MySQL database replication plugin template for the 'Application Monitor'
Dummy plugin for testing the 'Application Monitor'
IO plugin template for the 'Application Monitor'
SOAP::LITE plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor' with Performance Data
WebTransact plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor' with Performance Data
WebTransact XML Cactus parser HTTP/HTTPS plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor'
WebTransact XML Monitoring plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor'
WebTransact XML plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor'
WebTransact plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor' with client authorization
WebTransact plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor' with client certificate
WebTransact plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor'
XML plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitor'
XML fingerprint Mail plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
Mail without fingerprint plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
XML fingerprint Mail XML monitoring plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
XML fingerprint Mail XML plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
Mail XML plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
Mail plugin template for testing the 'Application Monitoring'
Modem plugin template for the 'Application Monitor'
RAS plugin template for the 'Application Monitor'
General plugin template for the 'Application Monitor'