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Email::ExactTarget - Interface to ExactTarget's API.
Version 1.3.0
This module allows you to interact with Exact Target, an Email Service Provider. It encapsulates all the communications with the API provided by Exact Target to offer a Perl interface for managing lists and subscribers amongst other features.
Please note that you will need to register with Exact Target first in order to obtain an API key and password, as well as agree with the Terms and Conditions for using the API.
use Email::ExactTarget;
# Create an object to communicate with Exact Target
my $exact_target = Email::ExactTarget->new(
'username' => 'dummyusername',
'password' => 'dummypassword',
'all_subscribers_list_id' => 'dummyid',
'verbose' => 1,
'unaccent' => 1,
Create a new Exact Target object that will be used as the interface with Exact Target's API.
my $exact_target = Email::ExactTarget->new(
'username' => 'dummyusername',
'password' => 'dummypassword',
'all_subscribers_list_id' => 'dummyid',
'verbose' => 2,
'unaccent' => 1,
Creates a new object to communicate with Exact Target.
'username' and 'password' are mandatory.
'all_subscribers_list_id' is mandatory and is the ID of the "All Subscriber" list, which you can find by looking at the properties of that list in Exact Target's backend.
The verbose parameter is optional and defaults to not verbose.
The 'unaccent' parameter is optional and defaults to 0. See the documentation for unaccent() for more information.
Create a new Email::ExactTarget::SubscriberOperations object, which will allow interacting with collections of Email::ExactTarget::Subscriber objects.
my $subscriber_operations = $exact_target->subscriber_operations();
Exact Target charges a fee to allow accentuated characters to be passed through their API, and otherwise turns them into question marks (for example, "Jérôme" would become "J?r?me"). The alternative is to preemptively transform accentuated characters from the messages sent to Exact Target into their unaccentuated version("Jérôme" would thus become "Jerome"), which is free and degrades in an nicer way. To enable that automatic conversion to unaccentuated characters, set this to 1.
$exact_target->unaccent( 1 );
if ( $exact_target->unaccent() )
# [...]
Control the verbosity of the warnings in the code.
$exact_target->verbose( 1 ); # turn on verbose information
$exact_target->verbose( 0 ); # quiet now!
warn 'Verbose' if $exact_target->verbose(); # getter-style
Returns the ID of the "All Subscribers" list associated with the current object.
my $all_subscribers_list_id = $exact_target->get_all_subscribers_list_id();
Return a boolean indicating whether the test environment is used in requests.
my $use_test_environment = $exact_target->use_test_environment();
See http://wiki.memberlandingpages.com/API_References/Web_Service_Guide/Methods/GetSystemStatus
Returns the system status information given by the webservice.
Return example:
'StatusCode' => 'OK',
'SystemStatus' => 'OK',
'StatusMessage' => 'System Status Retrieved',
Internal, formats the SOAP call with the arguments provided and checks the reply.
my ( $error, $response_data ) = $exact_target->soap_call(
'action' => $method,
'arguments' => $arguments,
By default, only basic tests that do not require a connection to ExactTarget's platform are run in t/.
To run the developper tests, you will need todo the following:
Request access to the test environment from ExactTarget (recommended) unless you want to run the tests in your production environment (definitely NOT recommended).
Ask ExactTarget to enable the webservice access for you, if not already set up. It appears to be a customer-level property only ExactTarget can change.
In ExactTarget's interface, you will need to log in as an admin, then go to the "Admin" tab, "Account Settings > My Users". Then create a user with "API User" set to "Yes".
Go to the "Subscribers" tab, then "My Subscribers". If you look at the properties for the list named "All Subscribers", you will see a field named "ID". This is your "All Subscribers List ID", make a note of it.
Back to "My Subscribers", create at least two new lists and make a note of their IDs.
You can now create a file named ExactTargetConfig.pm in your own directory, with the following content:
package ExactTargetConfig;
sub new
username => 'username', # The username of the test account you created.
password => 'password', # The password of the test account you created.
all_subscribers_list_id => '000000', # The "All Subscribers List ID".
verbose => 0,
unaccent => 1,
use_test_environment => 1,
test_lists =>
# The IDs of the test lists you created.
You will then be able to run all the tests included in this distribution, after adding the path to ExactTargetConfig.pm to your library paths.
Guillaume Aubert, <aubertg at cpan.org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-email-exacttarget at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Email-ExactTarget. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Email::ExactTarget
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RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Thanks to ThinkGeek (http://www.thinkgeek.com/) and its corporate overlords at Geeknet (http://www.geek.net/), for footing the bill while I eat pizza and write code for them!
Copyright 2009-2012 Guillaume Aubert.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 151:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '"Jérôme"'. Assuming CP1252