# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# © Copyright 2003-2007 by Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# General - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Author : Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
Latest update: 21 Oktober 2007
Version : 3.000.015
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# general - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Version 3.000.015, 2007/xx/yy, by Alex Peeters with contributions from Yves Van den Hove.
version update CPAN 1.9102
version update CGI 3.29
version update Compress::Zlib 2.004
version update Config::General 2.33
version update Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.25
version update Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 0.5
version update Crypt::SSLeay 0.56
version update Cwd 3.25
version update Bundle::DBD::mysql 4.005
version update IO::Socket::SSL 1.07
version update NetAddr::IP 4.007
version update WSRF::Lite
version update XML::LibXML 1.63
ASNMTAP CPAN module perl 5.8.0, 5.8.5 and 5.8.6 compatible
Making perl 5.8.8 compatible
NEW environment variable ASNMTAP_PATH used into the bash scripts
NEW making MySQL 5.0.x compatible
NEW asnmtap-3.000.015_mysql-v5.0.x.sql
NEW applications/tools/mysql/asnmtap-3.000.015-distributed_mysql-v5.0.x.sql
FIX OnDemand versus Display with 254 character limitation for MySQL >= v5.0.3 and yyyymmdd-test-ukey.sql-LOAD-DATA-FAILED
Values in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings.
The length can be specified as a value from 0 to 255 before MySQL 5.0.3, and 0 to 65,535 in 5.0.3 and later versions.
TEXT A string with a maximum length of 65535 characters, from a variable length types that store large amounts of data.
Is similar to a larger version of VARCHAR. These types can store a large piece of data information, but is also processed much slower.
CRITICAL - WebService ... (Production): 500 read timeout - 200 OK - getVersion (...:9108): 4.20063.13 - 200 OK - ping (...:9110): OK - 200 OK - monitorControls (...:9110): OK - 200 OK - getVersion (...:9110): 4.20063.13 - ...: WARNING|'ping (...:8080)'=172ms;;;; 'monitorControls (...:8080)'=29682ms;;;; 'getVersion (...:8080)'=25ms;;;; 'ping (...:9108)'=25ms;;;; 'monitorControls (...:9108)'=30022ms;;;; 'getVersion (...:9108)'=24ms;;;; 'ping (...:9110)'=24ms;;;; 'monitorControls (...:9110)'=18898ms;;;; 'getVersion (...:9110)'=23ms;;;; Status=2;1;2;0;3 Compilation=1523ms;;;0; Trendline=79.039s;;;; Execution=80579ms;;;0;
Display: afkapping op 254 characters
CRITICAL - WebService ... (Production): 500 read timeout - 200 OK - getVersion (...:9108): 4.20063.13 - 200 OK - ping (...:9110): OK - 200 OK - monitorControls (...:9110): OK - 200 OK - getVersion (...:9110): 4.20063.13 - ...
v4.x : `statusMessage` varchar(254) NOT NULL default '',
v5.0.x : `statusMessage` varchar(1024) NOT NULL default '',
alter table events_yyyy_mm change statusMessage statusMessage varchar(1024);
IMPROVED perfparse_crontab.sh
NEW perfparse_crontab_failed.sh (Yves Van den Hove)
NEW perfparse_debug.sh by (Yves Van den Hove)
