OurNet::Cell - An ONTP Cell.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use OurNet::Cell;
$OurNet::Cell::Debug = 1;
my $daemon = OurNet::Cell->new('Daemon', 1);
my $storage = OurNet::Cell->new('Storage', 1);
$storage->hook('READ.DATA', sub {$_[0]->unicast($_[1], 'WRITE.DATA',
$_[2], $_[0]->{'var'}{$_[1]}{$_[2]})});
$storage->hook('WRITE.DATA', sub {$_[0]->{'var'}{$_[1]}{$_[2]} = $_[3]});
$storage->contact(undef, 'localhost') or die;
my $fetch = OurNet::Cell->new('Fetch', 1);
$fetch->hook('WRITE.DATA', sub {print "\n$_[2] is $_[3].\n"});
$fetch->contact(undef, 'localhost') or die;
$remote = 'Storage';
$fetch->contact($remote) or die;
$fetch->unicast($remote, 'WRITE.DATA', 'Test', 'successful');
RunCells 1;
$fetch->unicast($remote, 'READ.DATA', 'Test');
RunCells 1;
OurNet::Cell provides a cross-platform, socket-based approach to built a real-time, state-based, free-form inter-net information-sharing object-model. (please-insert random-hype right-here).
Prior to v0.1, this is highly experimental and unstable. Comments are intentionally lacking -- you shouldn't bother with this module unless you're 1) interested in concurrent mobile agent development, 2) a perl guru, and 3) having a lot of time to spare.
- Cross-protocol support
UDP and HTTP support (at least) should be in contact() and daemonize().
- Multicast
A multicast routing algorithm is under testing.
- Findhook and Installhook
These two are crucial to its emulation to true 'cell' behaviour.
- Spawn
Spawning-on-demanded is expected to function well, but need closer inspection as to how it affects smart load-balancing.
Autrijus Tang <>
Copyright 2000 by Autrijus Tang <>.
All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify this module under the same terms as Perl itself for non-commercial uses.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 529:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'