATA #REQUIRED Description CDATA #REQUIRED Environment (PROD|TEST|ACC|DEV|SIM|LOCAL) #REQUIRED Date CDATA #REQUIRED Time CDATA #REQUIRED Epochtime CDATA #REQUIRED Status CDATA #REQUIRED >
- Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE FingerprintEmail SYSTEM "dtd/FingerprintEmail-1.0.dtd"><FingerprintEmail><Schema Value="1.0"/><Fingerprint From="" To="" Destination="ASNMTAP" Plugin="" Description="XML fingerprint Mail plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'" Environment="PROD" Date="2006/2/4" Time="11:1:18" Epochtime="1139047278" Status="Application Monitoring Status UP" /></FingerprintEmail>
- _text
required textual descriptions
SUBJECT is the textual descriptions for the preffix of the subject
required, scalar value, default: 'uKey=ASNMTAP'
When you have more then one mail plugin, then you should use for the subject an unique key. Normally we use 'uKey=MAIL_?_nnnn' where '?' is the environment and 'nnnn' the number to make the SUBJECT unique.
- P(roduction) : 'uKey=MAIL_P_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_P_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_P_nnnn' - S(imulation) : 'uKey=MAIL_S_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_S_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_S_nnnn' - A(cceptation): 'uKey=MAIL_A_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_A_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_A_nnnn' - T(est) : 'uKey=MAIL_T_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_T_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_T_nnnn' - D(evelopment): 'uKey=MAIL_D_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_D_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_D_nnnn' - L(ocal) : 'uKey=MAIL_L_0001', 'uKey=MAIL_L_0002' ... 'uKey=MAIL_L_nnnn'
The reason for this is that the processing from the emails is much faster, because after the verification from the 'To:', 'From:' and 'Subject:' fields from the HEAD of your email you already know if its the required email to process with this plugin, and you don't read everytime the BODY to be sure.
- from
is the textual descriptions for from
optional, scalar value, default: 'From:'
- to
is the textual descriptions for to
optional, scalar value, default: 'To:'
- subject
is the textual descriptions for the subject
optional, scalar value, default: 'Subject:'
- status
is the textual descriptions for the status
optional, scalar value, default: 'Status'
- _mail
required mail parameters
- from
from email address
required, scalar value
- to
to from email address
required, scalar value
- status
status message
required, scalar value
- body
body message for the email
required, scalar value
- sending_fingerprint_mail()
Sending fingerprint emails. The fingerprints can be formated as TXT or XML.
Returns a status for $returnCode (OK..UNKNOWN).
This means that there performance data for the sending time will be created and the name for the label equals the value from perfdataLabel.
Is an scalar (value is a string), default 'email send'
- receiving_fingerprint_mail()
- Returns $ERRORS{CRITICAL} when:
- Date or Time into Fingerprint XML are wrong
- Epochtime difference from Date and Time into Fingerprint XML are wrong
- Result into Fingerprint XML are out of date
- Returns $ERRORS{WARNING} when:
- Result into Fingerprint XML are out of date
- custom
optional, is an reference to your own custom defined function
- $self:
the reference to the current object
- date
date returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- day
day returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- month
month returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- year
year returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- time
time returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- hour
hour returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- min
min returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- sec
sec returned from the fingerprint item 'Epochtime'
- numberOfMatches
without an custom defined function is this the number of email that matches te fingerprint.
with an custom defined function do you need to increment the value in your custom defined function everytime you say that this mail matches your request.
- result
the extracted message from the email starting just after the fingerprint
- $asnmtapInherited:
A required reference to an ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins or ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Nagios subclass
Through this way of working we inherited the command line option --debug.
- $pop3:
A new Net::POP3 object is created and all POP3 commands are accessed via method calls on this object.
- $msgnum:
sub actionOnReceivingFingerprintMail { my ($self, $asnmtapInherited, $pop3, $msgnum) = @_; no warnings 'deprecated'; my $returnCode = $ERRORS{OK}; # put here your code regarding the MailBody - - - - - - - - - - - - - print "\n\n". $self->{defaultArguments}->{result}. "\n\n"; $$asnmtapInherited->pluginValues ( { stateValue => $returnCode, alert => '.' }, $TYPE{APPEND} ); # put here your code for deleting the email from the Mailbox - - - - $pop3->Delete( $msgnum ) unless ( $$asnmtapInherited->getOptionsValue ('debug') or $$asnmtapInherited->getOptionsValue ('onDemand') ); $self->{defaultArguments}->{numberOfMatches}++; # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return ( $returnCode ); }
and now with customArguments:
sub actionOnReceivingFingerprintMail { my ($self, $asnmtapInherited, $pop3, $msgnum, $arguments) = @_; no warnings 'deprecated'; my $returnCode = $ERRORS{OK}; # put here your code regarding the MailBody - - - - - - - - - - - - - print "\n\n". $self->{defaultArguments}->{result}. "\n\n"; $$asnmtapInherited->pluginValues ( { stateValue => $returnCode, alert => '.' }, $TYPE{APPEND} ); # put here your code for deleting the email from the Mailbox - - - - $pop3->Delete( $msgnum ) unless ( $$asnmtapInherited->getOptionsValue ('debug') or $$asnmtapInherited->getOptionsValue ('onDemand') ); $self->{defaultArguments}->{numberOfMatches}++; # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return ( $returnCode ); }
- customArguments
optional, when you need to pass parameters to your own custom defined function, this can be done with customArguments.
- checkFingerprint
can be 0 or 1:
0: email found when when 'From:', 'To:' and 'Subject' matches
1: email found when when 'From:', 'To:', 'Subject' and formated fingerprint matches
optional, scalar value, default 1
- receivedState
can be 0 or 1:
0: x mail(s) received => $ERRORS{OK} otherwise $ERRORS{WARNING..UNKNOWN}
1: No emails received => $ERRORS{OK} otherwise $ERRORS{WARNING..UNKNOWN}
optinal, scalar value, default 0
- outOfDate
calculate ...
required when _mailType = 1 (XML), scalar value
- perfdataLabel
This means that there performance data for the number of matches will be created and the name for the label equals the value from perfdataLabel.
Is an scalar (value is a string), default 'email(s) received'
Returns a status for $returnCode (OK..UNKNOWN).
Alex Peeters []
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap, ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins
(c) Copyright 2000-2006 by Alex Peeters [], All Rights Reserved.
ASNMTAP is based on 'Process System daemons v1.60.17-01', Alex Peeters []
Purpose: CronTab (CT, sysdCT),
Disk Filesystem monitoring (DF, sysdDF),
Intrusion Detection for FW-1 (ID, sysdID)
Process System daemons (PS, sysdPS),
Reachability of Remote Hosts on a network (RH, sysdRH),
Rotate Logfiles (system activity files) (RL),
Remote Socket monitoring (RS, sysdRS),
System Activity monitoring (SA, sysdSA).
'Process System daemons' is based on 'sysdaemon 1.60' written by Trans-Euro I.T Ltd
This ASNMTAP CPAN library and Plugin templates are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The other parts of ASNMTAP may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this code you agree to indemnify Alex Peeters from any liability that might arise from it's use.
Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of my program.
Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 344:
Expected '=item *'