=mood_get call configure send m\n wait ¥Ø«e¤ß±¡\x20\e[1;31m\x20 till \x20\e[ wait ²Ä´X¶µ¡G send \n exit
=mood_set call configure send m\n wait ²Ä´X¶µ¡G send 0\n$[mood]\n exit
=mail_send call mail send s\n wait ¥N¸¹¡G send $[receiver]\n wait ¥DÃD¡G send $[subject]\n wait ½s¿è¤å³¹ send $[content]\x18 wait Àɮ׳B²z send s\n\n wait ©³½Z doif $[savelocal] send \n else send n\n endo send \n
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 9:
Unknown directive: =configure
- Around line 12:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '¨ä¥L¥\¯à'. Assuming CP1252
- Around line 31:
Unknown directive: =mail