IO::Prompt - Interactively prompt for user input
This document describes version 0.01 of IO::Prompt, released September 28, 2004.
use IO::Prompt;
while( prompt "next: " ) {
print "You said '$_'\n";
By default, this module exports a single function prompt
. It prompts the user to enter some input, and returns an object that represents the user input.
You may specify various flags to the function to affect its behaviour; most notably, it defaults to automatically chomp
the input, unless the -line
flag is specified.
Two other functions are exported at request: hand_print
, which simulates hand-typing to the console; and get_input
, which is the lower-level function that actually prompts the user for a suitable input.
Please consult the examples directory from this module's CPAN distribution to better understand how to make use of this module.
Arguments to prompt
Flag Long form Arg Effect
---- --------- --- ------
<str> Use <str> as prompt
<filehandle> Prompt to specified filehandle
<hashref> Flatten hash entries into argument list
(useful for aggregating the options below)
-p -prompt <str> Specify prompt explicitly
-s -speed <num> Simulated typing speed (seconds/char)
-e -echo <str> What to echo for each char typed
-nl -newline <str> When a newline is typed, echo <str> instead
-d -default <str> What to return if only <return> pressed
-r -require <hashref> Each value of each entry must 'smartmatch'
the input else corresponding key is printed
as error message:
- Subs must return true when passed input
- Regexes must pattern match input
- Strings must eq match input
- Arrays are flattened & recursively matched
- Hashes must return true for input as key
-u -until <str|rgx> Fail if input matches <str|regex>
-w -while <str|rgx> Fail unless input matches <str|regex>
-1 -onechar Return immediately after first char typed
-w -wipe Clear screen before prompt
-f -wipefirst Clear screen before first prompt only
-a -argv Load @ARGV from input if @ARGV empty
-l -line Don't autochomp
-t -tty Prompt to terminal no matter what
-y -yes Return true if [yY] entered, false otherwise
-yn -yesno Return true if [yY], false if [nN]
-Y -Yes Return true if 'Y' entered, false otherwise
-YN -YesNo Return true if 'Y', false if 'N'
-num -number Accept only valid numbers as input
-i -integer Accept only valid integers as input
Flags can be "cuddled". For example:
prompt("next: ", -tyn1s=>0.2) # -tty, -yes, -no, -onechar, -speed=>0.2
Currently, there are no meaningful tests and documentation for this module. Contributions will be very much appreciated.
Damian Conway (
Autrijus Tang <>, Brian Ingerson <>.
Copyright (c) 2004, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.