# LIB /opt/ChartDirector/lib/.
# BIN /opt/asnmtap-3.000.xxx/perfparse/bin
# ETC /opt/asnmtap-3.000.xxx/perfparse/etc
# LIB /opt/asnmtap-3.000.xxx/perfparse/lib
# SHARE /opt/asnmtap-3.000.xxx/perfparse/share
# CGI /cgi-bin/perfparse.cgi
# ENABLED 0 # '0' or '1'
# REPORTS reports
# REPORTS reports
# REPORTSPERFDATA reports_perfdata
NEW $CHARTDIRECTORLIB into collector.pl
NEW $CHARTDIRECTORLIB into generateChart.pl , generateCollectorCrontabSchedulingReport.pl, generateCollectorDaemonSchedulingReport.pl & generatePluginCrontabSchedulingReport.pl
NEW check_template-SNMPTT.pl
NEW check_network_interface_traffic.pl
IMPROVED Status Message Error Displaying
ADD show comments
FIX regarding: Can't create emailReport
FIX snmptt-3.000.015.sql: Cannot dbh->do: DELETE FROM `snmptt_unknown_archive` WHERE archivetime < "1161727200"
ADD show comments
ADD short description
FIX Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at line 333
FIX Use of uninitialized value in split at line 79.
NEW Plugins (to edit short description, trendline, holiday bundle and uploading plugindoc)
FIX Use of uninitialized value in split at line 93.
FIX Possible precedence problem on bitwise & operator at line 117.
FIX switch startdate with enddate
ADD show comments
NEW Select 'Reports Perfdata'
NEW Reports Perfdata (to define the 'Performance Times' that are used by the automatically generated Reports)
FIX 'select SQL_NO_CACHE count(id) from crontabs' with 'select SQL_NO_CACHE count(lineNumber) from crontabs'
ADD short desription
FIX $notActivated = ($Cactivated) ? '' : ' not'; with $notActivated = ($CTactivated) ? '' : ' not';
integration with jUnit
NEW /plugins/jUnit/
NEW check_jUnit.pl
NEW create_ASNMTAP_jUnit_configuration_for_jUnit.pl
integration with SNMPTT
NEW /plugins/snmptt/
NEW check_SNMPTT_weblogic.pl
NEW create_ASNMTAP_weblogic_configuration_for_SNMP.pl
NEW create_weblogic_configuration_for_SNMPTT.pl
FIX snmptt_traps_remove_pending_and_duplicated.pl
NEW /plugins/templates/snmptt/
UPDATE create_weblogic_configuration_database_with_SNMP-3.000.015.SQL
NEW create_weblogic_configuration_database_with_SNMP-3.000.015_mysql-v5.0.x.SQL
NEW snmptt-bea-weblogic.conf
NEW snmptt-3.000.015.sql
NEW snmptt.ini
integration with NagTrap
NEW /applications/htmlroot/snmptraps
table plugins
ADD `shortDesription` text,
table reports
ADD `showComments` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD `showPerfdata` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
table reports_perfdata
NEW table reports_perfdata
Version 3.000.014, 2007/06/10, Makefile.PL
version update CPAN 1.9101
version update CPANPLUS 0.78
version update Config::General 2.32
version update DateTime 0.37
version update Email::Simple 1.999
version update ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.32
version update IO::Socket::SSL 1.040
version update Net::LDAP 0.34
version update Time::HiRes 1.9705
version update WSRF::Lite
NEW check_template-WebTransact-XML-Monitoring.pl
NEW check_template-WebTransact-XML-Monitoring.t
NEW check_template-WebTransact-with-client-authorization.pl
NEW check_template-WebTransact-with-client-authorization.t
updated INSTALLATION procedure
# VERSION 4.x # '4.x' or '5.0.x'
# MERGE 0 # '0' or '1'
optimalisation for MySQL queries
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications.pm & display.pl
FIX sound sanity .innerHTML bug with FireFox
UPDATE sound default set to 'off' when FireFox, otherwise default set to 'on'
UPDATE $TcommentData =~ s/[\n\r]+(Updated|Edited|Closed) by: (?:.+), (?:.+) \((?:.+)\) on (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/\n\r$1 on $2 $3/g;
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI.pm & archiver.pl
NEW $SERVERMYSQLVERSION = '4.x # '4.x' or '5.0.x'
NEW $SERVERMYSQLMERGE = '0' # '0' or '1'
UPDATE create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month with MERGE when $SERVERMYSQLMERGE = 1 for much faster year and quarter statistics
NEW create_NCPL_weblogic_configuration_for_SNMP.pl
