=board_list_last call board $[board] send 1\n\x24h\x20 # 1, $, h, space wait ªO¥D¡G wait \x0d> till / exit

=board_article_fetch_first call board $[board] send $[article]\n\n wait \e[2J till \e[0;37;44m ÂsÄý or \e[37;44m ¤å³¹¿ïŪ till ¨D§U or ¦^À³ wait ¡ö(q)\e[30mµ²§ô\x20\e[m or ·j´M§@ªÌ\x20\e[0m exit

=board_article_fetch_next send \x20 till \e[0;37;44m ÂsÄý or \e[37;44m ¤å³¹¿ïŪ till ¨D§U or ¦^À³ wait ¡ö(q)\e[30mµ²§ô\x20\e[m or ·j´M§@ªÌ\x20\e[0m exit

=board_article_fetch_last send c till ªO¥D¡G exit

5 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 12:

Unknown directive: =login

Around line 13:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '¥N¸¹¡G'. Assuming CP1252

Around line 21:

Unknown directive: =main

Around line 26:

Unknown directive: =logoff

Around line 31:

Unknown directive: =board