NAME Test::Parallel - simple object interface to launch unit test in parallel


version 0.10


Test::Parallel is a simple object interface used to launch test in parallel. It uses Parallel::ForkManager to launch tests in parallel and get the results.

Alias for basic methods are available

ok is isnt like unlike cmp_ok is_deeply


It can be used nearly the same way as Test::More

use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::Parallel;

my $p = Test::Parallel->new();

# queue some tests that can be parallelized
$p->ok( sub { 1 }, "can do ok" );
$p->is( sub { 42 }, 42, "can do is" );
$p->isnt( sub { 42 }, 51, "can do isnt" );
$p->like( sub { "abc" }, qr{ab}, "can do like: match ab");
$p->unlike( sub { "abc" }, qr{xy}, "can do unlike: match ab");
$p->cmp_ok( sub { 'abc' }, 'eq', 'abc', "can do cmp ok");
$p->cmp_ok( sub { '1421' }, '==', 1_421, "can do cmp ok");
$p->is_deeply( sub { [ 1..15 ] }, [ 1..15 ], "can do is_deeply");

# run the tests in background



Create a new Test::Parallel object. By default it will use the number of cores you have as a maximum limit of parallelized job, but you can control this value with two options : - max_process : set the maximum process to this value - max_process_per_cpu : set the maximum process per cpu, this value will be multiplied by the number of cpu ( core ) avaiable on your server

my $p = Test::Parallel->new()
    or Test::Parallel->new( max_process => N )
    or Test::Parallel->new( max_process_per_cpu => P )


Same as Test::More::ok but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::is but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::isnt but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::like but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::unlike but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::cmp_ok but need a code ref in first argument


Same as Test::More::is_deeply but need a code ref in first argument


You can manually add some code to be launched in parallel, but if you uses this method you will need to manipulate yourself the final result.

Prefer using one of the following methods :

ok is isnt like unlike cmp_ok is_deeply


will run and wait for all jobs added you do not need to use this method except if you prefer to add jobs yourself and manipulate the results


you need to call this function when you are ready to launch all jobs in bg
this method will call run and also check results with Test::More


get an array of results, in the same order of jobs


alias to results