NEW create_weblogic_configuration_database_with_SNMP.pl
NEW create_weblogic_configuration_database_with_SNMP.SQL
FIX regarding MIME-Encoding '7bit' and code optimalisation
NEW MIME-Encoding: '8bit', 'binhex', 'binary', 'x-gzip64', 'x-uu' & 'x-uuencode'
overview MIME-Encoding: '7bit', '8bit', 'quoted-printable', 'base64', 'binhex', 'binary', 'x-gzip64', 'x-uu' & 'x-uuencode'
NEW check_network_interface_status.pl
NEW snmptt_traps_remove_pending_and_duplicated.pl
NEW added basic authentication and credentials
NEW added soapaction and readable
NEW Inherited LWP user agent object: $objectWebTransact->ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
check_template-WebTransact-XML-Monitoring.pl & check_template-WebTransact-XML-Monitoring.t
NEW WebTransact plugin template for XML Monitoring
check_template-WebTransact-with-client-authorization.pl & check_template-WebTransact-with-client-authorization.t
NEW WebTransact plugin template with client authorization
add corresponding comments to the report
generateReports.pl & getArchivedReport.pl
add support for timeperiod
Version 3.000.013, 2007/02/25, ASNMTAP
add BEGIN { if ( $ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB} ) { eval 'use lib ( "$ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB}" )'; } }
FIX replace <script language="JavaScript..."> with <script language="JavaScript..." type="text/javascript">
UPDATE Mozilla/5.0 compatible
UPDATE CSE HTML Validator version 1.2.3 compatible
UPDATE CSS Level 2.1 compatible
UPDATE MySQL 5.0.x compatible
version update Bundle::DBD::mysql 4.001
version update CGI::Session 4.20
version update Compress::Zlib 2.003
version update Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 0.4
version update Crypt::SSLeay 0.53
version update Cwd 3.24
version update DateTime 0.36
version update Email::Simple 1.996
NEW ExtUtils::Autoconf 0.02
version update Getopt::Long 2.36
version update IO::Socket::SSL 1.02
version update Net::IMAP::Simple 1.16
version update Time::HiRes 1.9704
version update Time::Local 1.17
version update WSRF::Lite 0.8.1
version update XML::LibXML 1.62
NEW applications/sbin/bash_stop_root.sh
UPDATE move plugins/check_file-counter.pl to plugins/templates/check_file-counter.pl
UPDATE move plugins/check_sendAndReceiveMail.pl to plugins/templates/check_sendAndReceiveMail.pl
ATTENTION --> asnmtap-3.000.013.sql
NEW table `timeperiods`
NEW example for distributed monitoring
add `timeperiodID` int(11) NOT NULL default '1' at table reports
add KEY `timeperiodID` (`timeperiodID`), at table reports
add CONSTRAINT `reports_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`timeperiodID`) REFERENCES `timeperiods` (`timeperiodID`) at table reports
UPDATE replace 'KEY `pagedir` (`pagedir`),' with 'UNIQUE KEY `pagedir` (`pagedir`),' at table displayDaemons
FIX regarding 'Please re-enter entry date/time: Date/Time are into the future!'
FIX regarding 'Please re-enter solved date/time: Date/Time are into the future!'
crontab verify disable email when ...
By default cron jobs sends a email to the user account executing the cronjob.
Because this is not needed we put the following command At the end of the cron job line.
'> /dev/null (default)' or '> /dev/null 2>&1'
detailedStatisticsReportGenerationAndCompareResponsetimeTrends.pl, generateChart.pl & htmlToPdf.pl
add my $timeperiodID = (defined $cgi->param('timeperiodID')) ? $cgi->param('timeperiodID') : 'none';
add -c, --creationTime=<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS: year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds to use instead of the current time when --loop = F
add sort results by status, group, comments and then by time
FIX <\\/embed> added
FIX stop caching sound during refresh when sound off
FIX when downtime into the future, problem with the 'Condended View'
UPDATE replace '$TcommentData =~ s/<br><br>/<br>/g;' with '$TcommentData =~ s/(?:<br>)+/<br>/g;'
display.pl and plugins.pl
FIX interval/step must be greather then 0!
