Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
use t::TestYAML ();
unless (defined &utf8::encode) {
plan skip_all => 'No Unicode support';
our $HAS_JSON = 0;
eval { require JSON; $HAS_JSON = 1 };
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my @tests = (
'[1, 2, 3]',
'[1, 2, 3]',
'[1.1, 2.2, 3.3]',
'{"foo": "bar"}',
'[{"foo": 2}, {"foo": "bar"}]',
plan tests => scalar @tests * (2 + $HAS_JSON) * 2;
for my $single_quote (0, 1) {
for my $unicode (0, 1) {
local $JSON::Syck::SingleQuote = $single_quote;
local $JSON::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = $unicode;
for my $test_orig (@tests) {
my $test = $test_orig;
if ($single_quote) {
$test =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$test =~ s/"/'/g;
my $data = eval { JSON::Syck::Load($test) };
my $json = JSON::Syck::Dump($data);
utf8::encode($json) if !ref($json) && $unicode;
# don't bother white spaces
for ($test, $json) {
s/([,:]) /$1/eg;
my $desc = "roundtrip $test -> " . Dumper($data) . " -> $json";
is $json, $test, $desc;
# try parsing the data with JSON.pm
if ($HAS_JSON and !$single_quote) {
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { 1 };
utf8::encode($data) if defined($data) && !ref($data) && $unicode;
my $data_pp = eval { JSON::jsonToObj($json) };
is_deeply $data_pp, $data, "compatibility with JSON.pm $test";