Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil - standalone utilities for distance tree calculations


This package contains a set of utilities for running phylogenetic analysis on text collations.


character_input( $alignment_table )

Returns a character matrix string suitable for Phylip programs, which corresponds to the given alignment table. See Text::Tradition::Collation for a description of the alignment table format.

phylip_pars( $character_matrix )

Runs Phylip Pars on the given character matrix. Returns results in Newick format.

parse_newick( $newick_string )

Parses the given Newick tree(s) into one or more undirected Graph objects.

newick_to_svg( $newick_string )

Uses the FigTree utility (if installed) to transform the given Newick tree(s) into a graph visualization.


This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Tara L Andrews <>