NEW Archived Displays
FIX all SQL select statements regarding *.activated = 1 and add when needed
added print text to fix rights regarding chmod 755 for new CollectorCT-.*sh or DisplayCT-.*sh script
added edit, delete, duplicate and maintenance button for 'Plugin' and 'Help Plugin Filename'
FIX Global symbol "$SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT" requires explicit package name at ./holidayBundleSetDowntimes.pl line 152.
making it possible to edit 'Help Plugin Filename' manual or by uploading and to clear with '<NIHIL>'
UPDATE doRequestedActions: added -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=$WWWKEYPATH/.ssh/known_hosts'
UPDATE advanced debug information
UPDATE making rsync version 2.6.7
UPDATE generateCollectorDaemonSchedulingReports.sh
UPDATE generateReports.sh
UPDATE holidayBundleSetDowntimes.sh
NEW bash_stop_root.sh
UPDATE perfparse_crontab.sh
UPDATE check_MySQL-database-replication.pl
replace '#!/usr/bin/perl' with '#!/usr/local/bin/perl'
FIX <\\/embed> added
FIX verify empty cgisess file at get_session_param () used by archive.pl
added Birthday, Firework, Halloween, Snowflake, Valentine, ... for view '/asnmtap/nav/index' or '/asnmtap/nav/test'
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Browser.js
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Falling.js
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Fireworks.js
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Fireworks2.js
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Halloween.js
NEW applications/htmlroot/JSFX_Layer.js
NEW timeperiods.pl
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins and ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::WebTransact
FIX debug information must be into the debug file '*.html' or '*.html-KnownError' but never into both
added info regarding keep_alive and SSL session resume
added do not proxy requests to the given domains. Calling no_proxy without any domains clears the list of domains.
NEW check_fs-stat.pl
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::WebTransact & runCmdOnDemand.pl
ADDED remove password from Basic Authentication URL before putting into database!
Version 3.000.012, 2006/12/20, Central and Distributed support
added common variable TYPEMONITORING to Asnmtap.cnf
updated: script om rechten (chmod en chown) te zetten
version update CPAN 1.8802 & CPANPLUS 0.076
version update ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.31
version update Module::AutoInstall 1.03
version update Bundle::DBI 1.53
version update CGI 3.25
version update Compress::Zlib 2.003
version update Config::General 2.31
version update Config::General::Interpolated 2.07
version update Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.24
version update Cwd 3.23
version update Data::Dumper 2.121
version update DateTime 0.35
version update DateTime::Format::W3CDTF 0.04
version update Device::Modem 1.47
version update Digest::MD5 2.36
version update Email::Simple 1.995
version update Getopt::Long 2.35
version update IO 1.23
NEW IO::Socket::SSL 1.01
version update MIME::Tools 5.420
version update NetAddr::IP 4.004
version update Net::FTP 2.75
version update Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper 0.09
NEW Net::SSLeay 1.30
version update Proc::ProcessTable 0.41
version update Sys::Hostname::Long 1.4
NEW Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
version update Test::Simple 0.47
version update Time::HiRes 1.94
version update Time::Local 1.13
version update XML::LibXML 1.61
version update XML::Simple 2.16
install 'ASNMTAP' with make install
PM - This hash will contain a list of all ASNMTAP files
A file full of regular expressions to exclude when using 'make manifest' to generate the MANIFEST.
