Changes for version v1.8.1
- (RT #78640) Added Queue::DBI::Element->is_over_lifetime().
- (RT #78640) Changed 'lifetime' parameter in Queue::DBI->purge() to be more consistent with retrieve_batch() and 'max_requeue_count', thanks Sergey for noticing!
- Fixed MySQL-specific reference when retrieving the inserted queue element ID.
- Added Queue::DBI::Element->get_created_time().
- Fixed lifetime() to return undef if 'lifetime' is not set.
- Fixed max_requeue_count() to return undef when 'max_requeue_count' is not set.
- Fixed incorrect table name used in a failure case of success().
- Cleaned up build_requires and requires.
A queueing module with an emphasis on safety, using DBI as a storage system for queued data.
An object representing an element pulled from the queue.