=message_reply send \x12 wait ¹L¥h send $[message]\n wait [Y/n] send \n exit

# XXX: check if the cursor points to the recipient! =message_send call talk_users send / wait ¥N¸¹¡G send $[receiver]\n send w wait Call-In send $[message]\n wait [Y/n] send \n exit

=talk_users call talk send u\n wait m/¥ð¶¢²á¤Ñ|¦n¤Í¦Cªí/ till (TAB/f)

=talk_users_refresh send \x15 wait ¥ð¶¢²á¤Ñ till (TAB/f) exit

=chat_enter call talk send c\no\n\n wait \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00

=chat_room send /j $[room]\n wait [$[room]] exit

=chat_say send $[message]\n wait $[message] exit

=chat_listen wait ;1H\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 till :\x20 or *\x20 till \e[ exit

=chat_leave send /bye\n wait [C] send c\n goto main

=chat_message_send send /m $[caller] $[message]\n wait $[message] exit

=query_user call talk_users send / wait ¥N¸¹¡G send $[id]\n send q wait ¡m¢×¢Ò¼ÊºÙ¡n till Ä~Äò send \x20 exit

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 9:

Unknown directive: =message

Around line 10:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '\e[K\e[1;33;46m¡¹'. Assuming CP1252

Around line 37:

Unknown directive: =talk