used by 'make manifest' to build the file MANIFEST
also used by 'make skipcheck' & 'make distcheck'
Shared PERL & SSL support
added environment variable PERL5LIB, MANPATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH to Asnmtap.cnf
Windows Internet Explorer 7.0
tested and did look OK
replace `::VERSION = 3.000.xxx` with `::VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 3.000.015$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };`
replace `my $version = '3.000.xxx'` with `my $version = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 3.000.015$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };`
NEW purge_table.pl
add Environment after the Plugin Titles
add our %ENVIRONMENT = ('P'=>'Production', 'S'=>'Simulation', 'A'=>'Acceptation', 'T'=>'Test', 'D'=>'Development', 'L'=>'Local');
used into display.pl, comments.pl, contact.pl, getHelpPlugin.pl, info.pl, perfparse.pl, runCmdOnDemand.pl & users.pl
Applications.pod updated regarding 'perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/opt/asnmtap/cpan-shared'
FIX replace: _programGetOptions => [..., 'password|passwd|p=s', ...],
with : _programGetOptions => [..., 'password|p|passwd=s', ...],
FIX replace: push ( @{ $_[0]->{_programGetOptions} }, 'status|S:s', 'asnmtapEnv|A:s', 'onDemand|O:s', 'logging|L:s', 'debugfile|dumphttp|httpdump|D:s', 'debug|d:s' );
with : push ( @{ $_[0]->{_programGetOptions} }, 'status|S:s', 'asnmtapEnv|A:s', 'onDemand|O:s', 'logging|L:s', 'debugfile|D|dumphttp|httpdump:s', 'debug|d:s' );
check_memory-top.pl, now also Solaris 10 compatible
FIX '<environment>PROD</environment>' into check_template-mail-xml.pl & check_template-mail-xml-fingerprint-xml.pl
replaced 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; ASNMTAP; U;' with 'Mozilla/4.7 (compatible; ASNMTAP; U;'
NEW $ENV{HTTPS_VERSION} for v2, v3 and v23
NEW check_nagios-comments-cleanup.pl
NEW EPN (Embedded Perl Nagios) compatible
upgrade van version NPTest v1.11 to v1.13
replace NPTest->testCmd with ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::NPTest->testCmd
add ws-security through WSRF::Lite
based on 'Nagios::WebTransact' v0.14.1 & v0.16 from Stanley Hopcroft [Stanley.Hopcroft@IPAustralia.Gov.AU]
ATTENTION --> asnmtap-3.000.012.sql
NEW table `environment`
add `userPassword` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '' at table reports
remove `reportTitle` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' from table reports
add `downtimeScheduling` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' and `generatedReports` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' at table users
FIX Popup Calendar
replace document.forms[0].endDate with document.forms[1].endDate
add automatically the environment at the end off the title
collector.pl & display.pl
update atime and mtime from the PID file every timeslot
email message for started, stopped & reloaded
collectorCrontabSchedulingReports.pl & collectorDaemonSchedulingReports.pl
show only the Plugins regarding correspondending server
comments.pl & holidayBundleSetDowntimes.pl
Sending email for: Downtime Scheduling
Problem details: link to the correspondending 'Debug Report' when 'Format Output' equals 'HTML'
detailedStatisticsReportGenerationAndCompareResponsetimeTrends.pl, generateChart.pl & trendlineCorrectionReports.pl
replace round(avg(duration), 2) with round(avg(time_to_sec(duration)), 2) because of wrong averages
possibility for sound on/off
onderdrukking ledige groepen in full view
vermelden op welke probe een test wordt uitgevoerd
onderdrukken niet persistent downtimes in condenced view
mask password for '--dnPass=', used by check_template-ldap.pl
environment icons, exclaim popup window for plugins and comments
'In Progress'-animated icon replaced with 'In Progress'-static icon for faster display!
de debugrapporten onderaan de view enkel aanklikbaar maken als de file via rsync al aanwezig is op het moment van de display generatie, ter voorkoming van 404 errors.
add console messages: 'No Monitored Applications', 'All Monitored Applications are OK', '..., probably collector/config problems!' & , '..., probably database problems!'
