unless ( defined &utf8::encode ) {
plan skip_all => 'No Unicode support' ;
exit ;
our $HAS_JSON = 0;
eval { require JSON; $HAS_JSON = 1 }; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my @tests = (
'"foo"' ,
'[1, 2, 3]' ,
'[1, 2, 3]' ,
'2' ,
'2.1' ,
'"foo\'bar"' ,
'[1,2,3]' ,
'[1.1, 2.2, 3.3]' ,
'[1.1,2.2,3.3]' ,
'{"foo": "bar"}' ,
'{"foo":"bar"}' ,
'[{"foo": 2}, {"foo": "bar"}]' ,
qq("\xe5\xaa\xbe") ,
'null' ,
'{"foo":null}' ,
'""' ,
'[null,null]' ,
'["",null]' ,
'{"foo":""}' ,
'["\"://\""]' ,
'"~foo"' ,
plan tests => scalar @tests * (2 + $HAS_JSON ) * 2;
for my $single_quote (0, 1) {
for my $unicode (0, 1) {
local $JSON::Syck::SingleQuote = $single_quote ;
local $JSON::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = $unicode ;
for my $test_orig ( @tests ) {
my $test = $test_orig ;
if ( $single_quote ) {
$test =~ s/ '/\\' /g;
$test =~ s/"/'/g;
my $data = eval { JSON::Syck::Load( $test ) };
my $json = JSON::Syck::Dump( $data );
utf8::encode( $json ) if ! ref ( $json ) && $unicode ;
for ( $test , $json ) {
s/([,:]) /$1/eg;
my $desc = "roundtrip $test -> " . Dumper( $data ) . " -> $json" ;
utf8::encode( $desc );
is $json , $test , $desc ;
if ( $HAS_JSON and ! $single_quote ) {
$SIG {__WARN__} = sub { 1 };
utf8::encode( $data ) if defined ( $data ) && ! ref ( $data ) && $unicode ;
my $data_pp = eval { JSON::jsonToObj( $json ) };
is_deeply $data_pp , $data , "compatibility with JSON.pm $test" ;