=board_list_last call board $[board] send 1\n\x24 wait \x0d> till \x20 exit

=board_article_fetch_first call board $[board] send $[article]\n\n wait \e[J till \e[1;44;31m[¾\Ū¤å³¹] or \e[1;44;32m¤U­±ÁÙ¦³³á till µ²§ô wait m/\^X\x20?©Î\x20?p\x20\e\[m/ or ¢x\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\e[m exit

=board_article_fetch_next send \x20 till \e[1;44;31m[¾\Ū¤å³¹] or \e[1;44;32m¤U­±ÁÙ¦³³á till µ²§ô wait m/\^X\x20?©Î\x20?p\x20\e\[m/ or ¢x\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\e[m exit

=board_article_fetch_last send q wait $[statustail] exit

=article_post_raw call board $[board] send \x10 wait ¼ÐÃD: send $[title]\n wait ±µ¨ü: send \n wait ¨D±Ï send $[body] send \eg wait ²Ä´X¦æ send 1\n send \x19\x19\x19\x19 send \x18 wait µoªí send \n wait $[statustail] exit

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 17:

Unknown directive: =login

Around line 24:

Unknown directive: =board

Around line 27:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '°Ï¦W'. Assuming CP1252