add 'ServerID' into general view
add a checkbox, to choose output destination: HTML/PDF
getArchivedReport.pl & getArchivedResults.pl
YYYY/MM/DD notatie met voorloopnullen voor maand en dag
check for 'help plugin filenames' without plugin reference
check for plugins without or with missing 'help plugin filename'
looking after existing plugins that are not defined into the database plugins
verify that the defined plugins into the table plugins, exists and are executable
generate automatic the Rsync Mirror Distributed & Failover Scripts / Collector Daemon
ATTENTION --> - tested with HTMLDOC v1.8.27 and added --user-password password support
een plugin die disabled is waarvoor een rapport gevraagd wordt niet uitvoeren
specify F for --daysAfter means that the specified date will be used as the reportdate
generateReports.pl & generateCollectorDaemonSchedulingReports.pl
... already generated / will be generated
... generated / generation failed
generatedReports.pl, plugins & reports.pl
remove 'reportTitle'
get_ArchivedReport.pl & get_ArchivedResults.pl
replace 'Week #' with 'Week # from monday off week until sunday off week'
upload for Help Plugin Filename (PDF)
controle op '{}' bij ingeven van de value voor het veld 'Title:'
show only the Plugins regarding correspondending server
replace: rsync -e "ssh -i $KeyRsync" -a $Delete $AdditionalParams $Source $Target
with: ssh=<sshpath>; $Rsync -e "$ssh -i $KeyRsync" -a $Delete $AdditionalParams $Source $Target
mask password for '--dnPass=', used by check_template-ldap.pl
FIX 'Command: not found.' must be 'No Display|Collector daemons defined'
show only the Plugins regarding correspondending server and order by Title
Sending email for: Downtime Scheduling & Generated Reports
Version 3.000.011, 2006/09/16, ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications
add `environment` char(1) NOT NULL default 'L' to TABLE `plugins`
display.pl, plugins.pl & generateConfig.pl
add environment
add $perfParseMethode
NEW perfparse_asnmtap_pulp_command.pl
NEW perfparse_crontab.sh
FIX added activated = 1 to all sql queries
update SOAP::Lite to version 0.69
update MIME::Base64 to version 3.07
FIX replaced 'defined $som->fault' with 'defined $som and defined $som->fault'
NEW check_iowait.pl
NEW check_snmptt_traps.pl
Version 3.000.010, 2006/07/15, Trendline Correction Reports (for the Collector)
add /cgi-bin/moderator/trendlineCorrectionReports.pl
using CPAN with a non-root account for ASNMTAP
install procedure updated for Linux and Solaris
perl cpan module version and install procedure updates
FIX regarding debug mode and wrong use of EMAILREPORT
add $givenNameLoggedOn & $familyNameLoggedOn to email message
make openPngImage firefox size compatible
add ASNMTAPUSER=asnmtap
generateCollectorCrontabSchedulingReport.pl & generateCollectorDaemonSchedulingReport.pl
FIX when ! defined $numberOfLabels
FIX removed '/etc' from 'servername:/asnmtap-3.000.xxx/applications/master/etc/CollectorCT-...sh reload'
add Administrator to email message
add Proc::ProcessTable to CGI perl prerequisites list
add fields percentage and tolerance
replaced 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;' with 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;'
De XP-versie als 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'
De plusversie kan worden herkend als 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)'
CREATE TABLE `plugins` (
`trendline` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `percentage` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '25',
+ `tolerance` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '5',
`step` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
Version 3.000.009, 2006/06/01, ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::WebTransact
RFC 1738 optimalisations
add '500 SSL negotiation failed'
add Perfdata_Label => 'IMAGE URL' to _download_images()
email SUBJECT changed to Display/Collector for the 'Application Monitoring'@HOSTNAME: ...
