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use 5.008007;
use EV::MakeMaker qw/ev_args/;
package MY;
sub test_via_harness {
my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_;
local $_ = $self->SUPER::test_via_harness($perl, $tests);
return $_;
sub test_via_script {
my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_;
local $_ = $self->SUPER::test_via_script($perl, $tests);
return $_;
my $otherldflags = '';
my $convert_deps = 1;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-DEBUG=?(\d*)$/) {
my $n = $1 || 1;
my $opt = "OPTIMIZE=-DDEBUG=$n -g";
# with 5.12.1 and the -DDEBUGGING flag:
# dyld: Symbol not found: _Perl_pad_sv
$opt .= ($] >= 5.012_001) ? '' : ' -DDEBUGGING';
$ARGV[0] = $opt;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-PROFILE') {
shift @ARGV;
$ARGV[0] = "OPTIMIZE=-g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage";
$otherldflags = '-lgcov';
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-PROFILEUSE') {
$ARGV[0] = "OPTIMIZE=-g -O3 -fprofile-use";
$otherldflags = '-fprofile-use';
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-CPAN') {
$convert_deps = 0;
# Convert optional Plack and other dependencies to a real dependency if it's
# present at build-time. (Fix:
my %want = (
'Plack' => 0.995,
'JSON::XS' => 2.0,
'Test::LeakTrace' => 0.13,
'Test::TCP' => 1.12,
'Test::SharedFork'=> 0.25,
my %have;
if ($convert_deps) {
local $@;
while (my ($pkg,$ver) = each %want) {
$have{$pkg} = eval "require $pkg; \$$pkg\::VERSION >= $ver";
# Set this to false if you get core-dumps. Gives a pretty good perf boost for
# simple responses. Look for FEERSUM_STEAL in the code to see what this does.
# In a nutshell: certain temporary values passed in as the body of a response
# have their string-value "stolen". This very much doesn't work under threaded
# perl (5.8.7 and 5.12.1 were tested) and probably doesn't work prior to
# 5.12.0.
use Config;
my $steal = ($] >= 5.012 && !defined($Config{useithreads}));
NAME => 'Feersum',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Feersum.pm',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Feersum.pm',
AUTHOR => 'Jeremy Stashewsky <stash@cpan.org>',
LICENSE => 'perl',
'EV' => 4.00,
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.51,
'AnyEvent' => 5.261,
'Guard' => 1.012,
'Test::More' => 0.94,
'Test::Fatal' => 0.003,
map { $_ => $want{$_} } grep { /^Test::/ && $have{$_} } keys %want
'EV' => 4.00,
'Scalar::Util' => 1.19,
'HTTP::Entity::Parser' => '0.20',
map { $_ => $want{$_} } grep { !/^Test::/ && $have{$_} } keys %want
recommends => {
map { $_ => $want{$_} } grep { !$have{$_} } keys %want
resources => {
'no_index' => {directory => ['eg','picohttpparser-git']},
LIBS => [''],
EXE_FILES => ['bin/feersum'],
DEFINE => ($steal ? '-DFEERSUM_STEAL' : ''),
INC => '-I.',
dynamic_lib => {OTHERLDFLAGS => $otherldflags},