NPTest, v1.11
Will die if signal received from a testCmd
FIX First day current week epoch date
FIX regarding date.utc() - The month (0=Jan - 11=Dec)
replaced 'suspentionDate.substring(5, 7);' with 'suspentionDate.substring(5, 7) - 1;'
NEW, generating automatically Collector Daemon Scheduling PDF Reports
database asnmtap, table plugins and crontab
`arguments` from varchar(100) to varchar(254)
`argumentsOndemand` from varchar(100) to varchar(254)
Version 3.000.008, 2006/05/01, ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail
add 7bit mime decoding
making W3C XHTML compatible
add gzip decompression
add Keep-Alive support for HTTP/1.1
add protocol
indent_level depricated
FIX missing title chart
FIX missing mkdir etc for distributed systems
making W3C XHTML compatible
Version 3.000.007, 2006/04/09, FIX for Applications.cnf
FIX for _download_images
add IMAP4 support
Version 3.000.006, 2006/03/18, ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::IO
ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications
ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI
ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::Display
ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::Collector
- Mail::POP3Client instead of Net::POP3
replace $pop3->delete with $pop3->Delete in your mail scripts!!!
- MIME::Tools
Asnmtap plugins added:
- check_file-counter.pl
- check_template-mail.pl
- check_template-mail-fingerprint-xml.pl
- check_template-mail-xml-fingerprint-xml.pl
- check_template-mail-xml-fingerprint-xml-monitoring.pl
- check_template-mail-xml.pl
- check_sendAndReceiveMail.pl
Nagios plugins added:
- check_memory-free.pl
- check_memory-top.pl
- check_nagios-comments-cleanup.pl
- check_snmptt_traps.pl
- check_swap.pl
- check_swap-allocated.pl
Getopt::Long::Configure ('bundling', 'pass_through')
- 'pass_through' added
Tested on:
- Cygwin
- Solaris 2.8-2.9
- Freebsd 6.1
- Linux 2.4.21-37.EL (Centos 3.x)
- Linux 2.6.9-22.0.2.EL (Centos 4.x)
Version 3.000.005, 2006/02/26
check_MySQL-database-replication.pl (MySQL database replication)
Bit::Vector 6.3
Date::Calc 5.4
Date::Calc instead of unix data command
Making ASNMTAP CPAN module perl 5.8.0, 5.8.5 and 5.8.6 compatible
For perl versions before 5.8.5, then you must change into Asnmtap.cnf from 'CAPTUREOUTPUT 1' to 'CAPTUREOUTPUT 0' !!!
ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::getOptionsType() added
ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Modem added
All : IO::Handle 1.20
Device::Modem 1.43
Linux or some kind of unix machine:
Device::SerialPort 1.002
Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper 0.05
Windows: Win32::SerialPort 0.19
Win32::API 0.41
Win32::RASE 1.01
Version 3.000.004, 2006/02/12, ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail added
Making ASNMTAP CPAN module perl 5.8.5 and 5.8.6 compatible
Tested on:
- Cygwin
- Solaris 5.9
- Linux 2.4.21-37.EL (Centos 3.x)
- Linux 2.6.9-22.0.2.EL (Centos 4.x)
- many dependencies checks added
Version 3.000.003, 2006/02/03, ASNMTAP CPAN module
This ASNMTAP CPAN library and Plugin templates are free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The other parts of ASNMTAP may be used and modified free of charge by anyone
so long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By
using this code you agree to indemnify Alex Peeters from any liability that
might arise from it's use.
Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly
forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off
of my program.
Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or
in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.
Version 3.000.002, 2006/01/08, we actually started a total rewrite into Object Oriented Perl: ASNMTAP Package Object Oriented Perl
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Time
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Modem
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Nagios
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::WebTransact
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::XML
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Version 3.000.001, 2006/01/01, we actually started a total rewrite of v2.002.000: ASNMTAP Package
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Time
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::Display
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::Collector
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Nagios
package ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::WebTransact
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Version 2.000.000 - 2.002.000, 2004/12/29 - 2005/12/31
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Version 1.xxx.xxx, 2003/08/16 - 2004/12/10
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -